Estimating the selling price of used furniture can be difficult. Of course, you can't sell them at the same purchase price, but you can't sell them off knowing that you can make more money from them. Also, determining the value of your furniture will help you decide whether to sell it or not. When you have done this, you will be calmer.

Step 1. Determine the style of your used furniture
- If the style of the furniture is particular you can ask for a higher price than normal furniture. However, you may find it difficult to sell them if it is dated furniture or is intended for a restricted trade.
- Antique and retro furniture is in demand, so you may be able to sell it by raising the price slightly.
- Even simple furniture is easy to sell because it easily matches many interior styles. So you can use a slightly higher price for this type of furniture as well.

Step 2. Determine the size of your used furniture
- It is much easier to sell smaller furniture because it is easier to transport. In addition, they can also be used in confined rooms or apartments. Therefore, you can earn more by selling furniture that is not too large.
- Furniture that is too large is often uncomfortable, and the buyer will have to pay a transport fee. Also, it may be difficult to fix them at home. So keep these things in mind when determining its value.

Step 3. Determine the quality of the furniture used
- Look at the furniture you want to sell and put yourself in the buyer's shoes. Practical? Comfortable? In good condition? If it is aesthetically appealing furniture, you can place a higher value on it.
- The state of the furniture is sometimes more important than its functions. For example, it is easier to sell a simple piece of furniture in good condition than an antique in very poor condition.

Step 4. Consider the market value of new furniture that is similar to yours
It is good to estimate used furniture by considering 20-30% of the value of new furniture that is similar to yours.