How to Dry Acorns to Use for DIY

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How to Dry Acorns to Use for DIY
How to Dry Acorns to Use for DIY

Acorns, oak nuts, are a food harvested around the world that can be eaten raw or used for cooking. Acorns usually ripen and fall in September and October. They are usually found in abundance and are therefore also used for crafts. Children can use them to make murals, buttons and other creations, while adults can use them to frame mirrors and to make candle holders. Whatever goal you have in mind, there are steps you should take to dry acorns so you can use them for artistic purposes. In fact, insects could hide inside the shell: fortunately it is possible to remove the risk of future problems of this type in a practical and safe way. This article will show you the best technique for drying acorns and preparing them for reuse.


Dry Acorns for Crafts Step 1
Dry Acorns for Crafts Step 1

Step 1. Collect the acorns from the red and white oaks, if possible as soon as they have fallen from the tree

You may find greens, beiges, and browns. The longer they stay on the ground, the higher the chance that they will be attacked by insects.

Acorns are an important part of squirrels' nutrition. These critters are very quick to collect the best acorns and you will be able to see them hunting as they mature

Dry Acorns for Crafts Step 2
Dry Acorns for Crafts Step 2

Step 2. Soak the acorns in a bowl of water to rinse them

Brush them gently using a nylon brush to remove dirt, insect larvae and leaves.

Dry Acorns for Crafts Step 3
Dry Acorns for Crafts Step 3

Step 3. Arrange the acorns on a towel and let them dry for an hour

Throw away any that immediately start to mold and wither. They are sick and will not look good in your DIY projects.

If you find small holes on some of the acorns, it means that bugs have entered them. Either way the drying process will kill the insects inside, so it's up to you to decide whether to use them or throw them away

Dry Acorns for Crafts Step 4
Dry Acorns for Crafts Step 4

Step 4. Heat the oven to 90 ° C

Arrange the acorns on a baking sheet. Then place them in the preheated oven.

Dry Acorns for Crafts Step 5
Dry Acorns for Crafts Step 5

Step 5. Leave the oven door slightly open

This will allow the water vapor to escape from the core of the acorns as they dry out.

Dry Acorns for Crafts Step 6
Dry Acorns for Crafts Step 6

Step 6. Turn the acorns every 30 minutes

Leave them in the oven for 90/120 minutes to ensure they dry completely. Once dry, remove them from the oven.

Dry Acorns for Crafts Step 6
Dry Acorns for Crafts Step 6

Step 7. Turn off the oven

Discard any acorns that have burned in the drying process. Let them cool for about an hour before trying to use them.

Dry Acorns for Crafts Step 7
Dry Acorns for Crafts Step 7

Step 8. Use acorns for DIY

You can glue them using regular glue or hot glue. Look for inspiration on how to use the acorns available to you in magazines, online and in DIY books.


  • Acorns that are dried in this way can also be eaten. Typically, however, the process of drying the acorns for eating takes place by letting them air dry for weeks or months. Allowing acorns to dry out too much can cause them to lose moisture and freshness. In fact, it is possible to eat them only for one or two months after having completely dried them.
  • If you choose to let the acorns air dry, be sure to store them in a place where they can't be reached by squirrels, insects, and other harmful pests.