How To Prevent Headphone Threads From Tangling Using Embroidery Thread

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How To Prevent Headphone Threads From Tangling Using Embroidery Thread
How To Prevent Headphone Threads From Tangling Using Embroidery Thread

If you are one of the millions of people who are fed up with always finding themselves with the wire of the headphones tangled, there is a solution. You no longer have to spend hours and hours trying to untangle cables. All you have to do is learn how to make a spiral bracelet and get some embroidery thread.


Part 1 of 3: Prepare the Headphones

Make Tangle Free Headphones with Embroidery Floss Step 1
Make Tangle Free Headphones with Embroidery Floss Step 1

Step 1. Check for any exposed and damaged cables

Rather than spending the next 20-30 minutes trying to cover the cord with embroidery floss only to find that it is broken, check the condition first. Throw away any broken headphones and buy a new one.

Make Tangle Free Headphones with Embroidery Floss Step 2
Make Tangle Free Headphones with Embroidery Floss Step 2

Step 2. Measure the length of the headphones, including the earphones

This way you can get the right length of line.

Part 2 of 3: Prepare the Wire

Make Tangle Free Headphones with Embroidery Floss Step 3
Make Tangle Free Headphones with Embroidery Floss Step 3

Step 1. Cut the required length of wire according to the measurements made earlier

Make sure you cut the thread without fraying it.

  • Cut a little longer than necessary, you never know.

    Make Tangle Free Headphones with Embroidery Floss Step 3Bullet1
    Make Tangle Free Headphones with Embroidery Floss Step 3Bullet1
Make Tangle Free Headphones with Embroidery Floss Step 4
Make Tangle Free Headphones with Embroidery Floss Step 4

Step 2. Double knot the threads to tie them together

Consider the idea of starting at the base where the headphone plug is.

Make Tangle Free Headphones with Embroidery Floss Step 5
Make Tangle Free Headphones with Embroidery Floss Step 5

Step 3. Stabilize the headphone wire

Tie the wire to a clipboard to stabilize it or tape it to a flat surface. This way, we will prevent it from wandering around while we work.

Part 3 of 3: Wrap the Wire

Make Tangle Free Headphones with Embroidery Floss Step 6
Make Tangle Free Headphones with Embroidery Floss Step 6

Step 1. Divide the wire into 3

Division by three is recommended, but if you want you can divide it into several parts

Make Tangle Free Headphones with Embroidery Floss Step 7
Make Tangle Free Headphones with Embroidery Floss Step 7

Step 2. Intertwine

Crimp one color thread with another color thread. After that, cross it under the third. Pull the thread through the loop and continue upwards.

Make Tangle Free Headphones with Embroidery Floss Step 8
Make Tangle Free Headphones with Embroidery Floss Step 8

Step 3. Continue weaving the cord in the same way for another 10-15 times

Make Tangle Free Headphones with Embroidery Floss Step 9
Make Tangle Free Headphones with Embroidery Floss Step 9

Step 4. Take another colored thread and perform the same operation on top of the other threads

. Hold the headphone wire in the middle so that it is completely wrapped in the wires.

Make Tangle Free Headphones with Embroidery Floss Step 10
Make Tangle Free Headphones with Embroidery Floss Step 10

Step 5. Continue until you get to one end of the headphones

Choose one of the two earbuds and wind the wire up to the base of the earbuds. After that, tie the thread with a double knot.

  • Trim the excess wire so it doesn't get into your ears when using headphones.

    Make Tangle Free Headphones with Embroidery Floss Step 10Bullet1
    Make Tangle Free Headphones with Embroidery Floss Step 10Bullet1
Make Tangle Free Headphones with Embroidery Floss Step 11
Make Tangle Free Headphones with Embroidery Floss Step 11

Step 6. Start over from the point where the headphone cable splits and go all the way to the other earphone

  • Make a double knot and start wrapping the three strands together with the headphone cord in the middle.
  • Cut and tie the other end in the same way as the first. Remove any excess thread


  • Coat the ends of the strands with a small amount of clear nail polish to prevent fraying.
  • Use this method on all other strands that get tangled easily.
  • Try adding a small layer of Scotch Guard to the headphones to make them more resistant to water and sweat. ATTENTION: this does not mean that it is possible to immerse them in water
