How to feel like a child again (with pictures)

Table of contents:

How to feel like a child again (with pictures)
How to feel like a child again (with pictures)

While many of us enjoy many aspects of adult life, we sometimes regret the freedom and adventures of when we were younger. Recapture the feelings of childhood by thinking and behaving like a little boy again. Even if you can't shirk your responsibilities, you always have the opportunity to feel younger by looking at the world through the eyes of a child.


Part 1 of 3: Think Like a Child

Feel Like a Kid Again Step 1
Feel Like a Kid Again Step 1

Step 1. Drop your inhibitions

Adults worry so much about how others judge their own behaviors that they become stressed and in awe. To feel younger, even if it's just for a little while, don't worry about looking stupid, ridiculous, or out of your mind.

  • For example, don't worry if you laugh out loud. Try to enjoy this feeling.
  • If you start to pay attention to what others may think of you, put those thoughts aside and instead focus on how well you feel when you laugh, joke, or play.
  • To feel like a child, you should let your inhibitions drop and worry less about what others may think. It can be difficult, but it starts gradually. Watch a funny movie and laugh all you want.
Feel Like a Kid Again Step 2
Feel Like a Kid Again Step 2

Step 2. Stop judging

If you focus on how others see you, you will have a hard time reliving the feelings of when you were a child and at the same time you will be led to make judgments about people. Often children are more tolerant and open than adults, so try to follow their example.

  • As soon as you notice that you are making a negative judgment about another person, think of something nice. You will probably feel forced at first, but with practice you will be able to transform your way of thinking by stopping judging and stimulating greater positivity in yourself.
  • Psychologists suggest that one of the best ways to inhibit the tendency to judge others is to start being kind to ourselves, as judgments arise from our own insecurities. Therefore, make a list of your best character traits. Read it aloud every morning and you will notice that your view of the world and the people around you will change for the better.
Feel Like a Kid Again Step 3
Feel Like a Kid Again Step 3

Step 3. Put away your agenda or schedules

If you want to feel like a child again, you need to be spontaneous and plan your time less rigidly. It's hard to feel young and free when you have to think about appointments, meetings and responsibilities.

  • While you won't be able to improvise and break free from your daily obligations, avoid cramming your schedule during your free time.
  • Plan with friends or family, but don't set specific times or how long you will be with them.
  • For a short time, allow yourself the luxury of ignoring your adult duties. Laundry, utility bills and house cleaning won't make you a kid again.
Feel Like a Kid Again Step 4
Feel Like a Kid Again Step 4

Step 4. Accept boredom

Many times adults feel the need to invest their free time profitably, but that's not the way most children live. You will probably have to try hard, but if you accept the idea of having nothing to do, you will be able to relax and feel younger.

  • Boredom will give you time to imagine, explore, and think about whatever you want.
  • Most adults are discouraged at the thought of daydreaming, but experts argue that imagination and fantasy help conceive more productive and creative ideas.
Feel Like a Kid Again Step 5
Feel Like a Kid Again Step 5

Step 5. Give some responsibility to someone else

Nothing is more stressful than dealing with others and with your own commitments. To go back to feeling like a child, occasionally let someone else take over some of your responsibilities.

  • Get in the back seat of the car instead of driving.
  • Let someone else decide what to eat for dinner.
  • Instead of coordinating an activity or outing, sit back and enjoy your day.
Feel Like a Kid Again Step 6
Feel Like a Kid Again Step 6

Step 6. Break some rules (as far as possible)

Often as adults we feel the duty to always follow the rules, while children are less rigid from this point of view. Try to break some unwritten rules of adult life - without violating the law or ignoring your responsibilities.

  • Stay up late once a week.
  • Eat a dessert before meals.
  • Watch a movie during the day.

Part 2 of 3: Behaving Like a Child

Feel Like a Kid Again Step 7
Feel Like a Kid Again Step 7

Step 1. Rediscover the book you always read in your childhood

Most of us have had a book or series of books that we enjoyed reading as a child. Re-read your favorite stories to savor the feelings of when you were a child.

  • If you want to save money and have a more authentic experience at the same time, search for your book at the library instead of ordering it online or buying it from the bookstore.
  • Recreate the times when you stayed up late reading under the covers by the light of a flashlight.
Feel Like a Kid Again Step 8
Feel Like a Kid Again Step 8

Step 2. Take a bike ride

Although cars allow you to get from one point to another very conveniently, they nevertheless tend to make you feel more adult. Therefore, try getting on a bike, so that you can remember how you felt pedaling down hills with the wind in your face.

Don't worry about your destination. Most kids love to ride a bike just for fun

Feel Like a Kid Again Step 9
Feel Like a Kid Again Step 9

Step 3. Listen to music that was popular when you were younger

Do some research to find the most famous songs from your childhood.

  • Find old CDs, cassettes or vinyls to relive the pleasure of music before the spread of the Internet. If you've thrown away your old music-listening equipment, keep in mind that many online radio channels have playlists from a few decades or years ago, so you shouldn't have a hard time finding your childhood soundtracks.
  • Most kids don't have the inhibitions of adults, so sing and dance like you used to.
Feel Like a Kid Again Step 10
Feel Like a Kid Again Step 10

Step 4. Eat some goodies from your childhood

As an adult you are likely to think about your diet, but as a child you certainly had a favorite dessert or food that wasn't all that healthy. You don't have to get into the habit of eating it, but savoring it again you could feel the sensations of the past:

  • Popsicles or ice cream.
  • Pizza.
  • Candies.
  • A fizzy drink or a particular fruit juice.
  • Cotton candy.
Feel Like a Kid Again Step 11
Feel Like a Kid Again Step 11

Step 5. Revisit the places of your childhood

Find that feeling of when you were younger and relive the best days of your past by visiting the favorite places of your childhood. Here are some examples you could start with:

  • Fairs, circuses or amusement parks.
  • Mini-golf courses.
  • Game rooms.
  • Go-kart tracks.
  • Water parks.
  • Zoo.
  • Toy shops.
  • Skating rinks.
  • Playgrounds.
Feel Like a Kid Again Step 12
Feel Like a Kid Again Step 12

Step 6. Jump into puddles or play in mud

Children play unconsciously and are not careful not to get dirty. Wear clothes you can get dirty and splash around in puddles or play with mud.

Feel Like a Kid Again Step 13
Feel Like a Kid Again Step 13

Step 7. Climb a tree

The pride you might feel climbing a tree and the exhilaration of getting to sit high will make you relive the simpler moments of your life.

  • Remember that you are bigger than the last time you tried to climb, so be sure to hold on to the sturdiest branches.
  • If you suffer from vertigo, don't despair. Try playing, reading or enjoying a picnic under the shade of a tree.
Feel Like a Kid Again Step 14
Feel Like a Kid Again Step 14

Step 8. Wear whatever you want

Choose clothes without worrying about matching them perfectly or conveying the right message to peers or colleagues.

If you work in an environment with a rather formal dress code, perhaps it is best to put this idea off for days off

Feel Like a Kid Again Step 15
Feel Like a Kid Again Step 15

Step 9. Run after the ice cream van

If you are lucky enough to live in an area where the ice cream cart passes, take advantage of this opportunity that children usually do not miss. Cart ice creams are often tastier than packaged ones, and it's not that easy to find them.

Feel Like a Kid Again Step 16
Feel Like a Kid Again Step 16

Step 10. Go to the playground

Many people spend their childhood on swings, slides and horizontal ladders. Returning to a playground, you will remember the sensations you felt as a child while playing.

  • If you're feeling more reckless, try using the horizontal scale.
  • Many of these structures are designed to support the weight of children. Try them before using them, because nothing will make you fall back into the adult world more than the obligation to fill out the documents of the acceptance of the emergency room.
Feel Like a Kid Again Step 17
Feel Like a Kid Again Step 17

Step 11. Retrieve your drawing material

Even if you don't have a particularly strong flair, you will be able to relax by dedicating some of your time to some artistic activity.

  • You don't have to choose a complex project or activity. Use plasticine, a coloring book or color within the margins to pass the time in a simple but fun way.
  • Art projects are excellent on rainy days.
Feel Like a Kid Again Step 18
Feel Like a Kid Again Step 18

Step 12. Choose a game for children

Think of the games you enjoyed when you were little and involve a few friends or family members. Here are some ideas to take inspiration from:

  • Bell.
  • Four cantons.
  • Capture the Flag.
  • Dodgeball.
  • Hide and seek.
  • Jump rope.
  • Table games.
  • Team sports.
Feel Like a Kid Again Step 19
Feel Like a Kid Again Step 19

Step 13. Go out with friends

When was the last time you had fun hanging out with your friends? Get the group together without setting a specific goal or propose something you liked to do when you were a kid.

  • Throw a sleepover.
  • Play video games.
  • Watch a horror movie.
  • Play truth or dare.
  • Promise yourself not to talk about work or your adult responsibilities.

Part 3 of 3: See the World with the Eyes of a Child

Feel Like a Kid Again Step 20
Feel Like a Kid Again Step 20

Step 1. Take advantage of your moments of freedom

Believe it or not, there was a time when you had your moments of freedom. If your job allows it, take a few breaks and enjoy it. Even if you have to wait until you finish a task, dedicate a few moments of the day to something enjoyable.

  • Try one of the activities mentioned above.
  • Instead of having lunch sitting at your desk while doing your work, try having your meal in a park.
  • If you are in school, you may want to take a few moments off to move outside, perhaps taking a walk, instead of waiting in line for a drink at the vending machine. You can also bring a drink from home.
Feel Like a Kid Again Step 21
Feel Like a Kid Again Step 21

Step 2. Find time for a snack

You certainly won't have time to lie down and rest at work, but you can prepare yourself a snack and remember the afternoons of your childhood. In addition, a snack consumed throughout the day will help keep your blood sugar levels high and improve your mood.

To increase this sensation, forego adult protein bars and make yourself a fruit juice, fruit snack or pudding

Feel Like a Kid Again Step 22
Feel Like a Kid Again Step 22

Step 3. Accept what you don't know

While adults are afraid to admit that they don't know or understand something, children easily assimilate all kinds of information and are excited to learn new things.

Take a class, join a reading group, attend a lecture, or pursue a hobby. If it seems daunting to start a new adventure alone, involve a friend or family member

Feel Like a Kid Again Step 23
Feel Like a Kid Again Step 23

Step 4. Forget the stress of work

Many times the tension of work also creeps into domestic life, preventing people from reliving the sensations of childhood. When you come back from the office, don't check your work emails and avoid thinking about the problems you faced during the day.

Feel Like a Kid Again Step 24
Feel Like a Kid Again Step 24

Step 5. Smile and laugh

Scholars have found that children smile 400 times a day, while adults only about 20. According to psychologists, laughter and smiles make people feel happier and younger, so try to be more sunny if you want to shrug off. off a few years.

Feel Like a Kid Again Step 25
Feel Like a Kid Again Step 25

Step 6. Watch children's movies and read children's books

If you want to see the world through the eyes of a child, try watching a family movie or reading a book intended for a younger audience. Generally, these are choices that lighten the spirit.

To bring back some memories, choose one of your favorite childhood movies or books

Feel Like a Kid Again Step 26
Feel Like a Kid Again Step 26

Step 7. Play with your children or volunteer to be in contact with children

One of the best ways to feel young is to have a good time with children.

  • If you are a parent, or someone in your family or friends has children, try to propose the activities mentioned above.
  • You can also volunteer at a school, church or association. Often these facilities are looking for adults who can guide children. In return, you can learn to relive the feelings of your childhood by interacting with the smaller members who frequent these communities.


To feel like a child again, listen to music, read books, watch movies or eat something that reminds you of your childhood


  • Parks and playgrounds are great places to relive the sensations of when you were younger, but keep in mind that not all parents trust adults who frequent these places alone without the company of their children.
  • Often schools, churches and associations can carry out a criminal background check on potential volunteers.
