A state of calm and relaxation is desirable in many situations. Whether you are competing in a sport, giving a speech, or practicing any activity that requires concentration, use the techniques suggested in the article to stave off a nervous attack and regain your balance.

Step 1. If you don't need to use your hands for a while, trace the shape of an eight with one finger on the palm of the opposite hand
Keep going, the mental stimulation should distract you from your worries.

Step 2. While no one is watching you, rub your shoulders for a few moments
Many people accumulate tension in the trapezes. If possible ask a friend to do it for you.

Step 3. Tell yourself that everything will be fine
While it is possible to influence the reaction of the public, it is only your behavior that is your responsibility. Have fun doing what you do!

Step 4. Focus on a taste, tactile sensation or smell you love
Sensory memories are among the most powerful and relaxing at our disposal.

Step 5. Inhale deeply, and exhale slowly
The trick is to breathe with your diaphragm, that chest muscle that's under your lungs and above your waist. If you wish, try holding your breath for several seconds before exhaling.
- Most tensions arise from our perceptions and often involve the fear of failure. Convince yourself that failure can be dealt with to be able to stop fearing it.
- Try not to think of the worst, things will most likely not go that bad.
- Mentally sing the happiest songs you know. In “The King and I,” Anna's character whistled a happy tune to keep others from seeing her fear.
- Try a relaxing activity, such as listening to music, perhaps jazz or classical as long as it's not too fast. It may sound boring, but it will slow your heart rate and will normally be able to calm you down. If you prefer, however, you can choose songs with a lively and intense rhythm, able to make you feel more confident and decisive.
- By trying to boost your self-esteem, avoid acting presumptuous. Just be your best, without wanting to overdo it.
- Martial arts, yoga and many other disciplines include effective relaxation techniques that can be useful in stressful situations.