How to Get Rid of Stomach Acidity with Natural Remedies

How to Get Rid of Stomach Acidity with Natural Remedies
How to Get Rid of Stomach Acidity with Natural Remedies

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There are many over-the-counter products to treat heartburn, but there are also great natural solutions. You can get rid of them naturally by using herbal treatments, changing your diet or making lifestyle changes. If the condition does not improve within a couple of weeks or the pain gets worse, you should see your doctor.


Part 1 of 3: Herbal Remedies

Get Rid of Heartburn Naturally Step 1
Get Rid of Heartburn Naturally Step 1

Step 1. Drink aloe vera juice

It stimulates the production of mucus in the stomach, helping you to control the burning. Keep in mind that this juice also has laxative effects, so drink small amounts at first; for example, try not to exceed the dose of 60 ml and evaluate the effects.

If this proves effective and does not cause any symptoms of diarrhea, it can be an excellent remedy to use as needed; if it causes intestinal discomfort, it is not the right treatment for you

Get Rid of Heartburn Naturally Step 2
Get Rid of Heartburn Naturally Step 2

Step 2. Sip a cup of chamomile tea

This plant has been used since ancient times to treat stomach ailments, such as ulcers and ulcerative colitis, so it can also help against acidity. You can buy it in sachets in supermarkets or use the dried plant product.

  • If you opt for the dried plant, put a teaspoon in the teapot filter and then pour 250 ml of boiling water;
  • Leave to infuse for about five minutes and then remove the filter;
  • Wait for the chamomile to cool down a bit before drinking it;
  • To soothe heartburn, sip a cup after each meal.
Get Rid of Heartburn Naturally Step 3
Get Rid of Heartburn Naturally Step 3

Step 3. Chew deglycyrrhizinated licorice root (DGL) tablets

These capsules provide relief by coating and soothing the stomach walls; look for ones that are formulated specifically for indigestion and stomach acid. You can find them in health food stores and health food stores.

  • Ask your doctor for confirmation before taking these tablets, especially if you are already taking other prescription medications; this licorice can in fact interact with some medicines, including digoxin, ACE inhibitors, corticosteroids, insulin, oral contraceptives, blood thinners and diuretics.
  • The use of DGL is not recommended for some people, including pregnant women or those suffering from heart, kidney, liver or erectile dysfunction.
  • Follow the directions on the package regarding the dosage and method of use.
Get Rid of Heartburn Naturally Step 4
Get Rid of Heartburn Naturally Step 4

Step 4. Get the red elm

This plant helps to soothe your ailment by increasing the production of mucus in the stomach. Take one 500 mg capsule with a glass of water three to four times a day for up to eight weeks.

Don't forget to always ask your doctor if red elm is safe for you, especially if you are taking other prescription medications; although no negative interactions have been found, it can slow down its absorption

Part 2 of 3: Change the Power

Get Rid of Heartburn Naturally Step 5
Get Rid of Heartburn Naturally Step 5

Step 1. Start keeping a diary of all foods and drinks

Take note of everything you eat and drink to define which triggers your problem. Write down any time you feel burning after eating or drinking something special; over time you learn to recognize the triggers and which substances you should avoid.

For example, you may notice that you tend to suffer from it an hour after drinking your morning cup of coffee; in this case, you can decide to replace it with tea or coffee with milk

Get Rid of Heartburn Naturally Step 6
Get Rid of Heartburn Naturally Step 6

Step 2. Cut back on foods that cause acidity

Some are known triggers and you should avoid or at least limit them as much as possible. Among these consider:

  • Citrus fruits;
  • Caffeinated drinks;
  • Chocolate;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Garlic;
  • Onions
  • Alcohol;
  • Fatty foods;
  • Spicy foods.
Get Rid of Heartburn Naturally Step 7
Get Rid of Heartburn Naturally Step 7

Step 3. Eat small but frequent meals

Eating in abundance can "awaken" your discomfort, so it is better to reduce portions and sit at the table more often; for example, instead of having three large meals a day, have six small ones spread throughout the day.

Get Rid of Heartburn Naturally Step 8
Get Rid of Heartburn Naturally Step 8

Step 4. Try Apple Cider Vinegar

This remedy can help get rid of your ailment; in fact, it reduces the acid secretions of the stomach because it essentially "deceives" him into believing that the acid has already been secreted; in this way, the stomach "thinks" that its work has already been done and consequently limits the production of acid. Mix 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in 180 ml of water and drink the mixture.

Get Rid of Heartburn Naturally Step 9
Get Rid of Heartburn Naturally Step 9

Step 5. Chew gum after each meal

It has been found to reduce symptoms; you can chew a classic or choose a type formulated specifically for those who suffer from the same problem as you. These specific tires have been found to offer greater discomfort benefits than standard ones, although the latter are also effective.

Part 3 of 3: Changing the Lifestyle

Get Rid of Heartburn Naturally Step 10
Get Rid of Heartburn Naturally Step 10

Step 1. Wear more comfortable clothes

Those that are too tight put too much pressure on the stomach, inducing the disorder; Instead, choose loose, comfortable clothing to avoid getting sick. For example, wear those that have an elastic waistband or other clothes that leave a little more space in the hip area.

Get Rid of Heartburn Naturally Step 11
Get Rid of Heartburn Naturally Step 11

Step 2. Lift the front of the bed

Raise it about 20 cm to reduce stomach discomfort, but don't limit yourself to just putting a few extra pillows, you need to work on the whole headboard. Put a couple of bricks or pieces of wood under the bed legs in the head part.

Get Rid of Heartburn Naturally Step 12
Get Rid of Heartburn Naturally Step 12

Step 3. Manage your stress

Strong emotional tension can aggravate heartburn in some people, so it's important to find ways to control it. There are many positive techniques for dealing with stress; some of the most effective are:

  • Get more physical activity. Getting regular exercise can help and have other health benefits. Spend half an hour a day for walking, cycling or attending some classes; find an activity you enjoy and integrate it into your daily routine.
  • Contact someone. Talking to a friend or family member helps relieve tension; next time you're feeling stressed, call a loved one or meet someone to talk to.
  • Take some time for yourself every day. Another method to ease the tension is to carve out moments of the day to do what you want; for example, you can read a book, take a relaxing bath, or watch a funny movie.
Get Rid of Heartburn Naturally Step 13
Get Rid of Heartburn Naturally Step 13

Step 4. Stop smoking

Smoking can aggravate the symptoms of acidity, as well as cause other health problems; if you are a smoker, you should work hard to quit. Ask your doctor for more details about certain medications and / or plans to quit this habit.

Get Rid of Heartburn Naturally Step 14
Get Rid of Heartburn Naturally Step 14

Step 5. Maintain a normal weight

Being overweight can aggravate symptoms, especially if most of the excess fat is in the abdominal area. If you are obese or overweight, you should lose weight and maintain a normal build to manage your condition.

Get Rid of Heartburn Naturally Step 15
Get Rid of Heartburn Naturally Step 15

Step 6. Get more sleep

Lack of sleep can contribute to heartburn; try to rest more and see if the situation improves. If the pain interferes with your ability to doze off or stay asleep, talk to your doctor. you may need an antacid to take in the evening.

Get Rid of Heartburn Naturally Step 16
Get Rid of Heartburn Naturally Step 16

Step 7. Ask your doctor if your problem may come from any medications you are taking

If you are on drug therapy, you need to know if it can be the cause of the discomfort. Stomach acidity could be a side effect; in this case, your doctor should change the dosage or prescribe another type of medicine and see if it benefits you.

  • If you are taking over-the-counter medications, such as NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), be aware that they may be the cause of your discomfort; try not to take them for a few days and see if you find relief.
  • Other medications that can cause heartburn include antibiotics, bisphosphonates, iron and potassium supplements, as well as quinidine.
  • Do not stop taking medication without first talking to your doctor.
