How to Stop Shaking: 11 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Stop Shaking: 11 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Stop Shaking: 11 Steps (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Sometimes the body starts shaking and it can be uncomfortable when you try to do your activities regularly. This phenomenon is most evident when it happens to the hands and legs. The reasons are many: nervousness, hunger, excessive consumption of caffeine or a health problem. In some cases, a simple lifestyle change can help stop shaking, but in others, some medical treatment may be required. Read on to learn what you can do to stop these involuntary contractions.


Part 1 of 2: Relax to Stop the Tremor

Stop Shaking Step 1
Stop Shaking Step 1

Step 1. Take a deep breath

The tremor can be caused by an excess of adrenaline and is most noticeable when it affects the hands and legs. If you feel that fear or nervousness is causing this phenomenon, the best thing to do is to breathe deeply. This will stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, which is associated with sleep and relaxation. By taking a few deep breaths, you will be able to relax your nerves.

  • Breathe in long and deeply through your nose and hold the air for a few seconds. Then exhale through your mouth.
  • Do this exercise several times to calm yourself down. If you have the option, get comfortable or lie down for a few minutes to make it even more effective.
  • You may want to try the 4-7-8 breathing technique to help your body relax. You can get more information at this link
Stop Shaking Step 2
Stop Shaking Step 2

Step 2. Practice yoga or meditation

Stress and anxiety can trigger or aggravate tremors. Relaxation techniques, such as yoga and meditation, help reduce the tension caused by these factors and, consequently, stop involuntary contractions. Try taking a beginner yoga or meditation class to see if it works.

Stop Shaking Step 3
Stop Shaking Step 3

Step 3. Get a massage

Massages have been shown to help people with essential tremor, a movement disorder that causes arms, legs and head to shake at any moment. According to some studies it has been found that the intensity of the phenomenon decreased after a massage. Whether it's stress, anxiety, or essential tremor, you can get some relief by getting regular massage sessions. Try once to see if you can counter this problem.

Stop Shaking Step 4
Stop Shaking Step 4

Step 4. Get enough sleep

Lack of sleep can make your hands and legs shake or even make it worse if you have essential tremor. Try to rest each night for the recommended amount of hours. Teenagers need 8-9 hours of sleep, while adults need 7-9 hours.

Part 2 of 2: Improving Your Lifestyle

Stop Shaking Step 5
Stop Shaking Step 5

Step 1. Consider how much you have eaten

Hypoglycemia can cause your hands and legs to fidget, especially if you are diabetic. If you find yourself shaking and think that low blood sugar is the cause, eat or drink something sweet as soon as possible. Hypoglycemia must be managed quickly to avoid more serious complications, such as confusion, fainting or seizures.

  • Eat a candy, drink fruit juice, or chew a sugar cube to raise the glycemic index in your blood.
  • You should also have a snack, such as a sandwich or some crackers, if you have to wait more than half an hour until the next meal.
Stop Shaking Step 6
Stop Shaking Step 6

Step 2. Consider how much caffeine you have taken

Excessive consumption of caffeinated beverages, such as coffee, cola, energy drinks, and tea, can trigger tremors. An adult can tolerate up to 400 milligrams of caffeine, while a teenager can tolerate up to 100 milligrams. Children should definitely not take this substance. Since everyone is different, even a small amount could be the cause of your tremor.

  • To stop shaking, limit your caffeine intake or eliminate it altogether if you don't tolerate it at all.
  • Here are some ways to limit your caffeine consumption:

    • drink decaffeinated coffee in the morning or coffee mixed with regular coffee
    • drinking caffeine-free cola
    • avoid drinking caffeinated beverages after noon
    • switch from consuming coffee to tea
    Stop Shaking Step 7
    Stop Shaking Step 7

    Step 3. Determine if the cause is attributable to nicotine

    Smoking can make your hands shake because it contains nicotine inside which is a stimulant. If you are a smoker, the tremor in your hands could be caused by cigarettes. However, nicotine withdrawal can also cause this phenomenon, so you may feel the effects if you've recently quit smoking. The good news is that nicotine withdrawal symptoms usually peak after about two days and subside over time.

    Stop Shaking Step 8
    Stop Shaking Step 8

    Step 4. Consider how much alcohol you drink and how often

    For some people a glass of some alcohol can stop the tremor, but when the effects of the alcohol wear off, it returns. Excessive and frequent consumption of alcohol can also make this problem worse. If you tend to tremble, limit or avoid alcohol to stop the involuntary contractions.

    Stop Shaking Step 9
    Stop Shaking Step 9

    Step 5. Consider other recent changes in your life

    Have you recently stopped drinking or using drugs? In these cases, the tremor may be related to withdrawal symptoms. If you've had problems with alcohol or drug addiction for some time, you should find a cure to combine with detox. When entering the detox program, some people experience serious complications, such as seizures, fever, and hallucinations, which can even be fatal.

    See a doctor right away if you start shaking during the drug or alcohol detox process

    Stop Shaking Step 10
    Stop Shaking Step 10

    Step 6. Consult your doctor about the side effects of any medications you are taking

    Many drugs have the disadvantage of causing tremors in the hands, arms and / or head. This side effect is called drug-induced tremor and can be caused by cancer drugs, antidepressants, and antibiotics. If you think this phenomenon may be related to the side effects of the medicine you are taking, ask your doctor to find out what other solutions you have available.

    • Your doctor may decide that you should try a different drug, change your dose, or add another medicine to help control your tremor.
    • Do not stop taking the drug without consulting your doctor first.
    Stop Shaking Step 11
    Stop Shaking Step 11

    Step 7. Ask your doctor to do some tests to find the cause of your tremor

    There are various serious conditions that can cause this phenomenon, including Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, brain injuries and hyperthyroidism. If you have other symptoms or are unable to attribute the cause of your tremor to something else, you should see your doctor as soon as possible. He can order tests and tests to determine the cause and recommend the best solution.

    • Describe your symptoms in as much detail as possible - for example, where it is located, whether it occurs when you are resting or moving, and what kind of movement it is. Different types of tremor can indicate different underlying causes.
    • Based on the cause of the tremor, your doctor may be able to prescribe a medication that can help you. For example, beta blockers, which are commonly used to treat high blood pressure, may help with essential tremors or anxiety-related agitation.
