How to Avoid Acne (with Pictures)

How to Avoid Acne (with Pictures)
How to Avoid Acne (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Common acne (also called "vulgar" or "vulgaris" acne) is a cutaneous pathology of the skin characterized by what we normally call pimples. It can affect the skin at any point and at any age, but it usually haunts teenagers, particularly their backs and faces. Some factors, such as being in the age of puberty, cannot be changed, while others can be corrected to prevent and avoid acne. Keep your skin beautiful and healthy by changing bad habits that encourage acne.


Part 1 of 3: Taking Care of Your Personal Hygiene

Avoid Acne Step 1
Avoid Acne Step 1

Step 1. Wash your face twice a day:

in the evening and in the morning as soon as you wake up. Use warm (but not hot) water and massage your skin with gentle movements. The heat favors the opening of the pores increasing the effectiveness of the detergent. Check that the water is not too hot to avoid irritating or burning the skin.

  • Choose a cleanser that suits your skin type. It must be hypoallergenic or indicated for acne-prone skin. Avoid heavily scented or harsh products that could make acne worse.
  • Ask for advice at a pharmacy or perfumery or search online to be sure you are buying an effective and quality product. There are low, medium, or high-end cleaners, but the fact that one product is more expensive than another doesn't necessarily mean it's better. Nowadays you can also find good detergents in the supermarket. Gather as much information as possible and then decide which product to buy based on your needs and budget.
  • Cleansers that contain benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid are among the most effective in fighting acne.
Prevent Acne Step 2
Prevent Acne Step 2

Step 2. Take your skin characteristics into consideration when choosing your cleanser

Especially if it is dry or oily it needs specific care.

  • Sometimes, cleaning the skin too frequently has more disadvantages than good. Try not to cleanse it too much or too little. Acne does not appear because the skin is dirty. It is enough to wash your face in the morning and in the evening or when you sweat a lot or need to remove your make-up in the middle of the day. Washing it too often can irritate acne and aggravate the condition.
  • If you have dry skin, you can try using an oil-based or moisturizing cleanser or soap to see if it improves.
  • On the other hand, if you have oily skin, it is better to choose a cleanser with a not excessive amount of emollients. However, be careful that it is not too aggressive, otherwise it will make it too dry. If after washing your face you feel the skin tighten, change the product.

Step 3. Wash your hands before touching your face

It is counterproductive to wash your face with greasy or dirty hands, so make sure they are perfectly clean before starting your daily beauty routine.

Do not rub the skin hard. Many people prefer to use a microfiber cloth to apply and remove the cleanser, but it is important to be careful as using it the wrong way could further irritate the skin, aggravating acne conditions. It is much better to use only your hands and make delicate gestures

Step 4. Moisturize your skin every time you wash it

Hydration is as important as hygiene. When you wash your face, you get rid of the skin's natural oils as well as dirt and impurities. As a result, the sebaceous glands are pushed to produce more to prevent dehydration. Your skin needs to feel hydrated, assist it by applying a good moisturizer every time you wash your face.

Avoid Acne Step 5
Avoid Acne Step 5

Step 5. Choose the right moisturizer

Each type of skin has different characteristics and needs. You can use the following guidelines, but remember that each individual has unique characteristics, so it's best to experiment to find the product that's right for you specifically.

  • Oily skin: Choose a gel moisturizer. Generally, gel products are the most appropriate in case of oily skin because they moisturize it without greasing it.
  • Dry skin: choose a cream with a rich texture. A rich and creamy product nourishes the skin more and keeps it hydrated for longer. Evaluate the level of dehydration of your skin to choose the most suitable product.
  • There are moisturizing creams and gels specifically formulated for acne-prone skin.

Step 6. Gently exfoliate your skin twice a day

Exfoliating it means massaging it gently to eliminate dead cells that accumulate on the most superficial layer (called the epidermis) and can clog the pores. See if exfoliating twice a day will make your complexion look better. You can buy a ready-made scrub or, if you prefer, you can make it yourself.

Exfoliation is not good for everyone, it can happen that by rubbing the skin the acne becomes irritated and worse. For some people, it is better to use a chemical exfoliant, generally more gentle; some of these products can also be used daily (usually applied in the evening). AHAs (alpha hydroxy acids) work by detaching dead skin cells, while BHAs (beta hydroxy acids) purify the pores. You can use them individually or in combination

Step 7. Remove your make-up thoroughly before going to sleep

Never go to bed wearing makeup. If you like wearing makeup, get into the good habit of removing the products from your skin at the end of the day to prevent them from clogging your pores, favoring acne. Both foundation and other cream products should be oil-free, alternatively you can use powder ones. As a last step, apply a thin layer of face powder to absorb moisture from the skin and products, matifying the complexion. If fatigue makes you often go to sleep wearing makeup, buy make-up remover wipes to use when you really don't want to wash your face.

  • In addition to make-up, remove other cosmetics, such as sunscreen, from your skin.
  • Wash your face after using the makeup remover.
Prevent Acne Step 8
Prevent Acne Step 8

Step 8. Try not to touch your face unnecessarily

Hands are real spreaders of bacteria, as we use them every day to touch many objects. Touching your face with dirty hands is prohibited if you want to keep your skin healthy. The less bacteria spread to the face and the less chance it will become covered with pimples and blackheads.

Avoid Acne Step 9
Avoid Acne Step 9

Step 9. Be careful not to share items and utensils that are used by family members with acne

For example, towels, make-up brushes and sponges or a headband.

Avoid Acne Step 10
Avoid Acne Step 10

Step 10. Wash your pillow case frequently

Oils and other impurities, including dead skin cells, that transfer from the face to the pillow can cause acne. You should change the pillowcase at least once a week or even daily if you notice that the skin situation improves noticeably. Buy some extra pillow cases so you don't have to do laundry too often.

You should wash the pillowcases with a detergent that is not too scented and avoid using the dryer sheets. Both products can cause acne

Step 11. Pay attention to hair care, especially if you have oily skin

Your habits can have a big influence on acne conditions, particularly in the forehead area. The glands in the scalp release oils that help keep hair shiny and healthy. Unfortunately they do not have the same beneficial effect on the skin, especially when they are in excess. The advice is to wash your hair at least every other day. You must seek a compromise between the health of the hair and that of the skin.

Step 12. Be careful not to overuse styling products

Gels, foam and sprays can penetrate pores, clog them and cause pimples to appear. Use them without overdoing the quantities, especially if you have acne on your forehead.

Avoid Acne Step 13
Avoid Acne Step 13

Step 13. Protect yourself from direct sunlight

Excessive exposure to direct sunlight can damage the skin. You probably already know that it can even cause cancer, but you may not have known that it can aggravate acne. When you intend to be outdoors or in the sun for a long time, apply a non-comedogenic sunscreen to block out harmful sun rays. Non-comedogenic products do not clog pores. As a precaution, he also wears a hat. Remember that many acne treatments make your skin more sensitive to sun damage.

Part 2 of 3: Adopt a Healthier Lifestyle to Avoid Acne

Avoid Acne Step 14
Avoid Acne Step 14

Step 1. Drink plenty of water every day to keep your skin hydrated

It will automatically become less impure. There is still no reliable scientific evidence to prove that water favors the expulsion of toxins from the body, nevertheless most experts agree that it brings concrete benefits to the skin. You don't necessarily need eight glasses of water a day, but you need to drink enough to replace the fluids lost through sweat, and most importantly, you need to supply water to your body whenever you feel thirsty.

Prevent Acne Step 15
Prevent Acne Step 15

Step 2. Eat healthy

After decades of uncertain evidence, doctors have begun to understand that nutrition plays an indisputable role in the onset and severity of acne. A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, nuts, oilseeds, and healthy fats (e.g. omega-3 fatty acids) should help the body fight acne. At the same time it can make you healthier and more energetic. In addition to the foods listed above, you should ensure the body the right amount of:

  • Vitamin A, which helps the body excrete acne-causing oils and proteins through the formation of new skin cells. You should get 10,000 IU (international units) from a dietary supplement or by eating ingredients and foods that contain high amounts of it, such as fish oil, salmon, carrots, and broccoli.
  • Zinc. Some data suggests that people with acne have a zinc deficiency in the body. Scientists believe zinc creates an inhospitable environment for acne-causing bacteria. Foods rich in zinc include turkey meat, oysters, pumpkin seeds, peanuts and ingredients such as wheat germ.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids. These essential fatty acids promote cell renewal and reduce inflammatory states. Foods high in omega-3 fatty acids include salmon, almonds, flax seeds, and sunflower seeds.
Avoid Acne Step 16
Avoid Acne Step 16

Step 3. Limit unhealthy foods

Scientists are convinced that a diet rich in high-glycemic index foods, such as french fries, pizza and sweets, is linked to acne. Milk is also indicated among the main culprits of the appearance of acne, in the next step you can understand why.

Avoid Acne Step 17
Avoid Acne Step 17

Step 4. Milk and its derivatives are loaded with hormones (androgens, the main one being testosterone)

The risk is that they cause an increase in insulin levels comparable to that induced by foods rich in sugars and starches (called high glycemic content). Scientists are finally shedding light on the link between dairy and acne. This does not mean that you have to give up milk and dairy products forever, but it is good to limit the quantities if you want acne to heal.

Avoid Acne Step 18
Avoid Acne Step 18

Step 5. Stop smoking and moderate alcohol consumption

Smoking and alcohol are harmful to the skin. Scientists around the world agree that there is a link between acne and the toxins that are introduced into the body by drinking and smoking. If you are a regular smoker or drinker and want to get rid of acne, you should review your habits, knowing that it would benefit your whole body.

Lineman Trot (Jog_Walk) Step 5
Lineman Trot (Jog_Walk) Step 5

Step 6. Exercise to reduce stress and prevent acne

Exercising is really useful for preventing and treating acne because it helps relieve the stress that the body is subjected to normally. Many are unaware that stress is one of the primary causes of acne at any age. As you can guess, any tool that can help you reduce stress is also useful for improving the condition of your skin. Exercise is one of them.

Avoid Acne Step 20
Avoid Acne Step 20

Step 7. Get enough sleep to prevent stress

Several studies have shown that if sleep is insufficient, normal daily activities can cause much more stress, in some cases up to 15% more for each hour of missed sleep than normal needs. You should sleep 9-10 hours a night if you are under 18 or about 7-8 hours if you are an adult. Remember that it is during sleep that the body, and therefore also the skin, repairs and heals itself.

Part 3 of 3: Treating Acne with Drugs

Avoid Acne Step 21
Avoid Acne Step 21

Step 1. Use benzoyl peroxide

It is a pharmacological active ingredient prescribed to kill acne-causing bacteria. You can find it in different concentrations, but keep in mind that studies have shown that a drug that contains 2.5% benzoyl peroxide is as effective as one that contains between 5 and 10%, but is much less irritating to the skin. As an added benefit, benzoyl peroxide removes the most superficial layers of the skin, where dead cells accumulate, so it can make the complexion brighter and more youthful.

Avoid Acne Step 22
Avoid Acne Step 22

Step 2. Use salicylic acid

Like benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid also works by killing the bacteria that are responsible for the appearance of pimples. In addition, it promotes faster cell renewal, so the skin becomes newer and more beautiful. You can apply it in small amounts to acne-affected areas before going to sleep after washing your face thoroughly.

Step 3. Use tea tree oil

While not meant to fight acne, it is a very effective home remedy for skin problems. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, tea tree oil is able to reduce the redness and size of pimples. In one study, tea tree oil was shown to be as effective as benzoyl peroxide in soothing acne-inflamed skin.

Since tea tree oil is very powerful, it needs to be diluted with a little water before applying it to the skin with a cotton swab or cotton swab. However, be careful not to overdo the amount of oil and the number of applications, otherwise you will end up irritating the acne instead of finding relief

Avoid Acne Step 24
Avoid Acne Step 24

Step 4. See your doctor if acne is severe

He will most likely refer you to a good dermatologist who can solve your problem. You may need a more potent prescription drug, such as clindamycin phosphate or benzoyl peroxide.

Liquify Honey Step 12
Liquify Honey Step 12

Step 5. Use manuka honey

It is another natural remedy that many people successfully use to fight acne. Manuka honey is very gentle on the skin, so it is preferred over more aggressive treatments. Its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties are known and powerful, you can use it to reduce and prevent scars caused by acne, but also more simply to moisturize the skin and give it relief. It can replace your regular facial cleanser (after removing makeup with a makeup remover) and you can also use it as a mask or localized acne treatment.


  • Make a solution of honey and orange or lemon juice to apply to the skin to reduce acne scars and purify pores naturally.
  • Keep your hair away from your face to prevent their oils from aggravating acne conditions.
  • Eat more green colored vegetables, experts have listed them among the methods to prevent acne.
  • To understand if a product is truly valid, test it individually and not simultaneously with others. This way you can easily recognize the harmful ones too.
  • If none of these methods seem to work and your acne is severe, consult your doctor to find out if you can use an isotretinoin drug - an active ingredient that acts on the underlying cause of acne and in many cases solves the problem forever.. Before making a decision, find out about the many side effects associated with using this medicine, some of them even serious.
  • Do not use any product lightly, not even natural ones. Always read the directions and warnings on the package before applying any substance or medication to the skin.
  • Rinse your face with fresh water as soon as you wake up and gently wipe your skin with a soft cloth. Before going to sleep, exfoliate with a gentle scrub to remove impurities and dead skin cells.
  • Spread the honey on the face with the back of the spoon, then use it to gently press the skin in several places, alternately; finally wash your face. As a result you will have soft and clean skin.
  • Test the methods described on only half of the face to be able to assess whether acne conditions have changed, for better or for worse. In this way you will be able to choose the most effective method in your case.
  • Remember that acne is a complex condition that can have many causes. Unfortunately, what works for one person may be ineffective or harmful for another. If a cream has worked for a friend, it's not certain that it's also beneficial for you.
  • Ask your doctor to prescribe a tretinoin drug. Combined with benzoyl peroxide it is excellent for cleansing the skin.
  • In some cases, the best solution against acne is to use natural products and substances. For example, witch hazel helps reduce inflammation and can be applied to clean skin with a cotton pad, as if it were a toner.
  • You should try to sleep most of the time on your stomach to avoid skin contact with the pillow.
  • Moisten the skin of the face with warm water to help open the pores before applying the cleanser, then rinse it with the cold one to help them close (so that the impurities stay on the surface).
  • Go to the beautician for a complete facial treatment. At the end your skin will appear more youthful, toned and radiant.
  • Soak a cotton ball in hydrogen peroxide and pat it on your face when you wake up or before bed to get rid of dirt and dry pimples.
  • Dilute a soda with plain water, apply the solution to your skin and let it sit for 10-15 minutes, then wash your face with warm water.
  • Try using aloe vera. It is useful for reducing acne scars and moisturizing the skin.
  • Leave pimples alone. If you squeeze them, you risk further irritating the skin or, even worse, scarring.
  • Frequently wash all items that come into contact with acne-affected skin, not just pillowcases. Many people have found it useful.
  • Relax, if you worry acne will get worse.


  • Don't squeeze the pimples or you could end up with ugly scars on your face.
  • Do not exfoliate the parts of the face where there are pimples and in any case rub the skin very gently.
  • Any treatment even minimally aggressive, even cleansing with a product that is not delicate enough, can aggravate existing lesions. Acne-affected skin can get damaged or dry easily and the number of pimples may increase as a result.
  • Benzoyl peroxide can have a lightening effect on hair and clothing. It can also make your skin more sensitive to damage caused by the sun's rays, for example you could burn yourself very easily.
  • Residues left on the skin by creams, cosmetics, etc. can clog pores.
  • Before you drastically change your diet or skincare habits, you should always consult your doctor, so as not to run the risk of acne breakouts unexpectedly worsening.
