4 Ways to Treat Stomach Pain with Ginger

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4 Ways to Treat Stomach Pain with Ginger
4 Ways to Treat Stomach Pain with Ginger

If you often feel nauseous or have an upset stomach, you may want to avoid overloading your digestive system with powerful anti-nausea medications. Fresh ginger has been used for centuries as a natural cure for stomach pain, to relieve stomach symptoms without introducing chemicals into the body that can cause unpleasant side effects. Consult your healthcare provider before using ginger to treat stomach pain, and call them right away if symptoms are acute, persistent, recurring or if they get worse.


Ginger tea

  • Ginger root
  • 350 ml of boiling water
  • Honey or sugar (optional)

For 1 person

Ginger juice

  • Ginger root
  • 120 ml of water
  • 1 carrot (optional)
  • 1 apple (optional)

For 1 person


Method 1 of 4: Make a Ginger Tea

Cure Stomach Ache with Ginger Step 1
Cure Stomach Ache with Ginger Step 1

Step 1. Wash and peel the ginger root

Rinse it under cold running water and rub it gently with your fingers to remove dust and any other possible impurities. Remove the peel from the root using a vegetable peeler or a sharp knife.

The ginger peel can affect the flavor of the herbal tea. It also doesn't dissolve well in water

Cure Stomach Ache with Ginger Step 2
Cure Stomach Ache with Ginger Step 2

Step 2. Finely grate the ginger

You can use a regular cheese grater. Grate the root onto a small plate. If you don't have a grater available, you can cut the ginger into very thin slices with a sharp knife.

Grated ginger will dissolve more easily in hot water

Cure Stomach Ache with Ginger Step 3
Cure Stomach Ache with Ginger Step 3

Step 3. Pour the grated ginger into the boiling water

Boil 350 ml of water, you can use a kettle, a teapot or a common saucepan. When the water boils, pour it into a cup and add one and a half teaspoons (3 g) of grated ginger. Stir to distribute it evenly.

You can increase or decrease the dose of ginger, according to your preferences, to obtain a herbal tea with a more or less intense taste

Cure Stomach Ache with Ginger Step 4
Cure Stomach Ache with Ginger Step 4

Step 4. Leave the ginger to infuse for about 3 minutes, then strain the herbal tea

It only takes a few minutes to release its precious substances into boiling water. Strain the tea using a fine mesh strainer to remove any pieces of ginger that are still whole, as they may taste too strong to eat.


if the tea tastes too pungent, you can add sugar or honey if you prefer to use a natural sweetener. However, if you feel nauseous, it is best to avoid sweetening the herbal tea so as not to further upset the stomach.

Cure Stomach Ache with Ginger Step 5
Cure Stomach Ache with Ginger Step 5

Step 5. Drink ginger tea to beat nausea

Ginger will help relieve unwanted symptoms, while warm water will relieve the throat. Drink the tea in small sips to avoid overloading your stomach, especially if you have been vomiting.

You can drink one or two cups of herbal tea a day without contraindications

Method 2 of 4: Make Ginger Juice

Cure Stomach Ache with Ginger Step 6
Cure Stomach Ache with Ginger Step 6

Step 1. Wash the ginger root with cold water

Rub it gently to remove dust and any other impurities. It is very important to clean it thoroughly before blending it, as it will not be peeled.

Cure Stomach Ache with Ginger Step 7
Cure Stomach Ache with Ginger Step 7

Step 2. Cut the root into small pieces and put them in the blender

Place it in the center of the cutting board and cut it into slices about half a centimeter thick. It is not necessary to peel it before slicing it, as it will need to be blended.

Slicing the root facilitates the work of the blender and allows you to obtain a juice with a smoother consistency

Cure Stomach Ache with Ginger Step 8
Cure Stomach Ache with Ginger Step 8

Step 3. Also slice an apple and a carrot and blend them with the ginger to enrich the flavor of the juice

You can trim a carrot at the ends and cut it into slices about half a centimeter thick; then remove the core from an apple, cut it into slices of the same thickness as the ginger and carrot and put it in the blender along with the other ingredients.

Apples and carrots have a mild taste that dulls the strong one of ginger, without upsetting the stomach


for a sweeter taste, you can replace the apple with a few slices of pineapple.

Cure Stomach Ache with Ginger Step 9
Cure Stomach Ache with Ginger Step 9

Step 4. Add 120ml of water, then blend the ingredients

Quickly turn the blender on and off 2 or 3 times to break up the larger pieces, then start it on low speed and continue blending until the juice is smooth and homogeneous.

Make sure the ginger is well crushed so that it releases all of its flavor

Cure Stomach Ache with Ginger Step 10
Cure Stomach Ache with Ginger Step 10

Step 5. Strain and press the mixture into a colander

Collect the filtered juice in a glass or cup and make sure it doesn't contain whole pieces of ginger yet. Press the mixture against the strainer meshes to extract all the beneficial and nutritious substances.

This step is to make the blend smoother and juice-like rather than smoothie-like

Cure Stomach Ache with Ginger Step 11
Cure Stomach Ache with Ginger Step 11

Step 6. Drink ginger juice to relieve stomach pain

Thanks to the healing properties of the root, the nausea and pain should pass or at least lessen. You can drink some ginger juice whenever you have stomach upset to ease the symptoms.

If you feel nauseous, you can drink up to 250-500ml of ginger juice per day

Method 3 of 4: Eat Ginger or Take It in Supplement Form

Cure Stomach Ache with Ginger Step 12
Cure Stomach Ache with Ginger Step 12

Step 1. Eat fresh ginger for a simple and natural option

Wash the root with cold water and then peel it with the vegetable peeler. Cut it into slices about half a centimeter thick, sprinkle them with a little salt and eat them alone or added to a salad.

  • Consuming sliced ginger is the quickest way to get it into your stomach when you're not feeling well.
  • Advertising tends to lead us to believe that ginger-flavored drinks, such as ginger ale, can cure stomach pain. Indeed, added sugars are very harmful and can aggravate symptoms rather than relieve them. In addition, these drinks generally do not contain enough ginger to be curative.
Cure Stomach Ache with Ginger Step 13
Cure Stomach Ache with Ginger Step 13

Step 2. Take ginger capsules to combat nausea

You can take a 250mg dose when you feel the first symptoms. You will have to wait about 30 minutes, the time it takes for the capsule to dissolve in the stomach, before you begin to benefit from its effects. You can take up to 4 capsules of 250 mg per day.

Ginger capsules contain powdered ginger. They can cause bloating, stomach acid or aggravate nausea

Cure Stomach Ache with Ginger Step 14
Cure Stomach Ache with Ginger Step 14

Step 3. Suck on a small piece of candied ginger to increase the benefits of the cure

Alternatively, you can buy ginger-flavored candies, but read the label on the package carefully to make sure that real ginger was used. Put the ginger (or candy) in your mouth as soon as you feel nauseous and let it melt slowly.


taking ginger gradually, rather than overloading the body with capsules or fresh ginger, can give better results.

Method 4 of 4: Knowing When to Ask Your Doctor for Help

Cure Stomach Ache with Ginger Step 15
Cure Stomach Ache with Ginger Step 15

Step 1. Consult your doctor before using ginger to treat stomach pain

It generally has no contraindications, but it may not be the right product for you. In some people, ginger root can cause stomach acid or diarrhea. In addition, ginger should never be combined with anticoagulant drugs, as it can interfere with the blood clotting process. For this and several other reasons, it is important to consult with your doctor before trying to treat stomach pain with ginger.

Tell your doctor if you intend to use ginger as a regular remedy for nausea or stomach pain


if you are pregnant or suffer from stones, diabetes or problems related to blood clotting, it is of the utmost importance to see your doctor as ginger can interfere with your health.

Cure Stomach Ache with Ginger Step 16
Cure Stomach Ache with Ginger Step 16

Step 2. Get medical attention right away if you have severe pain, persistent diarrhea, or bleeding

While it is probably not serious, if the symptoms are acute they could be a sign of a more serious condition. Go to the doctor to find out what is causing your ailments and get the best treatment.

  • You may notice that the swelling or pain gets worse.
  • Contact your doctor if you notice traces of blood or a substance similar to coffee grounds in your stool or vomit.
Cure Stomach Ache with Ginger Step 18
Cure Stomach Ache with Ginger Step 18

Step 3. Talk to your doctor if you are losing weight for no reason

While you don't need to worry, it's best to see your doctor if you're losing weight due to stomach upset, as this may be a more serious condition that needs to be treated. Describe your symptoms to your doctor and tell him about weight loss. He will be able to help you find the right cure to get well again.

Cure Stomach Ache with Ginger Step 17
Cure Stomach Ache with Ginger Step 17

Step 4. Call your doctor if your stomach pain is recurring or has lasted for more than 3 days

If symptoms persist or return, you should tell your doctor. Carefully describe each ailment to help him make the correct diagnosis. This way he can prescribe the best treatment to get you back to being well.
