A juice-only fast is ideal for ridding the body of toxins and promoting weight loss. Plus, it's a healthier type of detox than simple water-based fasting, especially for those who aren't used to it. In fact, the body still receives large amounts of vitamins and nutrients. This article will teach you to follow fasting safely and effectively, but you should definitely talk to your doctor about fasting before embarking on it.
Method 1 of 4: Before Fasting

Step 1. Set a goal
Those who are already experienced with fasting can choose a juice-based diet that lasts approximately 3 weeks. However, if this is your first time, it is recommended to start with a smaller, more manageable goal, such as three days. Fasting can be difficult, both physically and mentally, so it may be easier to start with a workable idea. It is better to successfully complete a short fast than to falter in the middle of a long one.
- A 3 day fast is actually an integral part of a program that lasts 5 days; in fact, you have to calculate 24 hours to get the body accustomed to fasting and another 24 to return to your usual eating habits.
- If this is your first fast, it may be helpful to convince a friend to go through the process together. You can motivate each other, and a bit of competitiveness will keep you from giving in to temptation.

Step 2. Go shopping at the supermarket
For a juice fast, you need large amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables, probably more than you think. It is very important to buy organic agricultural products, not treated with pesticides. The idea of doing such a diet is to get rid of the toxins you have in your body, not introduce any more.
- Fill up on oranges, lemons, limes, tomatoes, spinach, kale, celery, carrots, cucumbers, apples, grapes, blueberries, beets, garlic and ginger root.
- If possible, you should also get good quality spring water, bottled by a company that uses food grade plastic or glass containers. Drinking lots of water is an integral part of the diet.

Step 3. Invest in a good centrifuge
Having a quality juicer is essential to performing this fast, since it maximizes the amount of juice you get from fruits and vegetables, and saves you time and effort in preparation and cleaning. Make sure the juicer has a power of at least 700 watts, so that it can effectively squeeze any type of fresh farm produce you introduce. You should also look for one that has as few parts as possible to assemble and disassemble, as this will speed up the spin process.
- Buying a new juicer can be a considerable expense, but the investment is worth it, especially if you plan to do this fast regularly, integrating it into your lifestyle. Generally, you have to spend around 200 euros to buy a valid centrifuge, but it should last you 15-20 years.
- It is not possible to replace the centrifuge with the blender to accomplish this fast. If you use the blender, you will end up with a smoothie, not a juice. A smoothie retains the fiber of fruit and vegetables; While this is usually good, you don't need fiber while doing a juice fast. This is because the body uses too much energy when digesting them, the energy it needs to get rid of toxins.

Step 4. Decide when to do this juice fast
Timing is important for such a choice. You need to make sure you have enough time in the morning to make your juices and don't plan on activities that require a lot of energy while fasting, especially if it's your first time. Remember it lasts 3-5 days. Many people who decide to try this method without ever having done it before plan it over the weekend, from Friday to Sunday, when they can stay at home for long periods of time.
- Some suffer from headaches and low vitality when following this path (while others claim to have higher energy levels than usual). Additionally, you may feel the need to take a mid-afternoon nap to conserve energy.
- You should also remember that juice fasting stimulates the elimination of toxins from the body, so the body will need to get rid of waste frequently. For this reason, it is best to stay close to a bathroom while fasting.

Step 5. Prepare your body for juice fasting
Before the actual fast begins, which will last for 3 days, you need to remember that you need 24 hours to prepare your body for the experience. You can do this by eating only raw fruits and vegetables in the 24 hours before fasting. If you like, you can get your body used to it by drinking only juices for breakfast and lunch, and then prepare a solid dinner of salad or other raw fruit and vegetables.
Some people also recommend clearing the body with a purgative (a natural laxative) or enema before the fast begins, but this is optional
Method 2 of 4: While Fasting

Step 1. Make enough fresh juice every morning
If you have enough time when you wake up, you can save yourself a good deal of effort throughout the day by preparing all the juices you drink. Then, keep them in the refrigerator until you are ready to consume them. Alternatively, you can simply prepare the fruit and vegetables you intend to use for each juice, and place them in airtight bags in the refrigerator until you can make the juice.
- Experiment with different fruit and vegetable combinations for tasty and unusual results. Try to think carefully about the flavors that would work well when mixed; in this way, drinking centrifuged will be a pleasure rather than an obligation.
- When doing a smoothie fast, you should try to keep a ratio of 20:80 between fruit-based and vegetable-based juices. Fruit juices actually contain a lot of sugars, which are more difficult for the body to assimilate, so maybe limit them in the morning. For lunch and dinner, on the other hand, prefer vegetable-based juices.

Step 2. Drink as many juices as you want throughout the day
This juice detox shouldn't make you starve. The body needs the vitamins and nutrients in the juice to keep you active and perform that important task of eliminating toxins. For this reason, there is no limit to the amount of juice you should drink over the course of a day. Whenever you're hungry or thirsty, drink a smoothie. You should consume at least 4 servings a day.
If you want to do your juice-based detox for weight loss, you should still avoid limiting your juice intake. With this fast, the body is already deprived of enough calories; reducing his juice intake will therefore send him into survival mode, and this will lead him to retain more weight. So, stick to a minimum of 4 drinks per day

Step 3. Drink lots of water
Keeping yourself hydrated is extremely important during a centrifuge-based detox. In fact, water helps you eliminate toxins from the body, and allows you to regain hydration after the purifying action. Plus, it allows you to keep hunger pangs in check. You should aim to consume at least 500ml of water with each juice; you can either dilute the centrifuged 50% with water or ingest the 2 drinks separately, one after the other. You should also drink additional water in between juice.
Drinking herbal tea is another great way to get more water, as long as you prefer the healthy, theine-free versions

Step 4. Get moderate exercise
While fasting, a little bit of daily physical activity will take your mind off the pangs of hunger, and will help boost your metabolism. Taking a short walk outdoors or doing some simple yoga poses is all it takes to stay healthy, but avoid exercises that are more vigorous than these, as they may make you feel weak.

Step 5. Free your body of waste
Many naturally experience bowel movements, but you can encourage the process yourself by performing an enema once a day, preferably in the morning. This allows the body to get rid of the toxins that have built up in the colon. Drinking a glass of warm water with fresh lemon juice and a pinch of honey (to sweeten it) upon awakening is an equally valid method of stimulating the functioning of the intestine.

Step 6. Continue fasting for another 2 days
Follow the same schedule for the next 48 hours, drinking as much juice and water as you like. If you run out of fresh produce, you need to go back to the supermarket. You should also keep experimenting with different recipes to make the juice ingestion varied and interesting.

Step 7. Don't lose strength
As excited as you feel at the start of the purification, you will surely find yourself facing temptations and testing your willpower over the course of these 3 days. You will become more sensitive to smells and solid foods will seem inviting like never before. Stay strong and remember why you decided to get rid of toxins in the first place. You are getting rid of harmful substances that have accumulated in the body for so many years. You will feel so much better in the end, both physically and mentally, and appreciate the satisfaction of successfully completing your first juice detox.
- Some like the fasting process and claim to experience a net increase in energy instead of a drain. Maybe, you will be one of these lucky ones!
- Try not to think about fasting by engaging in relaxing and rejuvenating activities, such as meditation, reading, stretching and manual projects. By not having to plan your day between meals, you will have much more free time at your disposal.
Method 3 of 4: After Fasting

Step 1. Take a day to get your body used to the end of the fast
This day will be similar to the day before the detox: you will eat only salads and fruit. Consume small portions so you don't overload your stomach and digestive system.

Step 2. Gradually return to normal food consumption
After letting your body get used to it, you can progressively return to your usual diet by introducing foods such as eggs, dairy products, rice and whole grains, lean meats. However, you should try to refrain from consuming processed foods to avoid undermining the good work done during detox.
Eating pizza or other processed foods right after you finish your detox is not a good idea, and this could also make you feel sick

Step 3. Think about introducing a 24-hour weekly fast into your routine
Detoxifying with centrifuged once a week will help you maintain the purifying level you have reached with this experience. In fact, it's pretty simple to implement, because you can divide these 24 hours over 2 days. The night before, start with an early dinner, then eat nothing else for the rest of the evening. Sleep for 8 hours, then drink juice for breakfast and lunch the next day. Finally, you can have a solid meal at dinner time, when the purification is complete.

Step 4. Next time, try fasting longer
Once you've managed to complete a 3-day fast, you can take it one step further so that your periodic detox will last longer. If you want, commit to completing a 7 or even 14 day juice fast. As daunting as it may seem, many people who have some experience with it argue that it actually gets easier when periods without solid food get longer. The body gets used to not feeling hungry on its own, because it recognizes that it is getting all the nutrients it needs from the juices.
- Either way, be careful. With longer fasts, the body begins to eliminate toxins through the skin and lungs, and you may find that you have a strange or unpleasant odor.
- If you're fasting longer, you should include protein and iron supplements in your juices to get more energy and avoid becoming anemic. These supplements can be found in pharmacies and health food stores.
Method 4 of 4: Juice Recipes

Step 1. Grapefruit juice (morning)
Juice 1/2 peeled grapefruit, 15 red or green seedless grapes and 1 1/2 cup blueberries to start the day on the right foot and in a delicious way.

Step 2. Morning centrifuge that helps you digest
Juice 2 green Granny Smith apples, 1 peeled orange, 1 cucumber, 4 washed kale leaves and ¼ of a peeled lemon. You will get a drink that will reactivate the digestive system in the morning.

Step 3. Beetroot-based juice (lunch)
Juice 1/2 beet, 1/2 cucumber and 5 carrots for a vibrantly colored drink that will give you the energy you need for lunch.

Step 4. Centrifuged with Mediterranean tomato
Centrifuge 2 tomatoes, 1 or 2 peeled garlic cloves, ¼ peeled lemon and a handful of basil leaves. At lunchtime, it will be a real treat, and the taste is reminiscent of that of bruschetta.

Step 5. Vegetable-based centrifuge suitable for dinner time
Juice 4 washed kale leaves, 2 cups of spinach, 2 apples, 2 celery stalks, ½ cucumber, 1 carrot and 1 piece of 2.5cm ginger root. You will get a satiating drink rich in vitamins and nutrients.

Step 6. Centrifuged to taste while watching a sunset
Centrifuge 1 sliced beetroot, 1 carrot, 1 cucumber, 4 kale leaves, 1 green apple, ¼ of a peeled lemon and ¼ of a peeled lime.
- Experts suggest chewing foods that are reintroduced into the diet after fasting well, so that they can be digested more easily.
- If organic farm products are not available, experts recommend peeling fruit and vegetables or washing them with a non-toxic product, which you can usually buy in health food stores.
- If you are interested in a more purifying, but also more difficult type of diet, try a water fast.
- Whenever you do this fast, be sure to consult a doctor and be monitored by this professional constantly. It is not recommended to fast during pregnancy. Neither should people who are in an advanced stage of cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and tuberculosis. The same is true for those suffering from mental illness, low blood pressure and peptic ulcers. In particular, fasting should be avoided by patients with liver or pancreatic cancer. Some of the imbalances due to the named diseases may improve with fasting, but these patients must be under close medical supervision. In this way, in the event of any crisis or complications, the problem can be remedied immediately.
- Side effects of a juice fast include headache, fatigue, hypoglycemia, constipation, acne, increased body odor and bad breath.