Although the exponents of the scientific and medical world are not yet in agreement in defining the viruses of living organisms, there is no doubt that viral infections are the cause of numerous diseases, chronic ailments, suffering, long-term pathologies, forms of cancer and death.. However, uncertainties remain when it comes to defining whether viral infections can really be defined as "curable". Many viruses survive in the body's cells, triggering long-term chronic consequences; moreover, most of them are difficult to cure because they are protected by the cells that host them. Viral infections can be acute (short-term, of varying severity), chronic (long-term, of varying severity), or latent. This last category of infections remain dormant for long periods of time, in a kind of hibernation, until the moment when something triggers their replication. Viral diseases can cause discomfort, preventing you from coping with your daily tasks, but they can generally be treated at home. Natural remedies, adequate nutrition and plenty of rest are the ingredients needed to defeat viral infections.
Method 1 of 6: Lower Fever Without Drugs

Step 1. Let the fever do its job
Nobody likes being feverish, but fever is one of the body's main defense weapons to fight infections. As long as the discomfort is not excessive, do what you can to let it take its course.
- Fever is often a symptom of an infection, but it can also be caused by an inflammatory disease, a thyroid disorder, medications, vaccines, and some serious conditions such as cancer. Body temperature is regulated by a small gland located in the central part of the brain: the hypothalamus. The thyroid gland also plays a key role in determining the body's temperature. In general, 37 ° C indicates a healthy body, but the body temperature can undergo small fluctuations throughout the day.
- In case of infection, the infecting agent (bacterium, virus) produces substances that cause an increase in body temperature: exogenous pyrogens. In addition to these, there are also endogenous pyrogens: produced by the body and connected with the self-regulating mechanisms of body temperature. If necessary, the latter communicate to the hypothalamus to increase the degree of heat in the body. In response, the hypothalamus stimulates the immune system to work towards fighting the infection. Fever is also known for its ability to kill infectious agents.
- In adults, fever is almost never dangerous; therefore, don't be afraid to let it take its course. However, if it reaches or exceeds 39.5 ° C for a period exceeding 12-24 hours, it is best to call your doctor.

Step 2. Use caution if the fever is very high
Although it is advisable to let the body implement all its natural defense mechanisms, there are limits beyond which it is good to consult a doctor:
- For infants under four months of age, it is important to notify the doctor immediately if the rectal temperature reaches or exceeds 38 ° C.
- For children of any age, it is important to inform the doctor immediately if the rectal temperature reaches or exceeds 40 ° C.
- For infants aged six months or more, you should tell your doctor right away if the temperature in the temple, ear, or armpit reaches or exceeds 39.5 ° C.

Step 3. If the fever is accompanied by severe symptoms, seek medical help immediately
If it is a child, it is important to note the presence of those symptoms that require the timely intervention of a doctor:
- Lack of appetite or possible nausea
- Irritability and crying;
- Drowsiness;
- Clear signs of infection (pus, discharge, purulent or blood-streaked rash)
- Convulsions;
- Sore throat, rash, stiff neck, headache, earache
- In infants, the fontanel (soft part in the center of the head) is swollen or bulging.

Step 4. Take a lukewarm bath
First, soak in the lukewarm water from the bathtub. Relax as the water temperature slowly drops. As the heat gradually decreases, the body also gradually cools down. The water must not be too cold, to prevent the body temperature from dropping abruptly.

Step 5. Put on a wet pair of socks
This approach comes from naturopathic medicine. The opinion is that cold feet stimulate an increase in blood circulation and a consequent strengthening of the immune system. The body uses heat to dry the socks and cools down. This treatment is also helpful in relieving chest congestion. Adding a pair of wool socks creates a thermal insulation condition. The ideal time to put on wet socks is when you go to sleep.
- Use a pair of cotton socks that are long enough to cover your ankles as well. If possible, use pure cotton socks as it absorbs a lot of water.
- Thoroughly wet the socks under a stream of cold water.
- Squeeze them to get rid of excess water, then wear them normally.
- Now put on a pair of wool socks on top of the cotton ones. Also in this case it is preferable to use pure wool socks as it offers excellent performance in terms of insulation.
- Go to bed and cover yourself with a blanket. Keep your socks on all night. If the person with the fever is a child, it won't be difficult to get them to wear wet socks because they will offer immediate relief from the heat.

Step 6. Refreshes the head, neck, ankles and wrists
Fold one or two clean towels lengthwise. Soak it in very cold or ice-cold water, then squeeze it to get rid of the excess liquid. You can choose to wrap the wet towel around your head, neck, ankles or wrists.
- Do not cool more than two areas of the body simultaneously. For example, wrap one towel around your head and the other around your ankles or one around your neck and the other around your wrists. Otherwise, the body temperature could drop excessively. The cold extracts heat from the body by lowering the fever.
- When the towel is dry or warm, wet it again to bring new relief to the body. You can repeat the treatment as often as necessary.
Method 2 of 6: Providing Adequate Energy to the Body

Step 1. Rest abundantly
While it is sometimes not easy to sleep when you have a fever, rest is essential to recover from the viral infection. Your immune system is doing its best to fight the disease. If you decide to use your energy to work, study, or look after someone else, you prevent them from doing their job well. Stay home from work or school and try to take care of as few things as possible, avoiding any effort.

Step 2. Eat light foods
The Anglo-Saxons coined the phrase "Feed a cold, starve a fever" or "Eat when you have a cold, fast when you have a fever". A recent article published in "Scientific American" seems to agree, except that, rather than suggesting to fast completely, it explains that it is important not to force the body to use a lot of energy to digest as it needs to fight the infection.
Try eating chicken broth or soup with plain rice and some vegetables added

Step 3. Fill up on fresh fruit rich in vitamin C
Berries, watermelons, oranges and melons are ideal when you have a fever; they are high in vitamin C, which can help you cure the infection and lower your body temperature.

Step 4. Eat yogurt
White or fruity, yogurt that contains live lactic ferments helps you to restore the bacterial flora essential for the health of the immune system.

Step 5. Include protein in your meals
Choose a variety of easy-to-digest proteins, such as eggs or chicken. You can make yourself some tasty scrambled eggs or just add some meat to the chicken broth.

Step 6. Avoid anything fried or heavy
Fatty, greasy or fried foods should be omitted completely from the diet until complete recovery. Spicy foods are also not allowed. The body needs nutritious, light and easy to digest food when it is sick.

Step 7. Try the BRAT diet
It is a dietary regimen particularly indicated in case of intestinal infection, composed exclusively of light and easy to digest foods, namely:
- Bananas;
- Rice;
- Apples;
- Toasted wholemeal bread.

Step 8. Eat foods rich in zinc
Research has shown that zinc helps reduce the duration of the flu. Foods that are rich in it include seafood (oysters, lobsters, crabs), beef, chicken (the darker parts), yogurt, legumes, and nuts (almonds, cashews).
Method 3 of 6: Keep the Body Hydrated

Step 1. Drink lots of water
Fever can induce a state of dehydration, so it is important to act early to prevent it. When an already ill organism becomes dehydrated, its condition worsens. In addition to water, popsicles could provide considerable relief to the feverish person (especially if it is a child), however care must be taken not to take too much sugar. Make popsicles based on herbal teas, such as chamomile or elderberry. Artisan fruit sorbets are also a great choice. However, don't overlook the importance of drinking plenty of still water!

Step 2. Take a specific rehydration solution
In the pharmacy there are drinks formulated to be given to children in case of dehydration (for example Pedialyte or Infalytr). Call your doctor to ask for his opinion.
- Be prepared to accurately describe your symptoms, what you ate and drank, and any changes in fever.
- If you are a newborn or young child, your doctor will want to know how many times you have urinated in the last few hours.

Step 3. Continue to breastfeed your baby
If your baby has a viral infection, the best thing to do is breastfeed him as frequently as possible to ensure he gets the nourishment, fluids and comfort he needs.

Step 4. Notice any signs of dehydration
If you notice any symptoms related to dehydration of the body, even of an average entity, immediately inform your doctor, especially if the sick person is a child. The situation could worsen quickly. Possible signs include:
- Dry, pasty mouth. As this is a child, observe his lips to see if they are dry; also notice if there are any crusts around the mouth or eyes. Licking your lips often is another possible clue.
- High irritability, tiredness or sleepiness.
- Thirst: This is difficult to identify in young children, but the fact that they often lick their lips or twitch them as if they were sucking milk can be a relevant clue.
- Scarcity of urine. In infants it is good to check the diaper. Generally, it needs to be changed at least every three hours. If the diaper is dry, the baby may be dehydrated. Give him fluids, then check him again after an hour. If it's still dry, call your pediatrician.
- Look at the color of your urine. The darker they are, the more dehydrated the baby may be.
- Constipation. Also pay attention to the frequency of bowel movements. In the little ones, the diaper will help.
- Lack or scarcity of tears in crying.
- Dry skin. Gently pinch the back of the person's hand. When the body is well hydrated, the skin is elastic, especially in children.
- Feeling lightheaded or dizzy.
Method 4 of 6: Dietary Supplements

Step 1. Strengthen the immune system with high doses of vitamin C
Orthomolecular medicine has found that vitamin C is able to stimulate the immune system. A study was conducted on a group of adults with the flu. For six consecutive hours, they were given 1,000 mg of vitamin C per hour, then 1,000 mg three times a day as long as they had symptoms. Result: Compared to the group that took a placebo, people treated with vitamin C saw their cold and flu symptoms decrease by 85%.
Take 1,000 mg of vitamin C per hour six consecutive times. Then take 1,000 three times a day until the symptoms are completely gone

Step 2. Get more vitamin D3
Research has shown that it is able to stimulate the immune system. If you don't regularly take a vitamin D3 supplement, your body is very likely to be deficient in it. This is detectable by analyzing the level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D in the blood through a common test, but if you are at home with a fever it is too late to find out.
- If you are an adult, take 50,000 IU of vitamin D3 on the first day of illness. Keep the same dosage for the next three days as well. In the following days, gradually reduce the dose of vitamin D3 until it reaches 5,000 IU per day.
- A study performed in a group of school-aged children showed that, compared to the control group who did not take the vitamin D3 supplement, those who were given 1,200 IU of vitamin D3 saw reduced flu symptoms. 67%.

Step 3. Experience the benefits of coconut oil
It contains medium-chain fatty acids that have antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal and antiparasitic effects, all without any side effects. The main ingredient of coconut oil is lauric acid: a saturated medium-chain fatty acid. It has the ability to pass through the outer membrane of the influenza virus, causing it to rupture and die without damaging the human body in any way.
Take one or two tablespoons of coconut oil three times a day. If you don't want to drink it on its own, you can add it to freshly squeezed orange juice or use it to dress a salad. Generally, it will be possible to defeat the virus within a day or two and, unlike usual, symptoms will tend to go away within 24 hours. Normally, however, the flu can last up to 5-7 days
Method 5 of 6: Natural Remedies

Step 1. Try drinking herbal tea
Like humans, plants are also attacked by viruses, which is why over the centuries they have developed effective antiviral substances. You can buy the herbs in leaves or in sachets; in the first case it will be sufficient to add a spoonful to a cup of boiling water (about 250 ml). If you want to make herbal tea for a child, use only half a teaspoon. Let the herbs steep for five minutes, then wait for the tea to cool slightly before drinking. You can add honey or lemon to taste, but it is best to avoid milk so as not to aggravate the discomfort of the digestive system.
- Unless your pediatrician suggested it, avoid giving infusions to young children.
Make a tea with one of the following herbs:
- Chamomile: it is also suitable for children and has antiviral properties.
- Oregano: it too has antiviral properties and, used in small doses, can also be given to children.
- Thyme: known for its antiviral properties, it is also safe for children (also in this case use a small amount to prepare a light-tasting herbal tea).
- Olive leaves: they are also suitable for children (low dosage) and have antiviral properties.
- Elderberry: In the form of herbal tea or juice, it is also safe for children and has antiviral properties.
- Licorice leaves: they have antiviral properties and used to prepare a light herbal tea are safe even for children.
- Echinacea: a plant known for its antiviral properties, it is also safe for children (also in this case use a small amount by preparing a light-tasting herbal tea).
Cure a Viral Infection with Home Remedies Step 23 Step 2. Do a nasal wash
The "jala neti" (washing of the nose) is a technique used by yogis to remove impurities and toxins from the nose. The "lota neti" is an instrument similar to a small teapot used to perform cleaning by irrigating the nasal cavities.
- Choose essential oils. The herbs recommended for making herbal teas provide equally beneficial essential oils. These include: chamomile, elderberry, licorice roots, echinacea, olive roots, thyme and oregano. Mix the selected oils in equal proportions. The total number of drops must not exceed 9-10.
- Pour 350ml of very hot distilled water into a separate container. Make sure it's not hot to avoid burning the delicate skin of your sinuses.
- Add six tablespoons of finely ground whole sea salt. Stir until completely dissolved. Salt serves to protect the fragile nasal mucous membranes.
- Add essential oils, then mix carefully;
- Pour the mixture into the neti pot;
- Bend your torso over the sink, turn your head sideways, then slowly pour the saline solution into your nostril to wash the nasal cavity.
Cure a Viral Infection with Home Remedies Step 24 Step 3. Use an aroma diffuser
This method is especially useful when more than one family member has a cold or a respiratory infection. Choose your favorite essential oil among those of: chamomile, elderberry, licorice root, echinacea, olive root, thyme and oregano. If you wish, you can mix them as you like.
- Use the diffuser following the instructions for use. Generally, about 120ml of water and 3-5 drops of essential oils will be needed.
- Those with inflamed sinuses should sit as close to the diffuser as possible.
Cure a Viral Infection with Home Remedies Step 25 Step 4. Use the traditional steam method
All you have to do is bring water to a boil in a saucepan and then add a few drops of essential oil. Once ready, you will need to breathe in the steam emitted by the boiling water.
- Pour the water into the pot (about 5 cm). If possible, it is best to use distilled water, but tap water is fine too.
- Bring the water to a boil, then turn off the heat and add 8-10 drops of the selected essential oils. You can use them individually or create your own blend. Stir to spread them in the water.
- You can leave the pot on the stove or move it to a more comfortable position. In any case, always proceed with caution when handling boiling water.
- Place the head on the pot, then cover it with a towel to create a steam chamber. It is generally recommended that you breathe through your nose, but you can also use your mouth, especially if the viral infection has hit your throat.
- Keep breathing as long as there is still vapor. If necessary, you can re-heat the water and extend the treatment. In this case it will not be necessary to add other oils, the same water can be reused several times until complete evaporation.
Cure a Viral Infection with Home Remedies Step 26 Step 5. Add the properties of the herbs to those of the steam
In addition to essential oils, you can use dried fragrant herbs.
- Pour the water into the pot (about 5 cm). If possible, it is best to use distilled water, otherwise tap water will be fine too.
- Bring the water to a boil, turn off the heat and add two teaspoons of oregano and two teaspoons of basil. If you wish, you can also add a pinch of cayenne pepper, no more I recommend!
- Cover your head with a towel, then breathe in the steam through your nose. If you prefer, you can also use your mouth, especially if the viral infection has hit your throat.
- Keep breathing as long as there is still vapor. If necessary, you can re-heat the water and extend the treatment.
Method 6 of 6: Medical Support
Cure a Viral Infection with Home Remedies Step 27 Step 1. If your immune system is weak, see your doctor
Speaking of healthy people, most viruses tend to be defeated by the body without the need for drug treatments. When the immune system is compromised, however, it is advisable to notify the doctor as soon as the first symptoms of viral infection appear. Young children, the elderly, people with AIDS or HIV, those who have had an organ transplant or chemotherapy treatment for cancer can have highly compromised immune systems. Pay particular attention to those symptoms that may indicate the presence of a viral infection, for example:
- Fever;
- Articolar pains;
- Sore throat;
- Headache;
- Nausea, vomiting, dysentery;
- Skin rashes;
- Exhaustion;
- Nasal congestion.
Cure a Viral Infection with Home Remedies Step 28 Step 2. If symptoms commonly associated with a viral infection get worse, call your doctor right away
If your primary care physician is unavailable, call the emergency medical service or go to the nearest emergency room.
Cure a Viral Infection with Home Remedies Step 29 Step 3. In the presence of some severe symptoms, it is imperative to seek medical help immediately
If at any time you experience any of the following symptoms, go to the nearest emergency room.
- Any alteration in the state of consciousness or mental clarity;
- Chest pain;
- Deep cough that appears to come from the chest accompanied by yellow, green or brown liquid or semi-liquid mucus secretions;
- Lethargy or insensitivity to external stimuli;
- Convulsions;
- Shortness of breath, wheezing, or any difficulty in breathing;
- Stiff neck, neck pain, or severe headache
- Yellow skin or sclera (the white part of the eye).
Cure a Viral Infection with Home Remedies Step 30 Step 4. Get vaccinated
Each virus has its own specific characteristics and requires different treatment. Those known to have the ability to infect the human body are hundreds. In many cases it is possible to combat them preventively through vaccines, this applies for example to the flu virus, chicken pox and herpes.
Check with your doctor to find out what vaccines are currently available against the viruses
Cure a Viral Infection with Home Remedies Step 31 Step 5. If home remedies don't help you feel better, make an appointment with your GP
If you experience symptoms that may indicate a viral infection for more than 48 hours without getting any benefit from the methods described so far, visit your primary care physician as soon as possible. Many viral infections, such as the common cold (belonging to the rhinovirus family), influenza (influenza virus), measles (morbillivirus), or mononucleosis (Epstein-Bar virus), require medical attention. Other viruses cause serious, life-threatening diseases, such as cancer and Ebola virus disease. Finally, some persistent viruses, including those of hepatitis, herpes, chicken pox and HIV, cause long-term disorders.
Cure a Viral Infection with Home Remedies Step 32 Step 6. Learn about antiviral drugs
Until recently, there were no truly effective antiviral drugs, but with the current introduction of new products, things are changing. Antiviral therapies are essential for some infections, including herpes virus, cytomegaloviruses (CMV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).