How to Enjoy Being Drunk: 8 Steps

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How to Enjoy Being Drunk: 8 Steps
How to Enjoy Being Drunk: 8 Steps

Whenever you got drunk did you feel horrible? Were you looking forward to the effects of alcohol to pass so that everything returned to normal? If so, continue reading this article and find out how to have fun and enjoy being drunk!


Buy Step 11
Buy Step 11

Step 1. Buy alcohol

Choose something you like or try a new product that intrigues you.

Safe Step alc2
Safe Step alc2

Step 2. Choose a safe place to drink

A shady terrace where you can spend time with friends is ideal compared to an infamous city bar. If you have decided to drink outside the home, look for a safe way to return. It is important to always have a quiet and safe place to sit and not risk falling and be in the company of at least one sober friend. Taking turns is a good choice.

Drink Step 3 1
Drink Step 3 1

Step 3. Drink your chosen alcohol

Enjoy it with peace of mind. Having a drink is never as fun as savoring it.

Finished Step 4 2
Finished Step 4 2

Step 4. After you've had a few drinks, notice how you feel

Happier, dazed, confused? Make sure you are not overdoing it.

Symptoms Stepalc 5
Symptoms Stepalc 5

Step 5. Assess your symptoms

Consider them an interesting journey that will end when the effects of alcohol wear off. Make sure you are not too drunk as no one likes the side effects of a hangover (vomiting, headache, etc.).

Enjoy Step 6 5
Enjoy Step 6 5

Step 6. Try to take pleasure in the situation

Get into the sensation of feeling the room spinning or into the perception of mental confusion. Realize that they are only temporary and enjoy the feeling of lightness and euphoria.

Fun Step alc7
Fun Step alc7

Step 7. Enjoy

Music will give you access to a pleasant state of mind of well-being. Listen to a cheerful, positive rhythm. Even watching a comedy movie can be really fun, because everything is even more hilarious when you're drunk. Even group games like Twister can cause loud laughter.

Comfortable Step 8 1
Comfortable Step 8 1

Step 8. Get comfortable

As the effects of alcohol wear off, drowsiness may occur. Get comfortable and rest.


  • Safety first of all. Make sure you have a sober person next to you.
  • Drink slowly. Drinking too fast may cause you to misjudge your alcohol symptoms and get more intoxicated than you intended.


  • Don't drive after drinking.
  • Don't drink when you feel sad or upset. Drinking to escape problems is a phenomenon known as 'escapism'. Escapism can be addictive and does not solve problems and may even make them worse.
  • Don't drink excessively or you could experience serious side effects like alcohol poisoning or brain damage.
  • Don't overdo the amounts if you don't usually drink alcohol.
  • Don't drink if you are not old enough.
