Falling down stairs causes injuries to thousands of people every year, and when it comes to an elderly individual, the consequences can be painful. Most accidents can be easily prevented by following the safety tips described in this article. Learning more about what causes people to fall and making changes in their habits is an effective way to avoid this type of fatality.
Part 1 of 3: Avoid Slipping on the Stairs

Step 1. Pay attention
You go down stairs so often that most accidents are caused by inattention. Research seems to show that people only look at the first three steps instead of evaluating each step. When you are on unfamiliar stairs, you should approach each step with awareness.
- In older stairs, the depth of the steps may vary and this is a major cause of accidents. Be aware of possible changes and walk carefully.
- If you are nearsighted, you should wear glasses when going down the stairs; if you can't see your feet clearly, you are more likely to fall.

Step 2. Take your time
Don't be in a hurry and don't rush, especially if it is a steep, curved or narrow staircase. If you are in a hurry, take a deep breath before getting off.
- Do not take more than one step at a time.
- Keep your eyes on the ladder, especially the base. Many falls occur because people believe they have reached the floor and "miss" the last step by stepping into the void.

Step 3. Take advantage of railings and handrails
The railings are built around the landings, while the handrails are designed to give support when going down the stairs. Make sure all of these structures are at a constant height, 85-95cm from each step.
- If existing handrails serve a decorative purpose but are not useful, replace them with more appropriate models.
- The handrail should allow an adult's hand to maintain a firm grip, it should not have any splinters or rough areas that could cause injury.
- It should also allow the hand to slide from the beginning to the end of the stairs, without any interruption.
- At the base of the staircase, it should continue its path past the point where the last step is, so that the person can maintain balance until the end of the staircase.

Step 4. Inform people of the importance of handrails
They are effective structures that help not to fall only if they are used. Teach individuals who use stairs - whether they are at home or in the office - the importance of holding onto these tools on the way down.
- The handrails should be on both sides of the stairs. Two people crossing each other on the stairs (as one goes up and the other goes down) should be able to hold onto this element without interruption.
- Never go down steps without holding onto the handrail.

Step 5. Prevent vulnerable people from accessing the stairs
You should prevent young children and the elderly from using the stairs who are unable to safely climb or descend, such as those with senile dementia; for this purpose, you can install gates both at the top and at the base of the staircase, to make them safe.
- Fix the gate correctly to the side wall; the other side must be connected to the railing.
- Check that the latch is always closed for the gate to be effective.
- Push-in models are designed to be installed on door frames and you should never use them to prevent access to stairs, as they are not safe.
Part 2 of 3: Improving Stair Safety

Step 1. Eliminate the clutter
Objects left on the steps are a common cause of accidents. Make sure the stairs are clear before attempting them downhill or uphill.
- There should be no loose items or items sticking out of the steps, such as loose boards, nails or other debris.
- Clean up any liquid that has been spilled on the steps or any sticky substance that may interfere with a sure footing.
- Do not lay loose rugs at the base or top of the stairway, as people can slip on and fall over.

Step 2. Improve the visibility of the flight of stairs
Many accidents are caused by poor distance assessment; if the steps are more visible, these errors are much less likely. For this purpose, you can add high visibility details on each step.
- Use lights or paint to make the perimeter of each step more noticeable. A very common technique for commercial stairs is to paint a bright colored stripe on the edge of each step or to add a row of small lights.
- Use a matte, non-glossy varnish to prevent reflections from preventing a good depth assessment.
- Do not place decorative patterned rugs on the stairs, as they may alter the perception of depth.

Step 3. Ensure good lighting
The recommended amount for safe access to the stairs is 50 lux, which is the minimum necessary to be able to read. Make sure that the light distribution is well designed to ensure that the staircase is always well visible. You should be able to turn on the lighting from both ends of the staircase and without difficulty.
- The path marker lights can be placed in the wall about 12-15 cm from the surface of each step.
- The lights can also be positioned between each step, so that they illuminate the next or the previous one. There are many options for being creative!
- If you are facing a badly lit staircase, use a flashlight.

Step 4. Keep the treads of each step in good condition
If you let them wear out, become smooth and slippery, you increase the risk of falls. Reduce the chances of accidents by applying non-slip surfaces on the stairs, which can be rubber, metal or special paint.
- You can put them all over the step or just on the edge.
- The carpet should be kept in perfect condition; make sure that the one covering the stairs is not unglued and replace it when it is worn.
Part 3 of 3: Dress Safely

Step 1. Put on your footwear when walking down the stairs
Shoes with good soles provide support for your feet as you walk. Wearing those with high heels, slippers with soft soles or just socks, you increase the risk of slipping.
- If you have weak ankles, make sure your shoes also support these joints as you walk; a sprain can turn into a fall.
- Rotate your feet slightly outward to improve stability.

Step 2. Avoid long dresses that drag on the ground
It is easy to stumble upon long, wide skirts or pants when going down and up stairs; such a mishap usually leads to a fall. To avoid this risk from occurring, do not wear this type of clothing when facing the stairs.
- If you find yourself in a situation where you have to go down steps and wear this type of clothing, proceed with caution and lift any excess fabric with one hand as you walk; keep a secure grip on the handrail with the free one.
- Wearing clothing that is too long prevents you from seeing your feet; if you do not visually identify their position relative to the steps, you run a greater risk of falling.

Step 3. Don't wear tight skirts
Models that do not allow freedom of movement in the knees and legs are equally dangerous. Too tight skirts prevent you from walking properly from step to step.
- If you are forced to wear this type of clothing, go up and down with both feet on each step instead of alternating steps.
- Another technique for climbing stairs when you wear very tight skirts is to raise them as far as modesty allows; by doing so, your knees have greater range of motion and you can go up and down steps more safely.