4 Ways to Cook Kiełbasa

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4 Ways to Cook Kiełbasa
4 Ways to Cook Kiełbasa

Kiełbasa is a sausage of Polish origin. There are three types: white, classic and dry. The latter is a cured meat that can be enjoyed immediately, without having to cook it. Classic kiełbasa should not be cooked, but many people prefer to cook it both for safety reasons and to enhance its flavor. However, there is a type of kiełbasa, or white, which must be cooked because it is raw. Once cooked, you can enrich its taste by putting it in the oven, frying it or grilling it.


Method 1 of 4: Cooking the Kiełbasa Biała

Cook Kielbasa Step 1
Cook Kielbasa Step 1

Step 1. Buy some kiełbasa biała, which is usually white

Being raw, it should be cooked before proceeding with the preparation. When cooked, you can serve it immediately or accentuate its flavor by baking, grilling or frying it.

  • Dried kiełbasa, like kabanos, should not be cooked. Just slice it and eat it alone or accompany it with bread.
  • If you have kiełbasa zwyczajna, which is the classic, cooking is not mandatory, but it is highly recommended to eliminate potential bacteria. It can be baked, fried or broiled.
Cook Kielbasa Step 2
Cook Kielbasa Step 2

Step 2. Put the kiełbasa in a large pot

It needs to be wide enough that you can store the meat in it without cramming it. If you plan to cook a lot of sausages, it's best to divide them into several groups. Keep the raw ones in the fridge as you go through the preparation.

Cook Kielbasa Step 3
Cook Kielbasa Step 3

Step 3. Pour in enough water to cover the kiełbasa

The amount of water to use depends on the size of the pot and the thickness of the sausages.

Cook Kielbasa Step 4
Cook Kielbasa Step 4

Step 4. Bring the water to a boil over high heat, then lower the heat and, without covering the pot, simmer for 30 minutes or until the kiełbasa have reached a temperature between 75 and 80 ° C

You can test it with a meat thermometer.

Cook Kielbasa Step 5
Cook Kielbasa Step 5

Step 5. Once the kiełbasa biała is cooked, you can add it to żurek (a famous Polish soup served at Easter), or brown it in the oven, fry it or grill it

Method 2 of 4: Bake the Kiełbasa in the Oven

Cook Kielbasa Step 6
Cook Kielbasa Step 6

Step 1. Preheat the oven to 160 ° C

Place the grid in the center.

Cook Kielbasa Step 7
Cook Kielbasa Step 7

Step 2. Place the kiełbasa on a large baking sheet

If the sausages are too large and press on the sides, cut them in half or thirds. Do not slice them: if the recipe requires you to use them in slices, cut them when cooked.

  • For baking, cooked kiełbasa biała or zwyczajna are more suitable. It is not necessary to cook dry kiełbasa, such as kabanos.
  • Before being baked, the kiełbasa biała must be cooked.
Cook Kielbasa Step 8
Cook Kielbasa Step 8

Step 3. Bake the kiełbasa uncovered for 15-20 minutes

To help them cook evenly, turn them about every 5 minutes with a pair of tongs.

You can add other tasty ingredients such as onion slices, potatoes, carrots or other vegetables

Cook Kielbasa Step 9
Cook Kielbasa Step 9

Step 4. Let them rest for 3 minutes before serving or use them to prepare the recipe you are following

Kiełbasa can be enjoyed on its own or added to other dishes, especially of Polish origin, such as bigos or żurek. In addition, you can accompany it with kapusta, or sauerkraut.

Method 3 of 4: Fry the Kiełbasa

Cook Kielbasa Step 10
Cook Kielbasa Step 10

Step 1. Cut the sausages into slices about 3 cm thick and place them on a pan

For this method it is preferable to use cooked kiełbasa biała or zwyczajna. The dry one, like kabanos, should not be fried.

Before being fried, kiełbasa biała must be cooked

Cook Kielbasa Step 11
Cook Kielbasa Step 11

Step 2. Pour some oil into the pan and adjust the heat to medium heat

The oil allows the sausages to brown and prevents them from sticking to the pan. However, it is not necessary to use a lot of it, as the sausage itself releases oils during cooking.

Cook Kielbasa Step 12
Cook Kielbasa Step 12

Step 3. Fry them for 6-9 minutes

Stir them often with a spatula to prevent them from burning. If you have cooked onions or potatoes, you could slice them up and pan them to make a delicious lunch or dinner.

Cook Kielbasa Step 13
Cook Kielbasa Step 13

Step 4. Plate the kiełbasa

You can serve them straight from the pan. If they seem greasy, lay them on a paper towel for a few minutes to allow the oil to absorb.

Method 4 of 4: Grilling the Kiełbasa

Cook Kielbasa Step 14
Cook Kielbasa Step 14

Step 1. Preheat the grill over medium-low heat

The most suitable types of kiełbasa for this method are biała or cooked zwyczajna. There is no need to grill dry kiełbasa, like kabanos.

Before being grilled, kiełbasa biała must be cooked

Cook Kielbasa Step 15
Cook Kielbasa Step 15

Step 2. Place the kiełbasa on the grid

Do not cut them with a knife, otherwise the juice will come out and the meat may dry out too much.

Cook Kielbasa Step 16
Cook Kielbasa Step 16

Step 3. Grill them for a total of 8-12 minutes, turning them only once

After 4-6 minutes, turn them with a pair of tongs and grill them for another 4-6 minutes.

Cook Kielbasa Step 17
Cook Kielbasa Step 17

Step 4. Plate the kiełbasa

If you want, you can cut them into slices with a thickness of about 1, 5-3 cm. To make them even more delicious, serve them with kapusta, that is, sauerkraut.


  • To make it even tastier, dip it in spiced brown mustard.
  • Serve it with typical Polish dishes such as pierogie, żurek, kapusta or bigos.
  • Kiełbasa zwyczajna is smoked, but you should still cook it by frying or grilling it. Some of the most common types are śląska and podwawelska.
  • Dried kiełbasa is typically eaten cold, like a cured meat. It is generally served sliced with bread and butter. Some of the most popular variants are kabanos, wiejska and krakowska.
