How To Make Turkey Stuffing: 14 Steps

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How To Make Turkey Stuffing: 14 Steps
How To Make Turkey Stuffing: 14 Steps

Stuffed turkey is a dish belonging to the American culinary traditions served on the occasion of Thanksgiving. Since the choice of ingredients is practically unlimited, it is possible to prepare different types of filling: sweet, pungent, hearty, light and so on. The topping illustrated in this recipe is great on its own, but is also a good base for other ingredients.

Doses for 15 people


  • 2 loaves (read the instructions to understand which type of bread to choose)
  • 115 g of butter
  • 20 champignons
  • 20 oyster mushrooms
  • 4 large celery stalks
  • 2 white onions
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 5 g of fresh parsley (or 5 g of dried parsley)
  • 5 g of fresh sage (or 5 g of dried sage)
  • 1.2 L chicken stock (you may not need to use it all)
  • Salt and Pepper To Taste.
  • Optional ingredients, such as sausage, dried / fresh fruit or goat cheese


Part 1 of 2: Prepare the Filling

Make Turkey Stuffing Step 1
Make Turkey Stuffing Step 1

Step 1. Preheat the oven to 135 ° C

Make Turkey Stuffing Step 2
Make Turkey Stuffing Step 2

Step 2. Cut the bread into cubes about 2 cm wide

If using a whole loaf, first cut it lengthwise, then stack the slices and cut them into cubes.

  • Usually for the filling, pancarré, challah or bagel are used. For unusual flavors and textures, try sourdough bread or cornbread. Avoid bread with a crunchy crust and soft crumb, as it can become mushy.
  • The electric bread cutter facilitates the procedure.
Make Turkey Stuffing Step 3
Make Turkey Stuffing Step 3

Step 3. After preheating the oven, place the bread cubes on a baking sheet and bake them for about 10 or 15 minutes, until they are toasted

  • If the bread is already hard and stale or you are using cornbread, you can skip this step.
  • On a separate baking sheet, toast a couple of handfuls of roughly chopped pine nuts or walnuts (optional). If using pine nuts, take them out of the oven after 5-7 minutes to prevent them from burning.
Make Turkey Stuffing Step 4
Make Turkey Stuffing Step 4

Step 4. Chop the vegetables and herbs

Dice the celery, onions and garlic. If using parsley and fresh sage, chop them. Coarsely chop the mushrooms, trying to get a consistency similar to that of minced meat.

Make Turkey Stuffing Step 5
Make Turkey Stuffing Step 5

Step 5. Skip the mushrooms

In a large, thick-bottomed skillet, melt a third of the butter. Let it cook until it stops bubbling, but remove it from the heat before it turns brown. Add the mushrooms and cook for about 7 minutes, stirring occasionally. They should start to sizzle and brown.

To save time, cook the mushrooms with the other ingredients, although this will leave a more intense flavor

Make Turkey Stuffing Step 6
Make Turkey Stuffing Step 6

Step 6. Leaving the mushrooms in the pan, melt the remaining butter, then add all the vegetables and herbs you cut, plus thyme, salt and pepper

Cover and cook for about 5 minutes, until they wilt. Some vegetables should remain crunchy when cooked, especially celery.

The filling requires more butter than traditional sautéed vegetables, as it must be moist to keep it compact

Make Turkey Stuffing Step 7
Make Turkey Stuffing Step 7

Step 7. Add the toast cubes to the vegetables and mix well in the pan itself or in a large bowl

Make Turkey Stuffing Step 8
Make Turkey Stuffing Step 8

Step 8. Heat the chicken stock on the stove or in the microwave until it starts to steam, then gradually pour it over the bread while stirring

The bread must soak well. If you are going to cook the stuffing inside the turkey, use only ¾ of the stock so that it can absorb the juice from the meat.

  • If the filling does not become compact, beat 1 or 2 large eggs and add them. Do this just before stuffing the turkey.
  • If you have time, you can make some turkey broth in advance. Place the turkey giblets in a saucepan filled with water and simmer for an hour.

Part 2 of 2: Cooking the Filling

Make Turkey Stuffing Step 9
Make Turkey Stuffing Step 9

Step 1. Decide whether to cook it with turkey or separately

Using it to stuff the turkey before baking it allows you to get a much tastier dish, but this also carries the risk of contracting a bacterial infection. Food hygiene experts strongly recommend using a cooking thermometer that can reach the center of the filling. If you don't have one, cook the filling separately.

  • Never stuff a turkey that you intend to grill, smoke, fry, or microwave.
  • Cooking the filling separately also saves 15-30 minutes on cooking times.
Make Turkey Stuffing Step 10
Make Turkey Stuffing Step 10

Step 2. Place the filling in a greased baking dish

Cover it with aluminum foil and cook for 30 minutes at 160 ° C. Remove the foil and let it cook for another 10 minutes, this way the meat will become golden and crisp.

When you remove the foil, you can also garnish with chopped dried fruit, crumbled goat cheese, or Parmesan (optional)

Make Turkey Stuffing Step 11
Make Turkey Stuffing Step 11

Step 3. Stuff the turkey until the filling is hot

If you made it in advance, keep it in the fridge, then reheat it in a large skillet.

Make Turkey Stuffing Step 12
Make Turkey Stuffing Step 12

Step 4. Stuff the turkey only lightly

If you overfill it, the filling could become chewy, not to mention it won't be able to cook all the way through. Calculate about 350g of stuffing for every pound of meat. If you can insert your whole hand into the turkey, the filling has enough room to expand as it absorbs the juice.

If you have any stuffing left over, score the turkey skin at the thigh joint and chest, then insert the stuffing underneath. The remaining filling can be cooked separately in the oven as explained above

Make Turkey Stuffing Step 13
Make Turkey Stuffing Step 13

Step 5. Roast the turkey to the right temperature

When you have finished stuffing it, bake it immediately at 160 ° C. Before taking it out of the oven, check that the internal temperature has reached 74 ° C. Measure it in the center of the filling, in the thickest part of the chest and, finally, in the innermost part of the thigh and wing.

  • A stuffed turkey weighing around 3.5kg takes around 3 hours to cook, while a 10kg turkey around 5.
  • If the turkey is ready but the stuffing is not, remove the stuffing and cook it in a greased baking dish.
  • An instant-read thermometer takes about 15 seconds to measure the temperature, while a regular cooking thermometer is left for 5 minutes in the turkey.
Make Turkey Stuffing Step 14
Make Turkey Stuffing Step 14

Step 6. Remove the turkey from the oven and let it rest for 20 minutes before cutting or removing the stuffing

In this period of time, cooking will complete and the juice will redistribute itself in the meat to make it more tender.


  • If you want to make a meat filling, cook it well before mixing it with the other ingredients. Meat with a strong and intense flavor, such as sausage or turkey liver, is particularly suitable.
  • To the filling you can add a pinch of nutmeg, a pinch of cloves and 2 finely chopped green apples. In this case, exclude the garlic and half of the broth.
  • You can use any other combination of vegetables and greens, as long as at least one of them is crunchy. Shallots, leeks, carrots, fennel, and peppers are other common options.
