How to Calculate the Blood Alcohol Rate

How to Calculate the Blood Alcohol Rate
How to Calculate the Blood Alcohol Rate

Table of contents:


The blood alcohol level or 'alcohol level' is the measure of the alcohol in your body. By following these steps, you will learn how to calculate your BAC and understand when it is legal to drive safely.


Calculate Blood Alcohol Level Step 1
Calculate Blood Alcohol Level Step 1

Step 1. Understanding Alcohol

A rate of 0.10 means having 1 part of alcohol in every 1,000 of blood. The police use a breathalyzer ('balloon') to track your rate, but if you don't have one on hand you can do your own math so they know if you can afford to drive. Better think about it at home to know your limits and drink accordingly.

Calculate Blood Alcohol Level Step 2
Calculate Blood Alcohol Level Step 2

Step 2. Choose what to poison yourself with

The first step in determining your BAC is knowing how much alcohol is in what you drink. You will also need to learn what is the basis of a common drink.

  • Beer usually has 4 to 6% alcohol. The volume varies according to the type of beer. Some craft and import brands are stronger (8-12% or more). Your best bet is to check the label.

    Calculate Blood Alcohol Level Step 2Bullet1
    Calculate Blood Alcohol Level Step 2Bullet1
  • A glass of wine is about 115 ml. Red, white, rosé and champagne.

    Calculate Blood Alcohol Level Step 2Bullet2
    Calculate Blood Alcohol Level Step 2Bullet2
  • A spirits drink is about 75ml, one shot usually contains 40% by volume. Remember that some drinks are fortified such as 151 rum or ethanol. So if you drink something with a hard alcohol instead of a beer or a glass of wine, you will have a very high rate.

    Calculate Blood Alcohol Level Step 2Bullet3
    Calculate Blood Alcohol Level Step 2Bullet3
Calculate Blood Alcohol Level Step 3
Calculate Blood Alcohol Level Step 3

Step 3. Consider your options

Calculation of the rate depends on gender and weight. Alcohol is absorbed differently by men and women. Male bodies hold it up better. Men usually weigh more than women and therefore have the advantage of better absorbing alcohol. For example: an 80 kg man who has had 4 drinks in an hour will have a rate of 0.08. In the same hour, his 50 kg partner will only reach the same value with 2. Use an online BAC calculator. - see "Sources and Citations".

Calculate Blood Alcohol Level Step 4
Calculate Blood Alcohol Level Step 4

Step 4. Check the weather

Time says it all. As the evening progresses and you drink one drink after another, the hours will have a certain effect on your alcohol. As a general rule, subtract 0.15 from your total rate for every hour that has passed since you had your first drink. The 80kg man who knocked out 4, has a rate of 0.08. If he waits and stops drinking for an hour, his rate would drop to 0.065 and he could drive.

Calculate Blood Alcohol Level Step 5
Calculate Blood Alcohol Level Step 5

Step 5. Always remember that there are many factors involved in a person's reaction to alcohol

Your rate may be affected by the following variables:

  • hereditary factors
  • medicines
  • metabolism
  • hormonal factors e
  • how much food do you have in your stomach
Calculate Blood Alcohol Level Step 6
Calculate Blood Alcohol Level Step 6

Step 6. Note that drinking a glass of water or coffee does not dilute the blood, it just causes the alcohol to get into the gut where it enters the blood faster

Calculate Blood Alcohol Level Step 7
Calculate Blood Alcohol Level Step 7

Step 7. Always drink responsibly

Alcohol is only part of a life full of satisfaction. Learn to dose it and drink with your head; think about having fun with friends. This way you can stay safe and others with you.

Calculate Blood Alcohol Level Step 8
Calculate Blood Alcohol Level Step 8

Step 8. A drunk driving accident is a horrible and expensive experience:

learn to enjoy a drink while socializing. Learn to recognize your hangover levels and know the limits, slow down and stop - it's easier than thinking about it once you're completely drunk.


  • Drink responsibly and follow the laws regarding age restrictions.
  • If you drive, there are even cheap breathalysers that you can find on eBay or even at the supermarket, to measure your rate and see if you can drive without breaking the law. They could save you a lot of money in fines and insurance premiums, as well as saving your life and other people's lives. Also look for blood testers in addition to breathalysers. Drink with your head, drive with your head!


  • During the holidays and when there are special occasions that lead to drinking, remember to think carefully.
  • If you miscalculate, you may be above the allowable limit. Better not drink or drive in that case.
