How To Prepare Strong Coffee: 10 Steps

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How To Prepare Strong Coffee: 10 Steps
How To Prepare Strong Coffee: 10 Steps

Coffee consumers often order a "strong" one, but this word has several meanings. Some people crave the highest caffeine content, even if this results in a more bitter taste and nothing more. In the world of experts in this drink, the term "strong" indicates a coffee for which there is a greater number of beans per serving or whose aroma is particularly rich. However, you don't have to compromise, you can make a delicious, intense-flavored drink without burning the grounds and without giving up on caffeine.


Method 1 of 2: Choose the Beans

Make Strong Coffee Step 1
Make Strong Coffee Step 1

Step 1. Choose the coffee variety

The "robusta" one has a stronger flavor and up to twice the caffeine than Arabica, although it is generally more bitter and less pleasant. If you are not a coffee snob and need an extra boost of energy in the morning, you can supplement the blend by adding up to 15% Robusta; if you prefer a more pleasant aroma, limit yourself to 100% Arabica.

Not all espresso lovers agree, but many prefer a coffee with a good dose of Robusta

Make Strong Coffee Step 2
Make Strong Coffee Step 2

Step 2. Decide on the level of toasting

Despite popular belief, this process does not play a big role in the caffeine content, except for a small "reduction" after a very intense roasting. Most people believe that heavily roasted coffee is "strong" due to its intense and bitter flavor; those with a medium or light roast are not as strong on the palate, but still keep you awake.

Remember that it is easy to spoil the taste of coffee with prolonged roasting; medium processes (including Vienna coffee and full-city) make it possible to obtain a strong drink, but with a more complex flavor of aromatic tones

Make Strong Coffee Step 3
Make Strong Coffee Step 3

Step 3. Purchase fresh, whole grains

The freshly roasted ones are more intense and pleasant; try to consume them within a week or two to fully enjoy this taste experience.

  • This detail does not affect caffeine levels.
  • To keep the beans at their best, place them in an airtight container away from light and at room temperature; try using a ceramic container with a metal closure and a rubber seal.

Method 2 of 2: Extract a Strong Coffee

Make Strong Coffee Step 4
Make Strong Coffee Step 4

Step 1. Finely grind the fresh beans

To maintain an intense aroma, only grind the ones you are going to use. The finer the powder, the faster the flavor is extracted, as the water comes into contact with a greater surface area of coffee. If the drink seems a little watery for your taste, try pulverizing the beans more next time.

  • If you grind the coffee too finely, the liquid will have an overwhelming bitter taste. Typically, a medium consistency (similar to that of sand you find on the beach) is perfect for a percolation extraction, while the coarser one (such as coarse salt) is ideal for the French pot and other longer methods..
  • The finer the powder, the more likely you are to find some grounds in the cup; you can stir them in the liquid and sip it to get a burst of flavor and energy or advance these last drops.
Make Strong Coffee Step 5
Make Strong Coffee Step 5

Step 2. Increase the ratio of coffee to water

A cup of strong drink is typically made with one part of the mixture and 16 parts of water measured by weight. For a single serving of American coffee this translates to 11 g of blend and 180 ml of water; if you get a drink that is too diluted for your taste, you can increase the dose of powder.

  • To get an estimate of the dose, you can use two tablespoons of ground coffee for 180 ml of water. Measurements by volume are less accurate, so you may not always get the same intensity of flavor.
  • "Extreme" aficionados of intense coffee use a ratio of 2.5: 6, but for most people this produces a drink that is too overwhelming and high in caffeine.
  • 1 milliliter of water weighs 1 gram, so you can measure the dose of liquid by volume without having to do mathematical calculations.
Make Strong Coffee Step 6
Make Strong Coffee Step 6

Step 3. Increase the water temperature

The hotter it is, the faster the extraction is; most extraction methods have a temperature between 91 and 96 ° C. An infrared thermometer is the best tool for checking the water temperature, but you can also proceed by trial and error. The liquid cools rapidly in almost all kettles to reach the ideal level within 10-30 seconds after boiling.

  • Do not bring the temperature above 96 ° C, otherwise you will burn the mixture and disperse its flavor.
  • If you are above 1200m, use the water as soon as it starts to boil.
Make Strong Coffee Step 7
Make Strong Coffee Step 7

Step 4. Extract the coffee at the correct time

There is a precise stage in the process where most of the aromas have dissolved in water, while the unpleasant tasting compounds are still inside the powder. A little practice is required to find this "magic moment". If you are using a French coffee maker, try to leave the grounds to soak for 2-4 minutes; allow 5 minutes to pass instead, if you use a percolation technique. By increasing the duration of the extraction you get a more intense coffee, but it is easy to overdo it and end up with "dirty water" and bitter.

For more details on this, you can read articles that deal with the extraction with a French coffee maker, with the American one or by filtration

Make Strong Coffee Step 8
Make Strong Coffee Step 8

Step 5. Drink it right away

Coffee quickly loses its flavor, especially at high temperatures. To keep the aroma rich and not sloppy, drink it immediately after extraction; if you need to keep it for a long time, place it in a thermos at 85 ° C.

Make Strong Coffee Step 9
Make Strong Coffee Step 9

Step 6. Check the tools to ensure constant extraction

If you are using an American coffee machine or a filtration method, check that the water falls in a steady flow and wet all the mixture; in any case, mix the ground coffee so that there are no compact points that prevent the passage of the liquid.

Make Strong Coffee Step 10
Make Strong Coffee Step 10

Step 7. Try a special extraction method

If none of these tips solved the problem, try different coffee-making techniques. Here are some solutions for lovers of a strong drink:

  • Use an AeroPress that allows you to obtain a more intense drink, just like with the French coffee maker but in a shorter time.
  • Try the Turkish coffee that is made with a finely ground coffee left at the bottom of the cup. This technique allows you to obtain the most intense coffee possible, excluding espresso.
  • Cold extraction produces a strong cup of coffee without the risk of the unpleasant flavors typical of excessive extraction; it takes 24 hours to complete the process.
