How to Get Higher Grades

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How to Get Higher Grades
How to Get Higher Grades

Are you anxious about entering high school? Weren't you brilliant in middle school or do you want to be the top of the class as a "first-grader"? Use these steps and tips and you should be well on your way to improving your high school grades.


Get Better Grades in High School Step 1
Get Better Grades in High School Step 1

Step 1. Remove any distractions as you study

If you have boring siblings coming and going from your room screaming or your cell phone is ready to ring at any moment, you are bound to waste time. Remove all your distractions as best you can.

Get Better Grades in High School Step 2
Get Better Grades in High School Step 2

Step 2. Study for short intervals of 30-60 minutes

After reading a lot or solving a lot of problems, the brain needs to relax and cool off a bit to continue. However, do not let the breaks exceed 5 minutes. A bathroom break or a walk around your home are the best solutions.

Get Better Grades in High School Step 3
Get Better Grades in High School Step 3

Step 3. Finish all homework at least one day before the due date

This includes homework, unfinished class work and projects. Finish school deliveries as fast as you can. In other words, it assigns priorities such as "do it first" and "do it later".

Get Better Grades in High School Step 4
Get Better Grades in High School Step 4

Step 4. Present a clean job

Teachers normally have better impressions of students with tidier notebooks than those who work in a cluttered manner, even if the latter's task is better. However this will not get you higher grades - you will get the grade you deserve. But a good impression will improve the relationship between you and the teacher, which will help you more willingly and, in the long run, will result in a greater chance of getting a better grade.

Get Better Grades in High School Step 5
Get Better Grades in High School Step 5

Step 5. Use your time efficiently

Did you know that an average person spends up to 4 years of their life waiting? Use any spare time to study. You don't have to be a diehard nerd if you read a textbook in the doctor's waiting room: bring a sheet of notes or a math workbook to do your homework. This will help you not only prepare for rehearsal, but you will also be less bored.

Get Better Grades in High School Step 6
Get Better Grades in High School Step 6

Step 6. If you can, choose the subjects you like, but not the ones you have already done or that you already know

This is cheating and you cannot cheat into good universities. But if you actually like a subject, it will make it easier for you.

Get Better Grades in High School Step 7
Get Better Grades in High School Step 7

Step 7. Mandatory add projects with extra credit which are usually optional, even if they only add 5 points to your grade:

you'll get a consistent 1 - 2, maybe 3% more than average, which never hurts.

Get Better Grades in High School Step 8
Get Better Grades in High School Step 8

Step 8. Get used to having a "I'm going to pass this test / exam great" attitude

The confident feeling proved helpful in being more serious and studying more profitably the night before.

Get Better Grades in High School Step 9
Get Better Grades in High School Step 9

Step 9. Observe the brightest students to understand how they do so well in school

It's not imitating them if you don't copy their every move and plan. You're just asking them how they manage to be successful in the studio.

Get Better Grades in High School Step 10
Get Better Grades in High School Step 10

Step 10. Watch poor students to see why they are not doing well

By doing the opposite of them, you will get better grades, of course.

Get Better Grades in High School Step 11
Get Better Grades in High School Step 11

Step 11. Try to organize yourself as best you can

A disorganized person needs at least 5 minutes to find things. Now imagine if you have a lot of homework! If you are well organized you will avoid wasting a good 20 - 30 minutes. In 20 minutes you could learn a few new words of a foreign language!

Get Better Grades in High School Step 12
Get Better Grades in High School Step 12

Step 12. Have a nutritious breakfast

Nothing makes a school day better than a bursting brain and a stomach that doesn't grumble.

Get Better Grades in High School Step 13
Get Better Grades in High School Step 13

Step 13. Review your notes immediately after class if you can

If not, review them at the study room and / or at home. If you review them once a day for 5 minutes you will greatly increase your chances of remembering them. If you haven't taken notes, create or write review cards at home by taking the information from your textbook and following the same process.

Get Better Grades in High School Step 14
Get Better Grades in High School Step 14

Step 14. Read or skim your textbook before class

It doesn't hurt to "learn" something twice. You will understand the explanation more clearly by already knowing what you are about to learn.

Get Better Grades in High School Step 15
Get Better Grades in High School Step 15

Step 15. Study with a friend or parent who is familiar with the subject

Learning is not limited to a certified teacher.

Step 16. Seek help

It seems obvious enough, but some students are too shy to ask for help or just don't care enough to do it. This will allow you to understand the matter well so that you will be fully able to take an "Excellent". Study as much as you want, but if you don't seek help understanding what you are learning, you will not achieve the grades you are striving for.


  • Do your best to get a good night's sleep, especially before an exam.
  • Don't put off your work at the last minute.
  • Don't just study the day before the exam - study for as many days as you can. Try to study every day before the test if possible, even if for a short amount of time.
  • If you don't have someone to help you or you are too shy to ask the teacher, remember that there is one person who can help you: it's you! Reread your textbook. If you don't know the definitions, look for them. Studying is really all a matter of common sense.
  • Potential test questions are often revealed early and late in the course. Take advantage of it.
  • If you are not good at math or something similar to it, try the "make a hypothesis and verify" method, if you can.
  • If you don't know the answer, it is proven that the first instinct is the right one. Do not change your answer, unless you have proof of the error and are absolutely sure.
  • If possible, study in natural sunlight. It is scientifically proven to help you focus more.


  • Giving up shows how weak you are - even if you're not the best, you don't have to give up. Prove that you can do it.
  • If you fail a test, don't give up. Giving up will only make your grade worse. Even 1% more is better than nothing.
  • Try not to over-stress yourself or be anxious before a test. Being nervous will make you think more about your grade than your current assignment.
  • Think positive.
