It can be hard to pack and know what to pack, here's a quick guide for girls.

Step 1. Put the books first, to avoid crushing the more delicate objects
If it's the first day of school, bring a notebook. To avoid having a heavy backpack, bring only the books you need that day.

Step 2. On days when you have gymnastics, remember your tracksuit and shoes
Step 3. Take the pencil case
Don't just carry a random pen. Get organized and pack what you need in your backpack, like:
Pencils and pens for writing, etc.
Pack a School Bag (Teen Girls) Step 3Bullet1 - Colored pencils and crayons for drawing
Tools for the geometry lesson: ruler, eraser, sharpener, protractor, compass
Pack a School Bag (Teen Girls) Step 3Bullet3 -
Pack a School Bag (Teen Girls) Step 3Bullet4 -
Pack a School Bag (Teen Girls) Step 3Bullet5 -
Pack a School Bag (Teen Girls) Step 3Bullet6

Step 4. Decide whether to bring scotch tape, scissors, glue or a stapler, which may be useful

Step 5. Always carry emergency supplies for girls with you:
- Absorbents external or internal
- Make-up (Mascara, Pencil, Lipgloss, Mirror)
- Scent
- Comb and clothespins
- Handkerchiefs
- Cream
- Hand sanitizer gel

Step 6. And other personal items if there is space:
- Key
- Mobile (if allowed)
- iPod or MP3 (if allowed)
- Chewing gum or peppermint candy (if allowed)
- Umbrella (only if it rains)
- Eyeglasses
- Cellphone charger
- Lunch or money for lunch
- Anything else you need during the day
- Wash your backpack regularly, throwing away the things you no longer need.
- Put important papers in a folder to keep them from creasing.
- Make sure your mobile is charged in an emergency.
- Use a backpack with enough compartments and pockets for all your stuff.
- Don't pack things you don't need. Only put things you use so your backpack isn't too full.
- If you are not wearing jeans and have no pockets (for example if you are wearing a skirt) put your mobile phone and / or mp3 player in a small pocket in your backpack. Roll the earbuds around them to take up less space.
- You can put your cell phone and chewing gum in your pocket so you have them close at hand.
- Make sure you are allowed to bring your cell phone or any electronic item
- If you have a locker in the gym you can put your shoes and tracksuit in it.
- Try carrying books if they are too heavy.
- Always keep the backpack closed.
- Put the pads in an inside pocket of your backpack so they don't show when you open it.
- Don't let anyone put their hands in your backpack, unless they are family or close friends.
- Make sure you have your parents' permission to bring expensive items to school.
- If you are not allowed to carry your cell phone, don't risk it.