Do you want your website content to appear perfectly centered on the page to get two exactly identical side edges while maintaining left justified text alignment? This tutorial shows you how.
Method 1 of 1: Center the Content of a Web Page

Step 1. Launch Notepad or a text editor with similar functionality

Step 2. Create the basic structure of the web page

Step 3. Inside the tags, enter the style definition that appears in the image

Step 4. Inside the tags, insert the following 'div' tag

Step 5. Insert the content of your web page inside the tags

Step 6. Here is the finished product:

Step 7. Save the created document with the extension '.htm' or '.html', now your work is done
You can add the following code background-color: [color];
within the description of the 'body' style and the 'centered' style. By using different colors for each, you can create a colored border on both sides (right and left) that will be perfectly identical.
- Experiment with changing the page width until you achieve the desired result.