Depending on the model of portable Mac you have, you can press the Power or Touch ID button in the upper right corner of the keyboard to start the macOS operating system. If you are using a desktop model of Mac, for example a Mac Pro, an iMac, a Mac Mini, make sure the computer is properly connected to the mains, then press the "Power" button located on the top or back of the computer case. If your Mac does not start, the expert Chiara Corsaro suggests checking the operation of the power outlet and the power cable. If either of these two components are damaged, you will not be able to start the Mac. Try changing the power outlet and make sure the power cord is properly and firmly inserted into the Mac port before doing any other checks or before adopting any other solution.
Method 1 of 4: iMac and iMac Pro

Step 1. Plug your iMac into a power outlet
In order to turn it on, you need to make sure it's plugged into a working power outlet.

Step 2. Locate the "Power" button with the following symbol
It is a circular button inside which you can see the classic logo that distinguishes all the "Power" keys. It is characterized by a circle intersected by a segment in the vertical part. It is usually located on the lower right side of the back side of the computer case.

Step 3. Press the "Power" button
You have to hold it down for a few seconds. You will hear a short beep when the boot process begins.
Method 2 of 4: Mac Pro Desktop

Step 1. Plug your Mac Pro into a power outlet
In order to turn it on, you need to make sure it's plugged into a working power outlet.

Step 2. Locate the "Power" button with the following symbol
It is a circular button inside which you can see the classic logo that distinguishes all the "Power" keys. It is characterized by a circle intersected by a segment in the vertical part. If you are using a Mac Pro manufactured in 2019, the "Power" button is located on the top of the case. If you are using an older model instead, you will find it on the back side of the case.

Step 3. Press the "Power" button
The Mac will either start the startup process or exit hibernation. When the boot process begins, you will hear a short beep.
Method 3 of 4: MacBook Pro and MacBook Air

Step 1. Charge the Mac battery
If your computer's battery isn't sufficiently charged, plug your Mac into the mains. Some portable Mac models turn on automatically when plugged into the mains.

Step 2. Lift the Mac lid
Modern Mac models start automatically when you lift the lid. If that's not your case, read on.

Step 3. Locate the location of the "Power" button indicated by the following icon
The precise location of this button varies by Mac model.
- If your Mac keyboard has function keys (F1-F12), located at the top of the keyboard, the "Power" button is located to the right of the last function key. It features a circular icon intersected by a vertical segment at the top.
- If you are using a MacBook with Touch Bar and Touch ID (for example some MacBook Pro models and MacBook Airs manufactured from 2018 onwards), the "Power" button is located in the upper right corner of the keyboard.

Step 4. Press the "Power" button
You have to hold it down for a few seconds. When you see the first images appear on the screen, you can release the "Power" button. You will hear a short beep when your Mac starts booting.
Depending on the model, you may be able to start the Mac by pressing any key on the keyboard
Method 4 of 4: Mac Mini

Step 1. Plug your Mac Mini into a power outlet
In order to turn it on, you need to make sure it's plugged into a working power outlet.

Step 2. Locate the "Power" button with the following symbol
It is a circular button inside which you can see the classic logo that distinguishes all the "Power" keys. It is characterized by a circle intersected by a segment in the vertical part. It is usually located on the left side of the back side of the computer case.

Step 3. Press the "Power" button
The Mac will either begin the startup process or exit hibernation. When the boot process begins, you will hear a short beep.
- If your Mac won't turn on, check that it's properly plugged into the mains. If the cables are connected correctly, try holding down the "Power" button for 10 seconds, then release it and then press it again.
- If your Mac freezes or stops responding to commands, try to force restart or reset it.
- If you are using a desktop computer and no screen image appears after turning it on, check that all cables going from the monitor to the back of the case are connected properly and securely.