3 Ways to Install New Themes on Ubuntu

Table of contents:

3 Ways to Install New Themes on Ubuntu
3 Ways to Install New Themes on Ubuntu

This article explains how to install a new theme in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS operating system. Many of the themes available for Ubuntu through the software repositories are installable directly from the "Terminal" window. In some cases, manual installation is required using the Archive Manager app. To apply one of the themes installed on Ubuntu, you need to download and install the GNOME Tweaks program from the Ubuntu Software Center.


Method 1 of 3: Using the Terminal Window

Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 1
Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 1

Step 1. Search for the theme you want to use

To find new themes for Ubuntu, you can do a simple Google search (https://www.google.com) using the keywords "ubuntu themes". Here is a short list of sites that share themes for Ubuntu:

  • Gnome-Look;
  • OMG Ubuntu;
  • Ubuntu Pit;
  • It's Foss.
Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 2
Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 2

Step 2. Click on the Ubuntu icon

It is listed in the docked dock on the left side of the desktop. It is characterized by a circle with three notches. The Dash will appear.

Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 3
Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 3

Step 3. Type the terminal keyword into the search bar

The latter is located at the top of the Dash.

Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 4
Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 4

Step 4. Click on the "Terminal" app icon

It is characterized by a black rectangle inside which there is the command prompt.

Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 5
Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 5

Step 5. Type the command sudo apt-get install [package_name] -theme and press the Enter key

Replace the "[package_name]" parameter with the package name of the theme you want to install. For example, if you want to install the "Arc" theme, you will need to use the command sudo apt-get install arc-theme within the "Terminal" window.

  • If prompted, provide your account password.
  • The installation of some themes may require additional commands. For this reason, always read carefully the installation instructions of any themes you download on your computer.
Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 6
Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 6

Step 6. Press the Y key on your keyboard

At the end of the installation, the remaining free space on the system hard drive will be indicated.

Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 7
Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 7

Step 7. Type the command sudo apt-get install [package_name] -icons in the "Terminal" window and press the Enter key

Use this command to install the icons of the theme you have chosen.

  • Provide your account password when prompted.
  • The installation of some themes may require additional commands. For this reason, always read carefully the installation instructions of any themes you download on your computer.
Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 8
Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 8

Step 8. Press the Y key on your keyboard

At the end of the installation, the remaining free space on the system hard drive will be indicated.

Method 2 of 3: Install a Theme Manually

Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 9
Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 9

Step 1. Search for the theme you want to use

To find new themes for Ubuntu, you can do a simple Google search (https://www.google.com) using the keywords "ubuntu themes". Here is a short list of sites that share themes for Ubuntu:

  • Gnome-Look;
  • OMG Ubuntu;
  • Ubuntu Pit;
  • It's Foss.
Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 10
Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 10

Step 2. Click on the link to download the installation file

When you have identified the theme you want to install on your computer, click on the link to download the installation file.

Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 11
Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 11

Step 3. Select the "Save File" option and click the OK button

The file will be saved in the "Download" folder on your computer.

Some themes are available in different versions and variations. Make sure you download the correct version you want to install

Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 12
Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 12

Step 4. Click the Archive Manager app icon

It features a filing cabinet and is listed in the system dock. The latter is normally docked on the left side of the Ubuntu desktop.

Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 13
Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 13

Step 5. Click on the Downloads folder

Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 14
Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 14

Step 6. Click on the file you just downloaded with the right mouse button and choose the Extract here option

Normally, theme and icon files are distributed in a compressed ".tar.xz" format. The files in the archive will be extracted into the folder.

Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 15
Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 15

Step 7. Access the extracted folder

The content inside will be displayed.

Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 16
Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 16

Step 8. Drag all the image files in the theme folder to the "Pictures" folder

The latter is listed in the left pane of the window. At this point click on the folder Download, visible in the left panel, to view the contents of the directory.

Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 17
Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 17

Step 9. Click on the folder you extracted from the compressed archive with the right mouse button, then select the Copy option from the context menu that will appear

Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 18
Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 18

Step 10. Click on the Home item

It is the first option listed in the left panel of the Ubuntu file manager window.

Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 19
Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 19

Step 11. Click on the ☰ button

It is characterized by three horizontal and parallel lines and is located in the upper right corner of the Archive Manager window.

Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 20
Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 20

Step 12. Click on the Show hidden files option visible in the appeared menu

Inside the window you will see additional files that were previously hidden.

Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 21
Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 21

Step 13. Click on the.themes folder or .icons.

These are hidden folders inside Ubuntu's "Home" folder.

If there is no ".themes" or ".icons" folder, double click on the button New folder to create two new folders: one named ".themes" and the other ".icons".

Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 22
Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 22

Step 14. Click on an empty spot in the right window pane using the right mouse button, then choose the Paste option

The theme files will be pasted into the ".themes" folder, while the icon files will be pasted into the ".icons" folder.

Method 3 of 3: Install GNOME Tweaks and Apply a Theme

Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 23
Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 23

Step 1. Log in to the Ubuntu Software Center

It features an orange shopping bag icon with the letter "A" inside. It is listed in the system dock that you find along the left side of the Ubuntu desktop.

Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 24
Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 24

Step 2. Type the keywords gnome tweaks into the search bar

The latter is located at the top of the Ubuntu Software Center window.

Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 25
Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 25

Step 3. Click on the GNOME Tweaks app that appeared in the list of results

It is characterized by an icon representing a control panel made up of some cursors.

Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 26
Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 26

Step 4. Click the Install button

It is placed under the application name.

Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 27
Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 27

Step 5. Enter your account password and click on the Authenticate option

In order to install a new program or app on your computer, you will need to enter the password of your Ubuntu user account.

Alternatively, you can install the "GNOME Tweaks" app by running the following command within the "Terminal" window: sudo apt-get install gnome-tweaks

Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 28
Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 28

Step 6. Click on the Ubuntu icon

It is listed in the docked dock on the left side of the desktop. It is characterized by a circle with three notches. The Dash will appear.

Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 29
Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 29

Step 7. Type the terminal keyword into the search bar

The latter is located at the top of the Dash.

Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 30
Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 30

Step 8. Click on the "Terminal" app icon

It is characterized by a black rectangle inside which there is the command prompt.

Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 31
Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 31

Step 9. Type the command sudo apt-get install gnome-shell-extensions inside the "Terminal" window and press the Enter key

This is the command that allows you to install the GNOME Shell Extensions app, which is the program needed to change the appearance and color of the panel.

To execute the command, enter your user account password when prompted

Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 32
Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 32

Step 10. Log into Ubuntu again

Once the GNOME Tweak installation is complete, you will need to log out and log in again with your account to complete the installation process. Click on the "Shutdown" icon located in the upper right corner of the desktop and click on the option End session. At this point, click on your account username and enter the corresponding password to log in again.

Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 33
Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 33

Step 11. Launch the GNOME Tweak app

It is characterized by an icon representing a control panel made up of some cursors. You can perform this step using the Dash or click on the "Start" button displayed in the Ubuntu Software Center window. Use these instructions to launch the GNOME Tweaks app from the Dash.

  • Click on the Ubuntu icon;
  • Type the Tweaks keyword into the search bar;
  • Click on the app GNOME Tweaks.
Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 34
Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 34

Step 12. Click on the Extensions tab

It is listed in the left pane of the window.

Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 35
Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 35

Step 13. Activate the "User Themes" option

To enable the use of user-installed themes you will need to activate the slider under "User Themes". This way, you will have the ability to change the colors and appearance of the panels.

Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 36
Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 36

Step 14. Click on the Appearance tab

It is the third option listed in the left pane of the window.

Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 37
Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 37

Step 15. Use the drop-down menus to apply the theme you want

To select the theme you have installed, you can use the "Applications", "Cursor", "Icons" and "Shell" drop-down menus.

Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 38
Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 38

Step 16. Click on the file icon next to the "Image" item in the "Background" section

This way, you will have the option to select an image to use as your desktop background.

Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 39
Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 39

Step 17. Click the image you want to use to select it, then click the Select button

The chosen image will be used as a desktop background.

Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 40
Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 40

Step 18. Click on the icon located next to the "Image" item in the "Lock Screen" section

In this way, you can select the image that will appear on the screen when the computer is locked.

Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 41
Install Themes in Ubuntu Step 41

Step 19. Click on the image you want to use to select it, then click the Select button

The chosen image will be used as the lock screen wallpaper.
