How to Shift from First to Second Gear on a Car with Manual Transmission

How to Shift from First to Second Gear on a Car with Manual Transmission
How to Shift from First to Second Gear on a Car with Manual Transmission

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This article will tell you how to shift from first to second gear on a manual transmission car. To be able to do this you must already be able to engage the first gear.


Shift from 1st to 2nd Gear in a Standard Transmission Car Step 1
Shift from 1st to 2nd Gear in a Standard Transmission Car Step 1

Step 1. Listen for changes in the engine sound that let you know it is working "too high"

A loud, high-pitched rustle is one of the signs. The first few times you can observe the tachometer, to get an idea of when it is appropriate to change; later you will develop this sensitivity "by ear". Most cars require a gear change between 3000 and 3500 RPM.

Shift from 1st to 2nd Gear in a Standard Transmission Car Step 2
Shift from 1st to 2nd Gear in a Standard Transmission Car Step 2

Step 2. Lift your right foot off the accelerator slightly, do not press the brake

Shift from 1st to 2nd Gear in a Standard Transmission Car Step 3
Shift from 1st to 2nd Gear in a Standard Transmission Car Step 3

Step 3. Quickly depress the clutch pedal with your left foot until you reach the floor of the passenger compartment and the clutch is completely disengaged

You will hear a change in the sound of the engine, a very slight sway and the tachometer value will drop sharply to idle.

Shift from 1st to 2nd Gear in a Standard Transmission Car Step 4
Shift from 1st to 2nd Gear in a Standard Transmission Car Step 4

Step 4. Move the shift lever from 1st to 2nd gear very smoothly

Shift from 1st to 2nd Gear in a Standard Transmission Car Step 5
Shift from 1st to 2nd Gear in a Standard Transmission Car Step 5

Step 5. Release the clutch smoothly while at the same time returning pressure to the accelerator pedal

Don't be abrupt on either pedal or you will go in fits and starts and strain the drivetrain.


  • If the seat and steering are adjustable (as in most cars) then adjust them so that you can step on the clutch pedal without any problems. Some small cars have quite a long pedal that tall people struggle to operate.
  • Practice a lot until you develop a muscle memory and perform all the movements without even thinking about it. It must become an automatic gesture.
  • Start by practicing in a level parking lot. Activate the handbrake, do not even start the engine but learn the basic movements of the clutch pedal and the gear lever.
  • Next, test your neighborhood's uphill and downhill streets before venturing into traffic. Make sure there are no cars behind you and practice hill starts without backing off more than a few inches.


  • Bring your cell phone and an experienced driver if possible just in case. Obviously don't drive while talking on the phone!
  • Do not partially depress the clutch pedal while you are deciding to change gear. This behavior damages the clutch in the long run and you will have to carry out very expensive repairs.
  • Don't drive on busy roads until you feel completely safe shifting gears. You have to get to feel so confident that you can have a little conversation with the passenger and the movements have to become automatic. You have to be focused on the dangers that may arise and on respecting the rules of the road while driving and you don't have to think about "how to drive" the car.
  • Practice in a place where you do not run the risk of hitting objects, structures or buildings.
