Black metal! It is the black soul of metal music that comes from Norway, Sweden, Germany, Finland and even the USA. The first bands to explore this style were mostly thrash metal, which shaped the prototype of black metal in the early 1980s; they are generally referred to as the First Wave, a small group of bands like Venom, Hellhammer, Celtic Frost, Mercyful Fate, and Bathory. In the late 80's and early 90's a Second Wave emerged, mainly made up of Norwegian bands such as Burzum, Mayhem and Darkthrone. While there is no well-defined Third Wave, modern black metal bands have incorporated new musical styles and text types into their tracks.

Step 1. Understand the origins
Black metal is probably the only metal genre in which the origins of the band play a decisive role in defining their sound. For example, the sound of Norwegian black metal bands is completely different from Swedish ones, just as the sound of American ones differs from Finnish ones and so on. Swedish Black Metal, for example, typically focuses more on melody and accessibility than the fierce aggression found in American black metal.

Step 2. Understand that not all Black Metal is Satanist
In fact, the best Black metal is almost always secular. Bands like Enslaved, Immortal, Burzum and Absu are definitely devoid of Satan.

Step 3. Understand the Black Metal lyrics
If a Black Metal band sings about Satanism, what form is it? Atheistic, theistic, Luciferian? The bands sing about everything from Norse mythology to metaphysics in God's relationship with the devil. It is necessary to understand how the hard work that the bands put into composing music and lyrics reflects the importance that these have for their authors.

Step 4. Understand that Black Metal is all about atmosphere
Many do not understand this because they do not understand the purpose, which is to create an atmosphere! The structure of the songs and the croaking sounds serve to make you feel as if you are in the middle of a freezing Norwegian winter, in the depths of hell or in a Washington wood. You can hear Black metal and expect to be shot into the stratosphere. You have to sit down, observe and assimilate. You get a better experience when you do more by listening to it, such as driving or writing.

Step 5. Time
Black metal takes a LONG time to get used to, especially for those coming from more mainstream metal genres or death metal. Very few bands apart from Immortal and Swedes have backing vocals. Black metal was created with the purpose of being the least accessible music there is, and it's something to keep in mind while listening to it.

Step 6. Understand that Black Metal is an art
Black metal is probably the deepest and most complex genre of metal there is. Bands not only sing about Vikings or the devil, they show you their rotten face and make you feel their fierce breath in your face. Enjoying true Black metal means joining the metal elite.
- Black metal is VERY varied. Not only is it divided by genders, but also by states and even regions within the same state. Americans Wolves in the Throne Room are great at creating an atmosphere with songs lasting ten to fifteen minutes, but bands like Funeral Mist of Sweden focus solely on creating chaos with their guitar strings.
- Start slow. Listen to bands like Ulver, Dimmu Borgir, Immortal, Dark Funeral and Watain. Slowly you will be able to cross the most intense Black metal there is.
- Stay away from the Norwegian monopoly of the genre. Listen to bands from Sweden, USA, Germany or Eastern Europe. Many who don't like Norwegian Black Metal end up enjoying it thanks to the influence of other bands from those countries.
- Consider watching the film / documentary "Until the Light Takes Us" to understand what the Norwegian Black Metal scene was like in the early days and understand some of the history of this musical genre.
- Remember that it takes a lot of skill to be able to reproduce the vocalizations of Black metal, as well as playing different instruments such as drums. Some say it's the easiest genre to play, because you just pick up a guitar and start beating it with your hand, but that's obviously a mistake.
- It takes time to like this music, so don't give up.
- Black metal is VERY underground, often by choice. Bands that have transitioned to mainstream metal are not much loved in hardcore black metal circles due to their excessive exposure. You have to have some sort of repulsion for mainstream music to really appreciate what Black metal is all about.
- Bands for true fans: Wolves in the Throne Room, Arckanum, Behexen, Otargos, Tsjuder, Judas Iscariot
- Once You Got Your Ear: Mayhem, Burzum, Darkthrone, Gorgoroth, Dissection, Taake, Emperor
- Great bands for newcomers to the genre: Dimmu Borgir, Dark Funeral, Naglfar, Immortal, Watain and Agalloch for a more melodic touch.
- The legends of Eastern Europe - the Slavic scene is very influential on pagan Black metal: Nokturnal Mortum, Drudkh, Hate Forest, Astrofaes, Kroda, Blood of Kingu, Graveland
- If a Black metal band decides to do a show, the event can be disturbing at times. Some bands like Watain use real animal parts as props and throw rotten blood at the audience, while bands like Mayhem are known for self-mutilation and fires. Look for bands known for their thrilling shows.
- At first some of the original artists were known for burning churches and committing murders. Those times have passed, but there are still some so to speak militant bands.
- Although many of the Black metal lyrics have very varied subjects, there are some bands of neo-fascist tendencies.
- Black metal fans often feel much superior to others. They see themselves as the "elite" of metal and show contempt for those who are not part of it. These people take music too seriously and should be ignored.