How to Retrieve Deleted Messages from a SIM Card

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How to Retrieve Deleted Messages from a SIM Card
How to Retrieve Deleted Messages from a SIM Card

It often happens that users accidentally delete SMS from their mobile phone's SIM card and are no longer able to retrieve them. This guide shows you how to recover a deleted text message from your SIM card. Most users think that once deleted, an SMS is impossible to recover, but the reality is slightly different. If this is also the case for you, and you want to recover lost SMS, follow the simple steps in this guide.


Recover Deleted Messages from Sim Card Step 1
Recover Deleted Messages from Sim Card Step 1

Step 1. Download the necessary programs

  • Download software that can access data stored on a SIM card.
  • For convenience you can download one from the address
  • System requirements:
  • A SIM card reader compatible with your computer
Recover Deleted Messages from Sim Card Step 2
Recover Deleted Messages from Sim Card Step 2

Step 2. After downloading the software follow this procedure:

After installing the program, before starting SimManager, make sure that the SIM card is correctly inserted in the reader

Recover Deleted Messages from Sim Card Step 3
Recover Deleted Messages from Sim Card Step 3

Step 3. Interpret the program functions:

  • 'GSM contacts': shows the contacts stored inside the SIM.
  • 'Own numbers': shows all your personal phone numbers saved on the SIM.
  • 'Last dialed numbers': the list of the last calls made
  • 'Fixed dialing numbers': the list of numbers to which calls are allowed
  • 'SMS Message': In this section you will see a list of SMS messages, some marked in red, some in black. The messages in red represent the SMS that have been marked as deleted but still reside in the SIM memory, while those in black are the existing SMS, which you can see normally when you access the messaging function of your mobile phone.
  • Press the 'Read' button and wait for the program to read the data on your SIM card. The SimManager program will retrieve all the information present in the SIM.
Recover Deleted Messages from Sim Card Step 4
Recover Deleted Messages from Sim Card Step 4

Step 4. To recover a deleted message (characterized by the red color), you will have to select it from the list with the right mouse button and select the 'Undelete' option from the menu that appeared

If you wish, you can restore all deleted messages. When finished press the 'Write' button.
