Fever occurs when the body temperature exceeds 38 ° C. It is a reaction of the organism to fight infections, diseases and various ailments; it is often beneficial. While it is possible to relieve symptoms with home remedies, you still need to monitor it carefully, especially when it affects children who are at risk for febrile seizures or seizures caused by high body temperature. If you or your child have a fever, you can follow some methods to reduce it as quickly as possible.
Part 1 of 5: Treatment

Step 1. Take over-the-counter medications if the fever is caused by a cold or flu
This is one of the easiest and quickest ways to get rid of it; if it is the consequence of a viral infection, it can be more difficult to reduce it. Viruses live in the cells of the body and reproduce rapidly; it is not possible to fight them with antibiotics, however you can take medications to manage the body's feverish response, whatever the cause.
- Take acetaminophen (Tachipirina) or aspirin to lower the fever; follow the instructions on the leaflet carefully and do not exceed the recommended dosage.
- Do not give aspirin to children, because in the case of a viral infection, it can result in Reye's syndrome. Paracetamol is a safe option; take the pediatric formulation and strictly follow the instructions.

Step 2. Take a bath with lukewarm water
A lukewarm bath or shower can also help reduce body temperature quickly. Fill the tub with water that is not too hot or adjust the temperature of the shower until it reaches a suitable level; Soak in the tub or stay in the shower for 10-15 minutes to cool your body down a bit.
Don't use ice cold water to lower a fever, just use lukewarm water to proceed gently

Step 3. Drink water
Fever dehydrates the body and could aggravate the situation; make sure you drink plenty of fluids to help your body fight disease and stay properly hydrated.
- Babies also need to drink electrolytes, such as Pedialyte, to restore electrolytes lost in fever. Ask your pediatrician for advice first, to find out if they are needed for your child.
- Gatorade and Powerade are also great options; However, be careful to dilute them with water to reduce the intake of calories and sugars.

Step 4. Take supplements to strengthen the immune system
They can meet nutritional needs and help the body fight the cause of the fever. Multivitamins do not act directly on fever, but strengthen the body so that it can fight it.
- Take those that contain vitamins A, C, E and those of group B, magnesium, calcium, zinc and selenium.
- Take one or two tablets or teaspoons of fish oil each day to get omega-3 fatty acids.
- You can also take zinc or echinacea.
- Probiotics taken through supplements or with food (such as yogurt with "live lactic ferments") allow to introduce more Lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria into the body and consequently improve the immune system; however, if you are severely immunosuppressed, you must consult your doctor before taking these substances.
- Do not take herbal remedies without first consulting your doctor, as some of them can interact with prescription medications or various medical conditions.

Step 5. Undergo "wet socks treatment" at home
If you go to sleep wearing wet socks, the body activates defenses by channeling the circulation of blood and lymphatic fluids to damp feet, which in turn stimulates the immune system and triggers a more restful and healthy sleep.
- Dip a pair of thin cotton socks in warm water and squeeze them so they stay moist but not dripping.
- Wear them when you go to sleep, covering them with another pair of thicker, drier socks.
- Repeat the treatment for five or six days and then stop for a couple of nights.

Step 6. Cool the children's bodies if necessary
Adults are better able to manage fevers, but children may experience febrile seizures if the temperature rises excessively; in fact, fever is the main cause of these crises in the age group between six months and five years. If your body temperature rises above 40 ° C or starts to rise rapidly, you need to start cooling your body immediately. Undress the baby and use a sponge or towel to dab warm (not cold) water all over the body to lower the fever.
- Applying ice to a feverish body can be dangerous if not done correctly, and can cause chills, which actually raise the temperature even more. It is possible to do this procedure in a hospital, but at home it is always best to use lukewarm water.
- Call your pediatrician immediately if your fever starts to rise. You can take your baby directly to the emergency room or follow the doctor's detailed instructions for taking care of him at home.
- Call 911 if you're having convulsions.
- Your pediatrician may give you diazepam rectally to treat febrile seizures.
Part 2 of 5: Lifestyle Changes

Step 1. Get as comfortable as possible
Sometimes, just waiting for the fever to take its course is enough, but there are a few things you can do to improve your comfort while you wait to heal. For example, applying damp cloths to the skin does not reduce fever, but it helps to soothe the discomfort caused by the high temperature; wet a washcloth or towel with cold water and apply it to your neck or forehead.
Wear warm clothing and stay under the covers to manage the chills caused by fever. if you are hot, put on a thin sheet and wear light, breathable clothing

Step 2. Stay hydrated and eat light foods to overcome a gastrointestinal infection
This disorder is also known as "stomach flu" and has symptoms such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting, muscle aches or headaches; these symptoms are often present even in the case of moderate fever. The infection clears up on its own within 3-7 days, so managing the discomfort with home remedies is enough until it goes away. Drink at least 8 8-ounce glasses of water a day, especially if you are vomiting.
- Pay attention to the symptoms of dehydration in newborns, as they require urgent intervention. These include little pee in the diaper, reduced fontanel size (the soft spot of the skull), sunken eyes, and lethargy. If you notice your baby has them, call an ambulance or seek immediate medical attention.
- In case of gastrointestinal problems, the BRAT diet - from the acronym of the English terms for - is often recommended B.anane, R.iso, TOpplesauce (apple puree) and bread T.ostato - although there is little evidence to show its effectiveness. Associations of pediatricians advise against such a diet for children, as it does not provide an adequate supply of nutrients. Eat sensibly, avoid fatty, heavy and spicy foods, and drink plenty of water.

Step 3. Take the herbs known to fight fever
There are several herbal remedies that you can take in different formats: powder, pills or tinctures. Many people prefer infusions with dried herbs, as the hot liquids soothe the throat, while the inherent properties of the plants help fight fever. To prepare infusions, pour a teaspoon of plant material in 250 ml of boiling water and, if they are leaves or flowers, let it steep for 5-10 minutes; if they are roots, wait 10-20 minutes. Consult your doctor before using these herbal or other natural remedies, as they can interfere with prescription medications or other conditions. The plants described below are able to improve the immune system, but they can have some side effects:
- Green tea can increase anxiety and blood pressure; avoid drinking it if you suffer from diarrhea, osteoporosis or glaucoma. If you have liver problems, consult your doctor.
- Uncaria tomentosa (known as cat's claw) can aggravate immune disorders and leukemia; it can also interfere with certain types of medications, so you should talk to your doctor before taking it.
- You can find Reishi mushroom in tincture or dried form. Take 30-60 drops two or three times a day; However, be aware that it can interact with some drugs, such as thinners and those for pressure.

Step 4. Be careful not to spread the infection
When you are sick, you must cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze, as well as throw away used tissues appropriately. Wash your hands often with antibacterial soap, also stay away from healthy people and public spaces as much as possible. Don't share glasses or cutlery with anyone, and don't take it personally if your partner doesn't kiss you for a while.
If the patient is a child, give him toys made of hard material that can be easily washed in the sink with soap and water
Part 3 of 5: Medical Care

Step 1. Try to remember if anyone around you got sick recently
If any of your family members or co-workers have recently had an illness, they may have infected you. Children often spread infections and can catch a cold or flu from a classmate or at the playground.
If you know that the other person's illness has resolved spontaneously, you can relax a little, as you will probably recover the same way with rest and drinking plenty of water

Step 2. Note the temperature
If the disease does not go away on its own, you need to provide your doctor with an accurate record of your body temperature changes so that he can use this information to diagnose the specific condition. For example, you may think it is a simple cold, but after a week the fever can have a sudden spike; in this case, it could be a secondary bacterial infection, such as otitis or pneumonia. Conversely, some cancers, such as non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, can cause night fever, but not during the day.
- Make sure you measure your fever several times each day until it subsides.
- Night fever can be a symptom of tuberculosis or even HIV / AIDS.

Step 3. Take note of the other symptoms
Pay attention to any unusual sensations, even if you don't necessarily feel bad. For example, unexpected weight loss can result from several causes; other symptoms may indicate which organ is diseased, thus narrowing the scope for obtaining a diagnosis.
For example, a cough can suggest a lung problem, such as pneumonia; a burning sensation when urinating may lead you to think of some kidney infection

Step 4. Seek medical attention
Take your body temperature records and symptom list to your doctor so that he can more easily diagnose the cause of the fever. They may also have an examination to get more information about the source of your malaise. The data you provide and physical examination can help him narrow down the possible factors responsible, which can be easily confirmed or ruled out through laboratory or imaging tests.
Among the most common tests that he can prescribe, in addition to the physical examination, we remember the leukocyte formula, the urine test, the blood culture and the chest X-ray

Step 5. Follow your doctor's instructions if you have a viral infection
Colds and flu are the viral forms that doctors observe most frequently; however, there are many other less common viral infections that do not respond to antibiotic treatment. Croup, bronchiolitis, chicken pox, roseola and the "hands, feet, mouth" disease are also pathologies caused by viruses. Many of these resolve on their own; for example, that "hands, feet, mouth" usually heals in 7-10 days. For most of these ailments, home care is the best, which is based on good personal hygiene, adequate nutrition and rest, but it is always advisable to consult your doctor.
- Ask the doctor how long the illness lasts and if there are any ways to speed up the healing process.
- Ask him what you need to look out for to check for symptoms, as a usually harmless virus can also develop and become dangerous. For example, "hands, feet, mouth" disease can cause brain inflammation that can be fatal in rare cases.

Step 6. Take antibiotics for bacterial infections
They are easily treatable diseases and generally respond well to treatments with antibiotics, which kill bacteria and stop their reproduction in the body; from this stage, the immune system is able to fight off the residual infection.
- Bacterial pneumonia is a common cause of fever.
- Your doctor may order a blood test to determine the bacterium responsible for the rise in temperature.
- From the results obtained, he can define the type of drug treatment useful for eradicating the infection and reducing fever.

Step 7. Talk to your doctor about other possible causes
Bacterial and viral infections are the main ones, but not the only ones. The rise in body temperature can also be the result of an immune reaction, an allergic reaction, or some chronic inflammation, such as inflammatory bowel disease or arthritis.
If you have frequent or recurring episodes of fever, talk to your doctor to find possible causes. in this way, you can treat the underlying disease and reduce the number of febrile events
Part 4 of 5: Measure the Temperature

Step 1. Use a digital thermometer to measure the fever in your mouth
This tool allows you to check for fever by taking oral, rectal or armpit measurements. Since you are unable to take the rectal reading yourself, use the thermometer only to measure the fever in the mouth or in the armpit. Clean the device with cold water, rub it with alcohol and rinse it again with cold water when finished. Never put a thermometer in your mouth that was previously used for a rectal measurement.
- Do not eat or drink anything in the five minutes preceding the measurement, as they alter the temperature of the mouth and may result in inaccurate data.
- Put the tip of the thermometer under your tongue and hold it in place for about 40 seconds; most digital devices emit a high-pitched sound to indicate the end of the measurement process.
- After reading the result, rinse the tool with cold water, clean it with alcohol and rinse it again to sterilize it.

Step 2. Measure the fever in the armpit
Take off your shirt or wear a loose one so you can comfortably put the tip of the thermometer under your armpit; it must come into contact with the skin and not stand on top of the fabric. Wait about 40 seconds or until you hear the sound indicating the end of the measurement.

Step 3. Define the method you want to use for your child
Use the most appropriate one that you can realistically handle. For example, if your baby is two years old, you may not be able to get him to hold the thermometer under his tongue long enough to get an accurate reading. in this case, the headset model is more suitable. The technique that allows the best results, however, is the rectal one, which is not painful and is recommended for children from three months to four years of age.

Step 4. Take his rectal temperature with a digital thermometer
Make sure the tip has been well sterilized with denatured alcohol and rinsed thoroughly; when it is dry, lubricate it with petroleum jelly to make it easier to insert.
- Have the baby lie on his back and lift his legs upwards; if it's a baby, lift them like when you change their diaper.
- Gently insert the thermometer about 1-2 cm into the rectum, but don't force it if you feel resistance.
- Hold the device steady for about 40 seconds or until you hear the sound indicating successful reading.

Step 5. Analyze the results
You may have heard that normal body temperature is 37 ° C, but this is a general guideline. In good health it fluctuates during the day; usually, it is lower in the morning and rises a little in the evening. Therefore, some people may have a higher or lower resting temperature; a normal range is generally between 36.4 and 37.1 ° C. The guidelines indicate the following temperatures in case of fever:
- Children: 38 ° C measured rectally, 37.5 ° C orally and 37.2 ° C in the armpit;
- Adults: 38.2 ° C measured rectally, 37.8 ° C orally and 37.2 ° C in the armpit;
- When it is below 38 ° C it is considered a mild fever and you don't have to worry until it reaches 38.9 ° C.
Part 5 of 5: Prevention

Step 1. Get vaccinated
Viral infections don't respond well to treatments, but researchers have developed vaccines that can prevent a wide range of them. Talk to your doctor for advice on the most suitable one. Vaccinating children from an early age makes it possible to avoid many potentially serious diseases in adulthood; evaluate vaccines against the following diseases:
- Pneumococcal infections, which protect against the bacteria responsible for otitis, sinusitis, pneumonia, meningitis and septicemia;
- H. influenzae, which causes infections of the upper respiratory tract, such as the ears or sinuses; it can also trigger more serious diseases such as meningitis;
- Children aged 11 and older should be vaccinated against meningitis;
- There is no reliable evidence that vaccinating children causes autism; these preparations must be authorized by the Ministry of Health and are subjected to numerous and accurate tests to demonstrate their effectiveness. Remember that they can save lives.

Step 2. Get enough sleep every day
Adults who sleep less than six hours a night may have weak immune systems and therefore less ability to fight infections.
Try to get at least seven to eight hours of uninterrupted sleep to keep a strong body

Step 3. Eat a healthy diet
What you introduce into your body has a major impact on your ability to defend yourself against pathogens. Feed your body with whole foods, such as unrefined fruits, vegetables, and grains avoid industrially processed foods, because they tend to have a high content of sugars and saturated fats which are harmful to the body.
Make sure you are getting 1000 mg of vitamin C and 2000 IU of vitamin D per day; those A and E are also important for their antioxidant properties

Step 4. Don't come into contact with germs
If you know that some people are sick, keep your distance until they are completely healed and are no longer contagious; even if there are no obviously ill-health people, it still respects good hygiene practices.
Wash your hands after being in public places and always before eating; if you do not have access to water when you are away from home, take a travel pack of sanitizer with you

Step 5. Reduce Stress
Studies have found that excessive emotional strain can actually weaken the immune system, leading people to be more vulnerable to disease. Take moments to relax and do fun activities while trying to live in the present moment.
- Yoga and meditation are very popular practices that help reduce stress levels; Aerobic activity also plays an important role in relieving anxiety.
- Try to get at least two and a half hours of aerobic exercise each week, breaking it down into 30-40 minute sessions.
- While exercising, make sure you reach an age-appropriate heart rate; to calculate it, subtract the number of years from 220 and try to reach 60-80% of the maximum value based on your fitness level.