How to face the defeats of your team of the heart

How to face the defeats of your team of the heart
How to face the defeats of your team of the heart

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Watching your team lose is not easy and the emotion can be as intense as the excitement and joy you feel when you see them win. However, defeat is part of the sport and you will often see your favorite team lose. To become a true fan it is important to learn how to deal with defeats.


Method 1 of 2: Reacting to a Defeat

Cope when Your Favorite Sports Team Loses Step 1
Cope when Your Favorite Sports Team Loses Step 1

Step 1. Accept your feelings

In some cases, people let events such as the performance of their favorite team affect their mood. It's normal. If you are angry or upset that your team has lost, don't ignore it. Give yourself a chance to let off steam, or at least be disappointed.

Stay in control. It's just a game, so there's no reason for anger or sadness to lead to self-destructive behavior. If you are at the stadium, go ahead and yell, but avoid insulting other fans (especially opponents). Do not engage in fights and do not throw objects

Cope when Your Favorite Sports Team Loses Step 2
Cope when Your Favorite Sports Team Loses Step 2

Step 2. Talk to other fans

Sports are great experiences to do together and even if you watch the game alone at home, there are others like you who are enjoying the show. Call your fan friends to let off steam and face the disappointment of defeat. Consider joining a fan club or online forum to talk about your disappointment and even try to figure out what's wrong with the team. If you have to suffer, it is best to do it in company.

Cope when Your Favorite Sports Team Loses Step 3
Cope when Your Favorite Sports Team Loses Step 3

Step 3. Eat something

Food can be very comforting when you feel disappointed, for example because your team has lost. If you can, make sure you choose healthy foods. People have a tendency to prefer sweets and other unhealthy foods when facing setbacks. You, on the other hand, keep only healthy foods at home, so you don't feel tempted to eat something that will make you fat after watching your team lose.

  • The so-called "comfort foods" are those substantial foods that make us feel good after eating them and are among the most common choices after a defeat. They fill you up and often bring to mind happy childhood memories or others that distract you from the outcome of the game. Try homemade dishes like lasagna, meatballs, tarts, and other pies. To make these dishes healthier, you can use low-fat cheese and cream, replace beef with turkey, or add vegetables. If you are looking for something sweet, try dark chocolate.
  • Avoid overeating. There's nothing wrong with enjoying a snack to feel better after a defeat, but remember to control your portions. Use smaller plates when eating so you don't overdo it and put the food away after serving yourself.
Cope when Your Favorite Sports Team Loses Step 4
Cope when Your Favorite Sports Team Loses Step 4

Step 4. Turn off the television

If you watch the game and your team loses, you don't have to linger in disappointment. Turn off the TV and do something else. Find another activity to take your mind off the result.

Find something that has nothing to do with the match or team you just watched. Read a book, cook or watch a movie set in an exotic country. Make sure you completely change the subject

Cope when Your Favorite Sports Team Loses Step 5
Cope when Your Favorite Sports Team Loses Step 5

Step 5. Exercise

A little bit of motion is a great way to soothe the frustration of having your team lose. A couple of push-ups, jumping jacks or a jog may be enough to relieve stress and disappointment. In addition, you will have more energy and prevent the anxiety about your team's performance from rising further.

Cope when Your Favorite Sports Team Loses Step 6
Cope when Your Favorite Sports Team Loses Step 6

Step 6. Remember it's just a game

Your life is full of more important things than winning or losing in a sport you don't even participate in. Even if it often happens to forget this aspect in the emotion of the game, it is always worth remembering after the defeats. This doesn't make the disappointment any less real, but it can help you get over it faster.

Method 2 of 2: Dealing with Future Disappointment

Cope when Your Favorite Sports Team Loses Step 7
Cope when Your Favorite Sports Team Loses Step 7

Step 1. Accept your helplessness

There is nothing you can do to influence the outcome of a match, not even wear your lucky socks. Your team didn't lose because you didn't cheer enough or because you sat in the wrong seat. Failure is not your responsibility.

  • One way to have more control is to play with your team in a video game. Repeat the game they just lost and get the result you want. If you're feeling down, set the easiest difficulty to give your opponents the humiliation they deserve!
  • Playing fantasy sports, such as fantasy football, is a way to participate more actively in a sport. Build your team and swap players, so you feel more in control of events. Furthermore, those who play fantasy sports feel more positive emotions when their players do well than negative ones when their favorite team loses.
Cope when Your Favorite Sports Team Loses Step 8
Cope when Your Favorite Sports Team Loses Step 8

Step 2. Stay loyal to your team

A defeat cannot lead you to stop cheering. Staying faithful after losing or even moving to another city can give you a big psychological boost. Also, not abandoning your team in difficult times will make winning even more rewarding.

Cope when Your Favorite Sports Team Loses Step 9
Cope when Your Favorite Sports Team Loses Step 9

Step 3. Remember the good times

Even if defeats hurt, no team always loses. To overcome a bad defeat, think about the moments of glory of your favorite team. Remember the most epic comebacks, trophies or simply the good times you spent in front of the TV with friends and family. If this is not the first time you have followed your team, there will surely be moments that you can remember with pleasure.

Cope when Your Favorite Sports Team Loses Step 10
Cope when Your Favorite Sports Team Loses Step 10

Step 4. Be prepared for teasing from other fans

Teasing them, insults and teasing are part of the world of cheering and you will almost certainly become a target after a defeat. Don't be surprised and be prepared to react appropriately.

  • Ignore them. Like other forms of teasing or bullying, you can ignore the digs from other fans. Have a laugh or walk away. Don't give them the satisfaction of making you look angry. They didn't participate in the game, so what does it matter what they think?
  • Answer in kind. Don't be afraid to respond with other teasing. You probably already have some nice insult in mind for the opposing team and their fans. It won't change the outcome of the match, but it's a good way to vent your frustration.
Cope when Your Favorite Sports Team Loses Step 11
Cope when Your Favorite Sports Team Loses Step 11

Step 5. Be optimistic

One of the best things about sport is that there is always another game, so another chance to win. Instead of rethinking the match your team just lost, think about the one they can win next time.

Depending on the time of the season, a defeat can even boost your team's performance. For example, it could lead to a change of manager, or push executives to operate in the transfer market to replace players who are not performing at the height

Cope when Your Favorite Sports Team Loses Step 12
Cope when Your Favorite Sports Team Loses Step 12

Step 6. Talk to a psychologist

While it's not uncommon to feel sad after your favorite team's defeat, these episodes shouldn't have long-term effects on your emotional health. If you find that a defeat is affecting your ability to live in the real world, seek professional help. Just because your depression stems from the outcome of a sporting event doesn't mean it's any less of a concern.
