3 Ways to Understand the Meaning of Rabbit Ear Positions

3 Ways to Understand the Meaning of Rabbit Ear Positions
3 Ways to Understand the Meaning of Rabbit Ear Positions

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Rabbits are expressive animals, and the position of their characteristic drooping ears is one of the many ways they communicate their emotions. Since some positions, such as pointing the ears backwards, can have different meanings, you will need to pay attention to the rabbit's overall body language to understand what it wants to communicate.


Method 1 of 3: Recognizing the Signs of Happiness

Read Bunny Ear Signals Step 1
Read Bunny Ear Signals Step 1

Step 1. A happy rabbit will stretch its ears backwards

When your rabbit extends his ears and lays them on his back, they are in a resting position, which means that the rabbit is happy.

If your rabbit's ears are lying on his head but not touching, it can be a sign that he is scared. Look at the other clues his body language gives you to see if the rabbit looks rested or agitated. If his eyes are half closed and stretched out, he is probably happy. If he growls, however, he is likely angry and afraid

Read Bunny Ear Signals Step 2
Read Bunny Ear Signals Step 2

Step 2. A very tired rabbit will keep its ears slightly down

If your rabbit is resting after some exercise, he will often spread his ears apart and place them backwards instead of lying down fully. This is a semi-relaxed position and generally means that the rabbit wants to take a break before moving again.

Read Bunny Ear Signals Step 3
Read Bunny Ear Signals Step 3

Step 3. An excited bunny will shake its ears and bounce

If your bunny shakes his ears and jumps, he's excited about something. Often it is an invitation to play; other times the excitement is due to food.

Method 2 of 3: Recognizing the Signs Aimed at Getting Attention

Read Bunny Ear Signals Step 4
Read Bunny Ear Signals Step 4

Step 1. Raised ears are a sign that the rabbit wants to eat

Rabbits tend to sit on their hind legs with their noses and ears raised when alert. House rabbits often take this position in an effort to get their owner's attention and get fed.

Rabbits are as capable of begging for food as and worse than dogs! Try to avoid giving your rabbit treats or sweets or you may encourage such behavior

Read Bunny Ear Signals Step 5
Read Bunny Ear Signals Step 5

Step 2. If the rabbit is shaking its ears, they may have a problem

If your rabbit shakes its ears and then starts scratching it, it is trying to free them from something. Often it is just harmless hair, but if it does it often could be mites.

Read Bunny Ear Signals Step 6
Read Bunny Ear Signals Step 6

Step 3. Pay attention to the differences between a resting rabbit and a frightened rabbit

If your rabbit's ears are lying on his head but not touching it can be a sign that he is afraid and not that he is resting. If he is afraid, his eyes are also likely to protrude and show his teeth. It often hits the ground with its paws when it is frightened.

Method 3 of 3: Understanding the Rabbit's Interactions with the Environment

Read Bunny Ear Signals Step 7
Read Bunny Ear Signals Step 7

Step 1. Pricked and quivering ears are a sign that the rabbit is alert

When your rabbit's ears are pricked or quivering, he is listening to something attentively. In general this means that they are alert and attentive to something in the environment around them.

Read Bunny Ear Signals Step 8
Read Bunny Ear Signals Step 8

Step 2. One ear raised and the other extended indicate that the rabbit is in a semi-alert state

When your rabbit holds one ear straight and the other stretched out, he is trying to pick up sounds but also to relax. This position is common in rabbits enjoying the sun.

Read Bunny Ear Signals Step 9
Read Bunny Ear Signals Step 9

Step 3. Forward ears are a sign that the rabbit is intrigued

When rabbits are interested in something, they often stand up on all fours and spread out their tail and head. The nose and ears are stretched forward to examine what is in front of them.
