In this article you will find the necessary instructions to change the language or insert subtitles to your favorite movies, in the easiest and fastest way. You can edit any video file format: 'AVI', 'MPG', 'MPEG', etc.. The process to perform is very simple: you will have to download the file with the subtitles in the language you want, in our example it is a file of 50 KB. You will simply have to rename it with the same name as your movie and copy it to the same folder.

Step 1. First find the 'frame rate' of the video you want to translate, ie the number of frames per second
It is a very simple operation to do:
- Select the video file with the right mouse button.
- From the context menu that appeared, select the 'Properties' item.
- In the properties panel, select the 'Details' tab.
Take note of the value present in the item 'Update frequency'. In our example this value is 23 frames / second. The key step for success will be finding a subtitle file that has the same 'frame rate' as the video file.
Translate a Movie Step 2 Step 2. Consult a site that provides the subtitles of the most famous movies such as Subscene, or any other site of your preference
Translate a Movie Step 3 Step 3. Type in the search field the name of the movie you want to translate, for example 'Inception'
If you do not find it on this site, extend your search to other sites that provide the same service, or search directly in Google.
Translate a Movie Step 4 Step 4. Now check the results page, you will find files with the same name as your movie, but with a different year and version
You will need to select the correct file for your specific case so that all information matches (title / year / version), in our example the file is Inception 2010.
Translate a Movie Step 5 Step 5. At this point you will be faced with a long list of files containing the subtitles of the selected movie in many languages
Just select the one in the desired language.
Translate a Movie Step 6 Step 6. After choosing the necessary file, select the 'Subtitle details' link to check the 'frame rate' of the file containing the subtitles
Sometimes, this information is not present in the details, because who created the file did not insert it, or because he forgot, or simply because he created the subtitles of a specific version of the film in question (DVD / Blu-ray).
Translate a Movie Step 7 Step 7. After making sure that the 'frame rate' matches that of your video file, you can proceed to download the subtitles
If you can't find a file that has the same number of frames per second, download the one with the closest value, and try it to verify that the movie and subtitles are time aligned.
Translate a Movie Step 8 Step 8. Rename the file containing subtitles to the same name as the video file and save it in the same folder as your movie
Translate a Movie Step 9 Step 9. You have reached the most important step, pour yourself a glass of your favorite soda, grab the popcorn and enjoy your movie
Change the Subtitles
To change the subtitles you will need to use special software, which you can download for free from the web. For example 'Subtitle Workshop' can be found from this site and does not require installation, it is also very simple to use
- Use Google to find the subtitles you need, instead of wasting time browsing sites whose sole purpose is to serve ads. For example use a search string of the type 'Saw IV Subtitle'.
- To edit your videos you can use the 'Subtitle Workshop' program.