How to Open a Door with a Credit Card

How to Open a Door with a Credit Card
How to Open a Door with a Credit Card

Table of contents:


You've seen this done loads of times in movies: The cunning protagonist has to inspect the villain's house, then takes the credit card, sticks it in the slot in the door, and opens it immediately. However, in real life, this method does not work with any door and it is absolutely illegal to access other people's property without permission. But if you've been locked out of your house and want to use a credit card to try and open the door before using it to pay the locksmith's bill, you can give it a try. First, make sure the type of lock is suitable for this job, choose a plastic card and insert it into the gap between the door and the jamb.


Part 1 of 2: Open the Door

Open a Door with a Credit Card Step 1
Open a Door with a Credit Card Step 1

Step 1. Insert the card into the vertical slot between the door and the frame

Pass it between the handle and the frame before pushing it down; press it as hard as possible while keeping it perpendicular to the door.


to better see where the latch is, push the door as far as possible with the other hand.

Open a Door with a Credit Card Step 2
Open a Door with a Credit Card Step 2

Step 2. Tilt the paper towards the knob

Bring the side facing you towards the latch until it almost touches the knob; this way, you should be able to push the card even deeper into the slot.

Open a Door with a Credit Card Step 3
Open a Door with a Credit Card Step 3

Step 3. Fold the credit card in the opposite direction

This movement allows it to slide under the diagonal part of the inclined latch, forcing the latter to move back; quickly open the lock and unlock it on the other side.

Open a Door with a Credit Card Step 4
Open a Door with a Credit Card Step 4

Step 4. Push the door with your body and move the card to open the door for good

If you don't get any results, try to lean on while folding the paper left and right a few times; this increased pressure on the latch should help you do it.

Part 2 of 2: Finding Alternative Solutions

Open a Door with a Credit Card Step 5
Open a Door with a Credit Card Step 5

Step 1. Check if there are any windows open

Check all windows and try to open them. If you find one that isn't locked, open it as far as you can, then climb up to get inside.

Keep in mind that climbing can be dangerous. Only try if you can do it without getting hurt


if you have a back door, check that too. You or someone who lives with you may have forgotten to lock it.

Open a Door with a Credit Card Step 6
Open a Door with a Credit Card Step 6

Step 2. Call someone who lives with you

If you live with someone, try calling to see if they are nearby. If this is the case, ask him to come by so that he can let you in. While this remedy may require you to wait a while in front of your home, it allows you to avoid possible damage or have to pay for a professional service.

To pass the wait, you could go to a nearby bar if possible

Open a Door with a Credit Card Step 7
Open a Door with a Credit Card Step 7

Step 3. Call your landlord

If you live in the same building, it's a great solution. Call to find out if he is home and ask him to come and open up for you. Even if he doesn't live there, maybe he works nearby and be nice enough to drop by to help you out.

Open a Door with a Credit Card Step 8
Open a Door with a Credit Card Step 8

Step 4. Contact a blacksmith if there is nothing else to do

If you live alone and your landlord is not available, you may want to call a locksmith to change the lock and let you in. While it is an effective solution, it could be expensive; do it only as a last resort.


keep in mind that the landlord may require the cost of changing the lock and / or any damage.


  • Some doors open with little effort, while others yield by simply pushing the paper into the slot in the frame at the same height as the handle without bending or tilting it.
  • To avoid finding yourself in the same situation, make several copies of the key and leave one hidden near your home.
