How to be a good guy (with pictures)

How to be a good guy (with pictures)
How to be a good guy (with pictures)

Table of contents:


Being a good guy isn't always easy, especially if you have problems both at home and at school. The most important thing is to treat family members, teachers, and people around you with kindness and respect. Being a good guy isn't about being perfect, but about showing understanding and willingness to others.


Part 1 of 3: Being a Good Guy in the House

Be a Good Boy Step 1
Be a Good Boy Step 1

Step 1. Listen to your parents

The best thing you can do to be a good guy around the house is to listen to what your parents tell you to do. If they ask you to help out, turn down the music, or come to the table to eat with the uncles, then you have to do whatever they say. Of course, if their requests are totally unreasonable, then you should strike up a good conversation with them, but as a general rule you can be a nice guy and make your parents happy by listening to what they tell you to do.

  • If grandparents or other family members live in the house, then you should listen to them too.
  • When your parents talk to you, be sure to make eye contact and put your phone away. Show your interest in them.
Be a Good Boy Step 2
Be a Good Boy Step 2

Step 2. Help around the house

If you want to be a nice guy, then it's wise to help clear up where there is confusion, instead of creating it. Make a commitment to tidying things up after use, doing laundry, and helping your parents with daily activities, such as taking out the trash, taking the dog out, cleaning the kitchen table, or doing anything else to lighten the load. If you are asked to cooperate around the house, then you should do it without grumbling, but going above and beyond.

Don't ask if help is needed or if there is something to be done. Instead, be careful and look around for what needs to be cleaned or fixed, from a sink full of dishes to a basket of clean laundry to fold

Be a Good Boy Step 3
Be a Good Boy Step 3

Step 3. Respect your brothers

Another way to be a nice guy is to be nice to siblings, whether they're older or younger. If you are the older brother, you need to be an example to everyone else and help them grow up in a responsible and balanced way according to their age. If you are smaller then you should be kind and avoid teasing or teasing older siblings, but give them the space they deserve. If you want to be a good guy, you also need to be a good brother and try to get along with others as much as possible.

  • It's also good to help your parents by spending time with your siblings so they don't have to watch over them all the time. If your siblings are upset, help them solve their problems when you can so that your parents can have some time for themselves.
  • Avoiding fights with your siblings will help you be a good guy, because you will help make things easier around the house.
Be a Good Boy Step 4
Be a Good Boy Step 4

Step 4. Follow the rules

Another thing you can do to be a good boy is to obey the rules your parents have set. This means respecting the return time, waking up at a certain time, doing the chores that have been assigned to you, tidying up after your passage, limiting the use of the telephone or computer and so on. If you want to be a good guy, then you need to obey the established rules and challenge them if you seriously think you need to discuss them with your parents.

  • By ignoring the rules of the parents, you will show that you do not respect them or that you do not care about them at all. You have to show how much you appreciate them by listening to them.
  • If you have siblings, it is important to follow your parents' rules so that you can be a role model for them.
Be a Good Boy Step 5
Be a Good Boy Step 5

Step 5. Apologize when you made a mistake

Being a good guy doesn't mean always being perfect. However, you should apologize when it seems to you that you are wrong. If you want to be a good guy, then you need to understand when you've done something wrong and be ready to admit it. If you want to seriously apologize, look your parents and siblings in the eye and apologize sincerely and honestly, showing that you have reflected on what you have done and that you will not do it again.

It's not enough to say you're sorry, while you're doing something else or walking out the door. Sit down with your parents and let them know about the mess you made

Be a Good Boy Step 6
Be a Good Boy Step 6

Step 6. Make your parents' life easier

The best thing you can do to be a nice guy is to make your parents' life easier. This could mean doing a few extra chores when not asked, being more obedient on days when you see your parents are very tired, spending time with your siblings to give your parents more free time, or even making room when they are. exhausted and want to lie down. Most parents are busy with parenting duties, so if you try to make their life easier instead of creating problems, they will be grateful for that.

  • As you get older, you can help them run a few extra errands, such as shopping for groceries, washing the car in the house, or helping prepare your younger siblings for school.
  • If you see your parents coming home upset, try helping out in the kitchen for dinner or asking if it's possible to grab a pizza to make things easier.
Be a Good Boy Step 7
Be a Good Boy Step 7

Step 7. Gain a few more skills to help out around the house

You will probably think that you can only do a few chores because you are too young to really help them, but you can always learn something to help them out. If they do the laundry or do the dishes for you, learn how to do it yourself. If they always take care of the dog or cat, you should learn when to eat and when to take the dog out. You can also learn how to cook simple things or make sandwiches for lunch so your parents don't have to.

Don't think that you are unable to help because you are too small; instead, try to be a nice guy and always find new ways to facilitate them in everyday life

Be a Good Boy Step 8
Be a Good Boy Step 8

Step 8. Find a hobby that helps improve you

Another way to be a nice guy is to make a commitment to become a smarter and more interesting person. This means spending more time reading and writing, learning a foreign language, acquiring a skill, such as playing football or playing the guitar, and generally taking care of your own self-improvement. While watching TV or playing online can be a fun break, you should try to grow as a person as much as you can if you intend to become a good guy.

To be a good guy, maturing and dedicating yourself to your personal growth is essential. By learning new skills and applying yourself in the study, you will become a more thoughtful and complete person

Be a Good Boy Step 9
Be a Good Boy Step 9

Step 9. Don't disobey parents in public

Another way to become a Nice Guy is to make sure you listen to your parents in public. Avoid contradicting them, ignoring them, openly neglecting their rules, throwing tantrums or anything that can embarrass and disappoint them. If you disagree with them on something, discuss it later when you are alone in the house so you can have a productive conversation instead of attacking them.

Even if you really want something that your parents won't allow you, you should avoid embarrassing or hurting them, otherwise you will make them agitated and risk damaging your relationship with them. Instead, by proposing to talk about it later, you will behave like a mature person who doesn't throw a tantrum

Part 2 of 3: Being a Good Boy in School

Be a Good Boy Step 10
Be a Good Boy Step 10

Step 1. Listen to your teachers

One of the best ways to be a good guy is to listen to your teachers. You must respect and recognize them as people, bearing in mind that it is rude and impolite to ignore them, be mean or even argue with them. Make an effort to do what they tell you and not cause problems in the classroom. By listening to them, you will make not only them happier, but your parents too.

If you have a hard time listening to them or think they are completely unreasonable, then you should behave as kindly as possible and talk to your parents about them

Be a Good Boy Step 11
Be a Good Boy Step 11

Step 2. Do your best in school

You don't have to get top marks to do well in school. However, you need to make an effort to do what you can, studying for exams, doing all your homework, and proving that you are a dedicated student. When you need help, go to your teachers or parents to ask for a hand, and strive to always improve. Nice Guys tend to do well in school because they know that a good class result is important.

  • Make a commitment to study for exams well in advance so that you get the best results.
  • The most important thing is to respect the concept of having an education, going to school on time and being happy to be in class.
Be a Good Boy Step 12
Be a Good Boy Step 12

Step 3. Be nice to your peers

If you want to be a good boy, then you need to be nice to your classmates, both inside the classroom and on the school bus. Treating others with kindness and respect is important if you intend to be a good guy. Don't demoralize students who aren't as good in school as you do, and don't make fun of them about their clothing or their overall appearance. Make a commitment to treat others the way you would like to be treated and you'll be well on your way to becoming a good guy.

  • You may think that by demoralizing others you will shine more, but in reality the best thing you can do is to be friendly to everyone so people will appreciate you and feel comfortable with you.
  • If someone in the class doesn't know something, don't make fun of them, but help them understand the subject.
  • You can be friendly and positive even in extra-academic situations, like when you're in the coffee shop or bathroom.
Be a Good Boy Step 13
Be a Good Boy Step 13

Step 4. Join the class

Another way to be a nice guy is to participate in class. This will show your teachers that you listen and are interested. When a teacher asks a few questions, make an effort to answer them, giving other people the opportunity to do so as well. If you are interested or confused by something, then it is best to ask the teacher for an explanation when appropriate. If you work hard and participate in class often, then learning will be more fun while doing your job as a nice guy in the meantime.

  • If the teacher asks for a volunteer, give him a hand by participating in any activity he has organized.
  • Also be sure to participate in group work. You should always be active and engaged in all subjects.
Be a Good Boy Step 14
Be a Good Boy Step 14

Step 5. Follow the rules

To be a good kid in school, you need to avoid conflicts with teachers and management. Follow all the rules at school, from dress code to on-time admission, and behave respectfully during recess. If you've broken a rule, be honest and apologize, but it also shows that you won't do it again. If you want to be a good guy, listening to the rules is important.

If you want to be a good student, then it is important to follow the rules in school. It is not advisable to earn a bad reputation with teachers. If this happens, it will be difficult for them to take you seriously

Be a Good Boy Step 15
Be a Good Boy Step 15

Step 6. Don't be a sapientino

A Nice Guy doesn't question their teachers and doesn't try to act like they're the genius of the class. Whether you go out with friends at recess or listen to a teacher talking about Leonardo da Vinci, avoid acting like you are the "Mr. I know everything", otherwise it is very likely that you will annoy the people around you. While it's important to be curious and question things to get your own idea, if you're going to be a nice guy, it's not okay to flaunt, brag, or act like you know more than others.

  • Trying to outsmart teachers is one of the worst things you can do if you want them to like you. If you do these antics, chances are they'll make a phone call to your parents.
  • Of course, if you have a legitimate concern, you can still report it to your teacher. Just make sure you do it in a respectful manner.
  • Showing off in front of friends isn't a good idea either. They will soon get tired of your behavior.
Be a Good Boy Step 16
Be a Good Boy Step 16

Step 7. Be honest

It is important to be honest if you really want to do well in school and behave properly outside. If you are in trouble for breaking the rules, then be honest about your mistakes instead of lying and trying to hide them. During an exam, avoid cheating or engaging in unfair behavior, but strive to get good grades honestly through study and hard work. If you are unfair in school, you risk acting the same way in other aspects of your life and not becoming a good boy.

  • While telling a few white lies from time to time isn't wrong to protect a person's feelings (like telling a friend you like their haircut, even if it's ugly), it's important to have moral integrity when it comes to. of important things. Make sure you tell your teachers and your parents the truth, otherwise you will get into a bad habit for life.
  • It's not always easy to be honest. If you are honest about something difficult to tell, then you should be proud of yourself for being able to open up.
Be a Good Boy Step 17
Be a Good Boy Step 17

Step 8. Be organized

Generally speaking, Nice Guys are organized at school because this way they can focus on studying without getting confused. Organize your backpack, organize your home desk and school desk, notebooks for notes and anything else you use in the classroom. Separate the school subjects in various binders and don't lose sight of where all the material you need is located. If you want to be successful in school and be a good guy, then it is important to perfect your organizational skills.

Organization is an important trait in becoming a good guy and a good student. Make sure your home desk, classroom desk, and backpack are neat and organized. By spending just 10-15 minutes a day to fix your things, you will keep up with your studies

Part 3 of 3: Being a Good Guy to Others

Be a Good Boy Step 18
Be a Good Boy Step 18

Step 1. Be respectful

If you want to be a good guy, it's important to treat others with respect. Whether it's with friends, your parents, or the dentist, it's important to be courteous and respectful to the people around you and treat them with kindness. Respect their spaces, ask how they are and avoid asking too personal questions. Respect is an important quality of a good guy and a good man.

  • Nice Guys are respectful, especially towards adult people. Make sure you treat people older than you with the utmost respect, even if you can sometimes disagree with them.
  • When in public, be careful not to speak loudly and tidy up if you have created a bit of confusion. A restaurant or cinema is not your bedroom, so realize that there are people around you.
Be a Good Boy Step 19
Be a Good Boy Step 19

Step 2. Be nice to your neighbors

Another way to be a nice guy is to be nice to your neighbors. Avoid making too much noise, accidentally invading their spaces, ignoring them or, in general, treating them with rudeness. Your parents want you to be nice to them, because that way they won't have a bad impression of your family, and being kind will make your family life easier. Even if you don't feel like you have much in common with them, it's always important to be nice.

Having a polite chat can make a big difference. When you see the neighbors, you can just say, "Hi, how are you?". You don't need to have a long conversation, just show your appreciation for them

Be a Good Boy Step 20
Be a Good Boy Step 20

Step 3. Be nice to girls

One of the most important things in being a nice guy is to treat girls with the kindness and respect they deserve. Be kind, try to get to know them, and only tease them if you are both cheerful. Never make humiliating or nasty comments to a girl and don't hurt her because of her looks or personality. Even if the guys around you aren't mature enough to be nice to girls yet, you can stop this and treat them with care and kindness.

  • When you see a girl, be nice and ask her how she is. You could also compliment her on her new hairstyle or some accessory she's wearing.
  • If you are the shy type, you don't need to make an effort to talk to girls. The more you can gradually do this, the more comfortable you will feel when you open up to them.
Be a Good Boy Step 21
Be a Good Boy Step 21

Step 4. Be polite

Education is an important aspect if you want to be a good guy. Being polite means treating others with kindness and respect, avoiding vulgarity and showing interest in them. It also means avoiding offensive arguments or being rude to people you don't like. While you don't need to be everyone's best friend, it doesn't take a lot of effort to be polite, but by behaving like this, you will certainly improve your life around people.

Being nice also means having good manners. Avoid burping in public and apologize if this happens to you. Don't chew with your mouth full. Ask people how they are when you meet them. If they introduce you to a new person, stand up to greet them. Let people walk past you instead of standing in front of them

Be a Good Boy Step 22
Be a Good Boy Step 22

Step 5. Help out in your community

If you want to be a good guy, then you should commit to volunteering in your community in order to make the world a better place. You can do it with your parents or alone or with some friends if you are old enough. You can help clean up a park near you, help non-EU citizens learn to read, or help out in a canteen for those not lucky enough to have a hot meal. If you intend to be a good guy, you need to know that it's not enough just to be good at school and at home, but in the world at large.

  • Try to dedicate at least a few hours of your time each month to other people if you volunteer through the church or another association in your area.
  • If you help with your parents, then volunteering will also be a great way to build your bond.
Be a Good Boy Step 23
Be a Good Boy Step 23

Step 6. Spread positive energy

To be a good guy in the world around you, it's important to spread positive energy, making the people around you feel happier and more fulfilled. You should avoid complaining or being overly hostile, but try to talk about all the good things in your life, smile and congratulate people instead of being negative or focused only on the bad things in life. If you want to be a good guy, you need to commit to spreading good around the world.

  • Try to congratulate others instead of criticizing them. A person is better off when he makes others feel good about themselves rather than demoralizing them.
  • Also commit to smiling more often. It is a way to feel and make people around you feel happier.


  • The truth always wins. Never tell lies.
  • If they find out that you lied, the consequences will be more serious than any truth told.
