Hookah smoke tastes best when the shisha, that is, the mixture, burns slowly. Learn how to properly prepare the hookah and avoid direct contact between the shisha and burning coals. If the smoke still tastes harsh or unpleasant, try heating the bowl for three to five minutes before smoking.
Part 1 of 3: Assemble the Hookah

Step 1. Clean the hookah
Clean it to get rid of any extraneous flavors and any chemicals, even if it's new. Scrub each component with a soft brush excluding the non-washable tubes.
Hookah is easier to clean immediately after smoking, not after the residue has dried. Clean at least after the fourth or fifth smoking session

Step 2. Learn the terms
A hookah is made up of several parts, but it's not too complicated to understand. The terms of reference for the instructions are as follows:
- Base - the lowest section. It is an ampoule that can be detached and filled with water.
- Stem or Body - the main vertical body. The lower end has a grafting plunging into the water.
- Gaskets - silicone or rubber "washers". You need one of these to ensure a tight seal where two parts fit together. They are also called sealing rings.
- Valves - each smoke tube plugs into a valve located in the body.
- Brazier - the container that sits on top and that holds hookah tobacco, also called shisha.

Step 3. Fill the base with water
Check the "graft", ie the lower part of the stem. Add enough water so that it stays about 2.5cm submerged. Do not overfill the base because the air layer is necessary to make the smoke more regular and easier to inhale.
- Add ice to keep the smoke cool and less harsh.
- Some like to mix water with other liquids to enhance the taste, such as juice or vodka. Most drinks are fine, but avoid milk and dairy products as they can spoil the hookah.

Step 4. Connect the stem and tubes
Apply the silicone or rubber gasket to the top of the base. Push the stem against the seal to ensure an airtight seal. Check that the graft is immersed about 2.5 cm. Use smaller seals for the tubing to insert into the valves along the stem.
Some hookah models lose air if all the valves are not connected to a hose or are closed with a rubber stopper, but most are built in such a way that the air seal is automatic

Step 5. Check for leaks
Use the palm of your hand to plug the hole in the top of the stem. Try to inhale through one of the tubes. If you can suck in air, one of the joints is not airtight. Inspect them all and fix the problem:
- Wet with water or a drop of dish soap if you have trouble inserting a component into a gasket,.
- Wrap the stem with electrical tape and insert the gasket over the tape if a joint is a little loose.
- Wrap an elastic band around the stem if a gasket tends to slip out. Keep wrapping until you can connect the two components with a perfect seal.
Part 2 of 3: Add the Tobacco

Step 1. Move the shisha
Choose any flavor of shisha, i.e. tobacco packaged with molasses and glycerin. Before removing from the container, stir and stir to bring the aromas from the bottom to the surface.

Step 2. Shatter it
Take a pinch of shisha and gently crush it between your fingers into a plate. Cut into small pieces or remove any stems. Repeat until you have enough to fill the bowl and not press it.

Step 3. Spread the shisha in the bowl
Let it melt so that air can pass through it. Add it and form an even layer up to 2 or 3 mm below the edge of the bowl. The mixture will stick to the aluminum foil and burn if the layer is too high.
- Gently pull down any bits of mixture that protrude too much using a damp paper towel.
- It is advisable to practice with tobacco-free hookah molasses until you have mastered the process. This way it is less likely to burn.

Step 4. Cover the bowl
You can purchase a dedicated, reusable, hookah screen, but a homemade one can control the heat more reliably. Spread aluminum foil over the bowl to form a taut surface. Pierce the sheet to allow air to pass through with a paper clip or needle. Try to drill in a circle near the outer edge, then continue spiraling inwards.
- More holes mean more heat on the tobacco and consequently more smoke. Start with about 15 holes. If vacuuming is difficult or you want more smoke, you can add more. Some prefer 50 to 100.
- Make small holes to prevent ash from falling on the mixture.

Step 5. Finish assembling the hookah
Secure the ash tray to the top of the stem. Fit the bowl over the top hole with an airtight seam.
Part 3 of 3: Add the Charcoals

Step 1. Choose the charcoals
There are basically two types, with different characteristics:
- Quick-start charcoals that heat up quickly, but burn faster and at a lower temperature. At worst they can leave a taste like chemicals or cause headaches.
- Natural charcoals that do not alter the flavor, but need to remain in contact with a heat source for about ten minutes to ignite. Coconut shell and lemon flavored charcoals are two popular options.

Step 2. Light two or three charcoals
Their sizes and those of the braziers vary, so you may need to experiment. Adjust by starting with two or three. Light up as follows taking into account the type of charcoal:
- Quick Ignition: Hold a charcoal with tongs on a non-flammable surface. Put it over the flame of a lighter or match until the sparks and smoke stop. Remove it from the heat and wait about 10-30 seconds for it to completely cover with light gray ash. Blow as needed until it glows orange.
- Natural: Put the charcoal on the coil of an electric stove or directly on the flame of a gas stove. Put the heat on high and leave for 8 - 12 minutes. It should turn bright orange, while the ash layer is irrelevant. Do not put the charcoal where the ash could fall on the gas pipe or on a stove with a glass top.

Step 3. Place the charcoals on top of the bowl
Use the tongs to transfer the hot charcoals to the aluminum foil or screen above the bowl. Arrange them evenly around the edge or even making them protrude slightly outside. Leave the center empty unless you are sure you need more heat.
Check that the sheet does not flex. It is not recommended that charcoals touch tobacco and burn it

Step 4. Let the bowl heat up
Some wait three to five minutes before taking their first puff. Others start smoking right away. Try both methods because each can guarantee its own flavor and different smoothness of the smoke.
Some hookahs and charcoal types take 10 to 30 minutes to heat up properly, but they are the exception

Step 5. Inhale slowly and gently
Inhale the smoke normally through the tube. There is no need to pull hard or try to draw in as much smoke as possible. Even if the first puff has little smoke, trust that a lot more will form as you continue. By sucking in too hard or too often, the shisha can overheat because this transfers hot air to the brazier.
- Rotate the charcoals frequently to burn evenly.
- If you have trouble establishing the right number of charcoals, try dividing them in half next time.
- If the tobacco tends to get too hot, try using a thicker foil or two aluminum foil.
- Charcoals placed closer to the center of the bowl can make things easier at first, but they need to be monitored carefully. In fact, it increases the chances of the tobacco burning in the center ahead of time.
- If the smoke becomes very hot or sour, carefully remove the bowl from the base and blow it out.