The Chinese birth chart is an ancient means of predicting the sex of the unborn child and, nowadays, it is a technique that we can find amusing. It has some similarities with astrology and there is no evidence that it is valid, but some people swear it works while others use it just for fun. To use the table you only need two pieces of information: the lunar month and the lunar age of the mother at the time of conception. Here's how to do it.
Method 1 of 2: Identify the Gender

Step 1. Calculate the mother's lunar age at conception
The Chinese use the lunar calendar, which is different from the Gregorian one used in the West. For this reason, you must calculate the mother's age following the lunar calendar and not the Gregorian one.
- First of all, add a year to your age. Are you 32 years old? Well, for the Chinese calendar you have 33 (or sometimes 34), because in China the nine gestational months are also counted, unlike in the West. So when a baby is born, according to the lunar calendar, he is already one year old.
- If you were born after February 22, take your Gregorian age, add a year (the one you spent in your mother's womb) and you're done. If you are 17 and you were born on 11 July, you are actually 18 lunar years.
- If you were born before February 22, check if your date of birth falls before or after the Chinese New Year of that year. If you were born earlier, add an additional year to your Gregorian age (2 in total).
- If you are having trouble turning your Gregorian age into a lunar age, do an online search - there are tons of conversion tables.
For example, if you were born on January 7, 1990, consider that the Chinese New Year in that year was January 27, so you were born before the new year and you are two years older for the lunar calendar

Step 2. Determine the lunar month in which the baby was conceived
If it hasn't happened yet, determine the month you'd like it to happen or go back down the table from your desired gender to see what month you need to conceive.
The simplest way to convert the month of conception from the Gregorian to the lunar calendar is to use an online table. Enter the words "Gregorian to Lunar Calendar Conversion" in any search engine

Step 3. Using the chart below, cross-reference your lunar age and month of conception to see the prediction
Start from your lunar age at the time of conception and move to the right until you intersect the lunar month of conception column; if the box is pink and there is a G you will have a girl, if it is blue and there is a B you will have a boy.
Method 2 of 2: Additional Information

Step 1. Use the birth chart to choose the gender you would like for your baby
Although most families use the Chinese table after conception, some couples use it for selective purposes. Whatever sex the baby is, you will love it for sure; but what changes if you know the sex in advance?

Step 2. Remember that for an accurate result you need to have lunar calendar data and these are based on the lunar month of conception
- Birth charts that do not use the lunar calendar are not accurate. Make sure the results are not produced with data from the Gregorian calendar.
- Make sure you use the dates referring to the month of conception, especially when evaluating age. Select your age at conception and not your current age.

Step 3. Know that there is no scientific basis to support the Chinese birth chart
Science cannot verify it, so don't use it as the only predictive tool; there are many other scientific methods for knowing in advance the sex of the child (such as ultrasound and amniocentesis) and the Chinese birth chart is not among these.