How to Lose Weight for a Wrestling Match

How to Lose Weight for a Wrestling Match
How to Lose Weight for a Wrestling Match

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Most wrestlers feel they are more successful when fighting in a lower weight wrestling category, but reducing the weight can be difficult and dangerous. With careful practice, however, you can master the art of losing weight so that you feel little or no energy loss during the match.


Lose Weight in Wrestling Step 1
Lose Weight in Wrestling Step 1

Step 1. Determine the minimum weight you can have for wrestling

Most states require wrestling school certification, as do many organizations in other sports. If you can't go below a certain weight, you don't have to make any effort.

Lose Weight in Wrestling Step 2
Lose Weight in Wrestling Step 2

Step 2. Try to lose weight slowly over a few months

A good diet and vigorous daily training can surprisingly reduce your body fat percentage, although exercising too much can burn more muscle than fat. Losing body fat is the best way to lose weight, and it may save you from having to lose it all!

Lose Weight in Wrestling Step 3
Lose Weight in Wrestling Step 3

Step 3. Determine how much weight you usually lose overnight

Between dinner and breakfast, you probably go to the bathroom twice (before and after bed) and lose some fluids while you sleep. Weighing yourself every day before and after bed will allow you to plan ahead. Some people regularly lose a pound or so every night.

Lose Weight in Wrestling Step 4
Lose Weight in Wrestling Step 4

Step 4. Two days before the meeting, try to reduce your water intake

Dehydration is a problem. You have to drink water to keep the body system functioning. Try drinking 0.10 - 0.15 liters of water every 3 hours before you get back on your weight. Stay away from energy drinks during workouts because they may seem tempting, but water hydrates just as well and with fewer calories. Try to eat high-energy foods during this time. You need good sources of protein; Lean meats like chicken and turkey are good, but avoid fatty and red meats. Soy is also a good source of protein.

Lose Weight in Wrestling Step 5
Lose Weight in Wrestling Step 5

Step 5. During the 24 hours before the competition, start reducing the weight

If you want to be at your best, though, you need calories; so try to eat foods that have a high calorie-to-weight ratio. Energy bars are usually the best source of calories in a food that is only a few grams of weight. The night before the match, weigh yourself before dinner. If you are overweight beyond the weight you normally have when you sleep, limit yourself to a simple energy bar and go to bed.

Lose Weight in Wrestling Step 6
Lose Weight in Wrestling Step 6

Step 6. If you have little weight to lose, try spitting into an empty jar

Grab a packet of gum or hard candy to encourage saliva production (strong or acidic flavors work best, especially cinnamon). Over the course of a day, you could fill a bottle of half a liter or more. Saliva weighs more than water, so you could lose two kilos or more. It sucks a little, and it gets a lot harder than you might think, but it's much more effective for the body than any other method.

Lose Weight in Wrestling Step 7
Lose Weight in Wrestling Step 7

Step 7. If you need to lose more weight, consider running

Putting on sauna clothes or a garbage bag is common, but very dangerous. Never use one when you are alone. Short runs and fast laps followed by short breaks work, short bursts raise the temperature enough to make you sweat, but not enough to be harmful.

Lose Weight in Wrestling Step 8
Lose Weight in Wrestling Step 8

Step 8. As you lose weight throughout the day, weigh yourself often

As soon as you are above or below your target weight, stop everything - it is impossible to gain weight without eating something. If you are slightly underweight, weigh yourself with something like a banana in your hand. If you are still under with food in hand, eat.

Lose Weight in Wrestling Step 9
Lose Weight in Wrestling Step 9

Step 9. After weighing yourself, avoid the urge to eat immediately

Depending on how long you have, drink the water slowly beforehand. This allows you to absorb water and hydrate yourself quickly; food may slow down this absorption.

Lose Weight in Wrestling Step 10
Lose Weight in Wrestling Step 10

Step 10. Eat only what you need to not get hungry

You don't have to get all the energy from food to make a difference, and you don't want to get sick. There will be plenty of time to eat after the match.

Lose Weight in Wrestling Step 11
Lose Weight in Wrestling Step 11

Step 11. Remember:

High-fiber foods keep you full for a longer period than traditional foods, so try to add fiber to your diet as well. Try chewing and spitting gum. It causes less stress on your body and gives you a sense of satiety if you do it after spitting and your mouth is really dry. Suck on ice, it's cold and refreshing.

Lose Weight in Wrestling Step 12
Lose Weight in Wrestling Step 12

Step 12. You can also try to lose some "non-functional" weight from the gastrointestinal tract

You can lose ½ kg or 1 kg by eating dietary fiber that loosens the intestines a little and taking a mild laxative 2 or 3 days before the competition. Be careful with laxatives, as you don't want to have diarrhea on competition day.

Lose Weight in Wrestling Step 13
Lose Weight in Wrestling Step 13

Step 13. Fasting is one way, but you don't have to fast to the point of being very hungry

Sweat suits are the best, but always be very careful when using them because bringing your body to very high temperatures makes you sweat, but sweat is only the weight of liquids; this way you may possibly lose some fat (really) depending on the exercise, but if you eat healthy you will be a great guy in wrestling.


  • Wearing the garbage bag may seem like a good idea, but it's VERY dangerous. Only wear it when you are supervised, and, as mentioned, it is best to take a SHORT walk, just long enough to raise your body temperature, and then take a break, otherwise you could do yourself a great deal of harm. Do 15-20 minutes of exercise and then weigh yourself. If you still need to get rid of more water, wait at least 30 minutes before doing another session.
  • Remember that you are not trying to lose weight with water alone, you should instead lose some body fat so that the weight remains reduced without dehydrating you.
  • Avoid sugar and candy on race day. It gives you some energy at first, but it dissolves right away, before you can use it.
  • In major foods, most of the weight is made up of water. By purchasing foods with a high calorie-to-weight ratio, you can be sure that you are not replacing the water you are trying to lose! (A clarification here: be careful! If you take in dry carbohydrates and your body wants to save them in the form of glycogen in your muscles and liver (which happens if you are on a diet), keep in mind that you need 3 times more water. to assimilate them as a mass of carbohydrates consumed. Where does the body get water from? From everywhere it can get it, which means that if you eat 100g carbohydrates your body will need 300g carbohydrates to reach the hydration state it had before If you are bordering on dangerously dehydrated, this will push you over the limit (if you don't drink extra water your body is thirsty).
  • 4 liters a day keeps the weight off.


  • If you feel a burning or throbbing heat in your chest, head, or abdomen, or if you feel severe pain, stop running immediately. This is the body's way of letting you know that you are overheating. You will still sweat a lot during your rest, but it is important that you cool down.
  • If you experience frequent pains while exercising, you should see your doctor.
  • If you feel dizzy, sick, or cold, stop for that day. These are signs of dehydration and heat illness. You won't be able to lose more weight without getting hurt.
  • Drink lots of water. Losing weight isn't worth it if you can't struggle with dehydration! It is best to drink at least every 10-15 minutes when you are in the gym and at least every 3-4 hours during the day. However, everyone's body is different, so find out how your body feels by drinking water. Also, drinking energy drinks can sometimes slow you down.
  • Fasting to lose weight is bad for the body. You should try to eat healthy every day. Not eating will make you feel tired and you may feel sick during the day.
  • Wearing sweat clothing and garbage bags can overheat you very quickly. They are NOT a safe or effective way to lose weight. Sweat suits work well under control, but in reality they only make you lose weight in liquids faster than a sweater.
