It's easy to be pretty! Just by being yourself, you are already pretty. If you still want some advice, read on.

Step 1. Be confident
Security is the key to being beautiful. Every girl will want to be like you.

Step 2. You will change rapidly over the next few years if you are not already doing so
Show yourself proud of who you are. You need to be kind and respectful to other people and not allow anyone to humiliate you.

Step 3. Buy trendy but simple clothes
Your clothes should look good on you, they shouldn't be too tight, otherwise you could attract negative attention. Wear leggings with a short skirt, jeans, shorts and dresses. Wash your clothes once a week and make sure they don't have any stains

Step 4. Let your light shine
Be nice to everyone, even if they aren't nice to you. Help the elderly ladies carry the shopping bags, collect what a busy mom dropped. Perform small acts of kindness towards others and you will receive a lot of thanks. If you see that something in your house is out of place, fix it yourself and don't make a fuss.

Step 5. Don't wear makeup
Surely you are still gorgeous and you don't need any makeup at your age. If your parents agree, you can use concealer and cocoa butter. Don't wear pencil and mascara, they will make you look older - you don't need them now. Don't even use the bag, it will make you look too big. You will have too much time to use it later.

Step 6. Maintain good personal hygiene
You are going through changes and you have to get used to showering every day, brushing your teeth twice a day, etc.
Be a clean girl. Clean your nails and make sure they are never dirty. If your mom won't let you use colored nail polish, put on clear nail polish. If you don't mind, choose your favorite colors and the ones that suit your look and personality best.
Be a Pretty 10 Year Old Girl Step 6Bullet1

Step 7. Be healthy
Eat healthy food more often than junk. It doesn't mean you have to be anorexic or too thin. You don't have to be too thin or too fat. You should eat lots of fruits and vegetables, exercise every day and drink lots of water (this means you need to drink water whenever you are thirsty)! Follow these tips and your skin will have a healthy and natural glow.

Step 8. Do your best in school
Study a lot and if you need help, ask for it! Make your family proud. If you do well on a test or get a good report card, they will be really proud of you. Learn all you can about the world around you and try to have interesting things to say. No, you won't take advantage of everything you learn in school, but think of school as a place where they teach you to learn. It may seem strange to you, but it is indeed a very useful skill.

Step 9. Be yourself
Don't try to be something you are not. You are unique as you are and that makes you special.

Step 10. Don't let anyone convince you that you need a boyfriend
It's not true. Rather, look for a friend. Be careful about dating older people; It may be dangerous.

Step 11. Love the fun
Funny people smile more and chances are you will like people more!

Step 12. Try to make friends
If you are new to school, smile and try to play some pranks. The other kids will think you are cool and will want to go out with you. You never know… they could become your best friends!

Step 13. Smile
People will think you are open, friendly, and easy to talk to. Make sure you don't smile so much that it looks unnatural, just show your teeth a little and make it look natural.

Step 14. Take care of your hair
Wash them every two days. To make a beautiful hairstyle, buy headbands and hair clips.
- Never be rude or bossy because in this case no one will notice you.
- Always smile and be yourself.
- Never make fun of anyone! Nobody will want to be your friend. Plus, people won't listen to you anymore.
- Don't care what other people think. If you feel active, go wild! What does it matter if everyone in the supermarket is glaring at you? You will probably never see them again!
- If you like someone's hairstyle or clothes, tell them! Everyone likes to receive a compliment. So they'll think you're nice and everyone will like you.
- Don't worry too much about your hair. Remember, a simple ponytail looks good on all girls.
- If you worry too much about being considered nice and are feeling stressed, try talking to someone.
- Do not overdo it! If you just want to be yourself, that's fine.
- Find at least one good friend you can trust.
- These tips are a guide only! The only things you really need to worry about are good hygiene and clean clothes. Leave your fashion worries for high school and college days. You will also have more money to spend on it, either way.