Has your child made a mess with food coloring? Did you spill a few drops on your hands while you were making a cake? It happens to everyone sooner and later: it is normal to get dirty while cooking or decorating Easter eggs. Here are some tips to clean up.
Method 1 of 4: Use Toothpaste

Step 1. Use non-gel toothpaste
If possible, try to buy one that contains baking soda - it will be even more effective.

Step 2. Wash the stained area with warm soapy water
Massage it to get a nice lather. Sometimes just washing is enough to get rid of the dye. Keep the skin moist, don't dry it for now.
Step 3. Wash the affected area with toothpaste
Squeeze a thin layer of it onto the stain. Gently rub it in a circular motion. If the dye has stained your hands, rub them together, just like when you wash them. The toothpaste will help remove the stain.
You can also apply the toothpaste with a towel
Step 4. Rub the toothpaste on the skin for about 2 minutes
If it starts to dry out, spray it with water and continue massaging it. After a while, the tint should begin to fade.
Step 5. Wash off the toothpaste with warm water
If your skin feels sticky after using it, wash it with soap and water. At this point the food coloring will be barely visible.

Step 6. Repeat if necessary
If the stain hasn't gone away, repeat the process with the toothpaste and water. Stains that have dried may require more than one treatment. If your skin starts to get irritated at some point, take a break and try again a few hours later.
Method 2 of 4: Using Isopropyl Alcohol

Step 1. Get a bottle of isopropyl alcohol
If you don't have it at home, replace it with acetone or another nail polish remover. However, remember that they are aggressive products, so they can dry out the skin. They are not recommended for children and those with sensitive skin. If your child has been stained with food coloring, try using isopropyl alcohol, an acetone-free nail polish remover, or a hand sanitizer gel.
If the dye has stained your face, use toothpaste
Step 2. Soak a cotton ball in isopropyl alcohol
For larger areas, use a folded napkin or towel. If you use hand sanitizer gel, you can skip this step and apply it directly to the skin.
Step 3. Rub the stain with a cotton swab
Isopropyl alcohol helps dissolve the pigments of the food coloring. The tint should disappear after a few strokes.
Step 4. Repeat using clean cotton balls until the dye is gone
Do not reuse them, otherwise you will transfer the pigment back to the skin. Discard the stained cotton ball and soak another in isopropyl alcohol. Repeat until the stain is completely gone.

Step 5. Wash your skin with soap and water, then pat it dry with a towel
If there are any marks left, you can try to remove them by rubbing the isopropyl alcohol again. Make sure you wash and dry your skin after you are done.

Step 6. If you have sensitive skin, apply a hand moisturizer
Isopropyl alcohol can dry it out, so you should use a moisturizing lotion after you're done. This step is especially recommended if you are using acetone or another nail polish remover.
Method 3 of 4: Use Vinegar and Sodium Bicarbonate
Step 1. Wash the affected area with warm soapy water
You can also wet a towel and rub it into your skin to remove excess dye.
Step 2. Soak a clean towel in white vinegar
Make sure you have the bottle of vinegar handy - you'll need it to soak the towel again later.
Step 3. Rub the stain with the towel
If the vinegar stings or burns, try mixing equal parts of the vinegar and water. It will then be diluted slightly and will give you less discomfort.
If the food coloring has stained your face, don't use pure vinegar but dilute it with water first. You can also use toothpaste
Step 4. Rinse the towel and soak it again in vinegar
The towel will gradually absorb the dye. When it soaks in dye, you need to rinse it off, otherwise you will transfer the pigment back to the skin. Soak it in vinegar after washing it. Continue rubbing the affected area until the pigment is gone.
Step 5. For stubborn stains, use a thick compound made from baking soda and water
Prepare it in a small bowl, using two parts of baking soda and one part of water. Apply it to the affected area. Rub it with your fingers in a gentle, circular motion.
Try not to rub too hard. Baking soda is abrasive and can irritate the skin
Step 6. Rinse the mixture with soap and water
Baking soda doesn't always get rid of easily, so it can take some patience. Make sure you rinse your skin with soap and water until you no longer feel the grainy texture of baking soda.

Step 7. If necessary, repeat the vinegar and baking soda treatment
By now, you should have removed the dye, but it may be necessary to repeat the entire process for particularly large, stubborn or dry stains.
Method 4 of 4: Using Other Methods

Step 1. Take a shower or bath
Sometimes hot water and soap are enough to remove the stain. At the end of the bath or shower, you should have almost completely eliminated it.
Step 2. Wash the affected area with water and a clothes stain remover
Fill the sink with warm water and pour some stain remover. Shake your hands in the water for a few minutes. If the stain affects another part of the body, spray this compound on the patch.
Do not use it on the face. Instead, try toothpaste
Step 3. Make a salt and vinegar mixture
Mix two to three tablespoons of salt and a few drops of vinegar in a bowl, try to get a thick mixture. Wet the stain with water, then scrub the mixture. Wash it off with soap and water.

Step 4. Try using face or baby wipes
The oils they contain can dissolve the pigment and remove the stain.

Step 5. Try using a baby or food oil
Soak a cotton ball and wipe the stain. Replace it once it gets dirty. Make sure you complete the process by washing your skin with soap and water.
Step 6. Remove the stain with the shaving cream
Contains hydrogen peroxide, which can help eliminate dye. Massage it into the stain as if it were a cleanser. Rinse the area with warm soapy water.
Step 7. Make an exfoliant using dish soap, a few drops of lemon juice and a pinch of salt
Rub it on the stain until it's gone. Rinse your skin with warm soapy water.

Step 8. Try to be patient
Most food dyes go away on their own as you do something else, touch various objects, wash your hands, shower or bathe. It can take around 24-36 hours to get rid of them completely.
- Reach difficult areas, such as the skin around the nails, with a toothbrush or nail brush.
- Before treating the affected area, massage a hand lotion into the skin. The oils will help dissolve the dye and facilitate removal.
- Act now. Try to remove the stain as soon as possible. If it stays on the skin for a long time, it will be more difficult to remove it.
- Baking soda and vinegar can sting. They are not recommended for sensitive skin.
- Acetone and nail polish remover are harsh and can dry out the skin. Do not use them for children or in case of sensitive skin.