How to dye your hair with food dyes

Table of contents:

How to dye your hair with food dyes
How to dye your hair with food dyes

Food coloring is cheap, easy to use, and easy to find, and unlike normal dyes, it hardly penetrates the hair. Whether you want to dye all of your hair, or just a few strands, read the guide and choose one of the following methods.


Color Hair With Food Coloring Step 1
Color Hair With Food Coloring Step 1

Step 1. Prepare your workspace

If possible, work on a plastic or tile countertop, or cover the work area with newspaper or old towels. Stay away from carpets and delicate surfaces.

Color Hair With Food Coloring Step 2
Color Hair With Food Coloring Step 2

Step 2. Put on old clothes and a pair of gloves

Color Hair With Food Coloring Step 3
Color Hair With Food Coloring Step 3

Step 3. Take a bowl and mix the food coloring with an adequate amount of a clear or clear gel hair product

Choose an aloe vera shampoo, conditioner, or gel. Add the food coloring a little at a time until you get the desired tone. About 5 drops per tablespoon of gel is a good proportion to start with.

If you prefer, create a mixture of colors. For example, mix blue with red to get purple

Color Hair With Food Coloring Step 4
Color Hair With Food Coloring Step 4

Step 4. Apply the tint using one of the methods listed below

Do this on dry hair.

Color Hair With Food Coloring Step 5
Color Hair With Food Coloring Step 5

Step 5. Let the product act on the hair

If you are blond it will take about 30 minutes to get a low intensity color, if your hair is brown it could take about 3 hours. If you are not in a hurry, and if you want a more intense color, increase the time frame to 5 hours or let it go all night.

Color Hair With Food Coloring Step 6
Color Hair With Food Coloring Step 6

Step 6. Rinse your hair in the shower with lukewarm water

Don't use shampoo or conditioner, your dye will run off right away!

Color Hair With Food Coloring Step 7
Color Hair With Food Coloring Step 7

Step 7. Dry your hair using a low speed and heat

Color Hair With Food Coloring Step 8
Color Hair With Food Coloring Step 8

Step 8. If you can not wash your hair in the following days (one or two days)

The color will adhere better to the hair.

Method 1 of 2: Color all the hair

Color Hair With Food Coloring Step 9
Color Hair With Food Coloring Step 9

Step 1. Spread the dye all over your hair evenly

Massage the roots and lengths if necessary, but remember that if you are using a shampoo as a base for your dye, creating lather may decrease the intensity of the color.

Color Hair With Food Coloring Step 10
Color Hair With Food Coloring Step 10

Step 2. Avoid coloring the skin of the neck and face as well

Try to be precise and, if a little color escapes, clean it with damp paper.

Color Hair With Food Coloring Step 11
Color Hair With Food Coloring Step 11

Step 3. Cover your hair with a shower cap or plastic bag

If necessary, hold them in place with hair clips.

Method 2 of 2: Coloring some hair strands

Color Hair With Food Coloring Step 12
Color Hair With Food Coloring Step 12

Step 1. Separate the strands you want to dye from the rest of the hair

Make a ponytail or hold the rest of your hair in place with rubber bands and barrettes.

Color Hair With Food Coloring Step 13
Color Hair With Food Coloring Step 13

Step 2. Cover your hair with a shower cap or plastic bag

If necessary, hold them in place with hair clips.

Color Hair With Food Coloring Step 14
Color Hair With Food Coloring Step 14

Step 3. Make small holes through the cap in the areas where the strands to be colored are located

It is not important that the holes are perfect and it is better to create them using your hands, rather than scissors, to avoid accidental cuts. Just make sure they are big enough to allow the coloring strand to come out.

If you accidentally make a hole that is too large, reduce it with duct tape

Color Hair With Food Coloring Step 15
Color Hair With Food Coloring Step 15

Step 4. Pull the strands through the holes

Color Hair With Food Coloring Step 16
Color Hair With Food Coloring Step 16

Step 5. Apply the coloring mixture to each strand with the help of a comb or toothbrush

Don't use the new toothbrush you just bought!

Color Hair With Food Coloring Step 17
Color Hair With Food Coloring Step 17

Step 6. Wrap the colored strands with foil and attach them to the plastic cap with adhesive tape

Try to be tidy, but don't worry if the final work isn't perfect.

Color Hair With Food Coloring Step 18
Color Hair With Food Coloring Step 18

Step 7. If necessary, put another cap or bag over the first one


  • If your hair is very dark you will need to bleach it, or lighten it with special products, before you can color it.
  • If this is the first time you decide to give your hair a new color, do a test on one strand first, make sure you like the final result!
  • If you want your hair dye to last up to 3 weeks, soak your hair in vinegar for 30 seconds, let it dry, and then rinse it off with food coloring.

    Vinegar rinse: 1/2 cup white wine vinegar 1/2 cup water

  • Do not touch your hair until the process is finished if you don't want to color your fingers too.
  • If you keep the colored mixture on your hair all night, protect your pillow, and your bed, adequately.
  • Do not swim in the pool for the days following the dye.
  • Protect your shoulders with an old towel.


  • Wiping the shampoo may make you itchy, try your best not to scratch.
  • Food coloring stains the skin (not permanently).
