Cat Valentine is the adorable, bubbly, preppy red-haired girl from Nickelodeon's sitcom Victorious. If you want to be as cool as she is, this article will teach you how to get her look and behave just like her!
Part 1 of 3: Recreating her Look

Step 1. General fashion sense
Cat wears clothing such as black skinny jeans, navy denim shorts, spaghetti strap dresses, floral print tops, high waisted skirts and rompers. As for shoes, opt for high heels and ballet flats. She also wears lots of short dresses, with floral or colorful prints. His clothes are almost always bright and brightly colored, except when he is in a bad mood and chooses "sad colors".
If it's too cold where you live and you can't wear shorts, then opt for skinny jeans, a top and a nice neon cardigan

Step 2. Hair color
Try a “red velvet cupcake” shade to be a perfect Cat. But remember this is an extreme color that doesn't look good on everyone! If you dye your hair red (with a semi-permanent dye), keep in mind that if your base color was blond, the hair could fade, turning reddish. Also, most "temporary" dyes do not go away from the hair for approximately one year. You don't necessarily have to dye your hair to be like Cat, however.

Step 3. Brown contact lenses
Cat has very large brown eyes. If yours are not this color, brown contact lenses are a good solution. You can buy them even if you don't suffer from any vision problems.

Step 4. You can straighten your hair, leave it wavy or slightly curly
Towards the end of the sitcom, her hair is curly or wavy at the bottom.

Step 5. Bring floral prints
She usually chooses skirts of this type, combined with cute tops.

Step 6. High heels
As she is just over 1.60m tall, she often wears high heels. Ariana Grande wears them as often as Cat. Are you already tall on your own? Choose dancers.

Step 7. Makeup
Cat almost always wears makeup. Her look is not bad taste, but not very natural either! Think of a style that is somewhere between natural and glam.
Apply a glowing eyeshadow on your lids and then use eyeliner. Follow with two coats of mascara or even false lashes. Contour almost imperceptibly with a touch of bronzer, apply some blush and finish with naturally colored lips. In case you apply nail polish, remember that Cat uses bright colors, such as pink, blue, green and yellow

Step 8. Put on some costumes
You can even put in pieces designed by yourself! Cat has disguised herself in several episodes: as Little Bo Peep, as a superhero, as her teacher and as a spy.
Part 2 of 3: Behaving like you

Step 1. Work on your singing skills
Cat is a fantastic singer, so she practices songs like "Give It Up" or her audition piece from the episode Helen Back Again, called "Cat's Broadway Song".

Step 2. Laugh whenever you can
Cat is almost always lively and is a generally happy person.

Step 3. Show off your talents
Cat's hobbies and skills include costume making and singing.

Step 4. Create your catchphrase
Cat says the line "And what's that supposed to mean ?!" when she is insulted.

Step 5. Be curious
In the most casual moments, ask questions just like her, such as "If it snowed when it's sunny, would it create a rainbow of snow?".

Step 6. Be a sociable girl
Cat loves everyone, whatever happens! Make friends with ease.

Step 7. Flirt
Cat knows how. In an episode of Victorius titled "Stuck in an RV", he boldly has a conversation with some hot guys on the beach and then spends time with them. Try to look pretty and confident. But also very happy.
When you flirt, you pat guys on the stomach and start giggling and smiling

Step 8. Eat his favorite dishes
Cat's favorite foods include cupcakes, candies, noodles and potatoes. Don't forget the cupcakes and the red velvet cake !!!

Step 9. Express yourself
Cat is open about her emotions. When people are happy to see you or flock around you for something positive you have done, you say something like "I feel so loved!".

Step 10. Cat is known for being an "adorable wimp"
Try to be cute and lovable!

Step 11. Alter your voice
Make your voice slightly higher when you are happy.
Part 3 of 3: Other Ways to Be Like Cat

Step 1. Make good friends
Befriend people who would do anything for you! You will have to be a real best friend. Plus, Cat has both friends and girlfriends.

Step 2. Change the style of your bedroom
Decorate it in pink, with soft cushions, butterflies, flowers and adorable stuffed animals. Check out her room for inspiration!

Step 3. Plush
Carry them wherever you go. Kiss them on their heads or their adorable little noses!

Step 4. Be completely unpredictable and spontaneous
Bring cupcakes to school for no reason whatsoever (or even just because it's "somebody's birthday somewhere"!). Make plans for after school when the bell rings and remember to feel free to say what you think, differentiating yourself from others' ideas about what should be "normal".

Step 5. Try to be confident and sociable, but stay calm at times and go on a rampage when necessary
- Make sure you lightly place your hand on your mouth when you laugh and make your voice high and lively.
- When preparing your hair, try to always have it loose and light and to keep it long. If you are making a ponytail, don't over tighten it. Leave a few strands of hair free, as if you've been combing your hair in a hurry.
- Talk a lot.
- Don't swear. Cat never does.
- Be bubbly and tap dance.
- Observe how Cat moves her eyebrows - she does a lot.
- Try not to be exactly like her. People may notice this and give you a copycat.
- Be nice. And, while you laugh out loud, be sure to curl a strand of hair occasionally.
- Also, try not to act like a totally different person by trying to follow one step a day, or something like that, or else it will seem like you are trying too hard to be like her.
- Remember to be curious when you want to know something.
- Don't change your whole personality !! You shouldn't be just like her. Just remember to be yourself too!
- Also, when choosing clothes, don't forget to ask yourself “Would Cat wear this?”.
- People may call you a copycat, so don't make it too obvious that you try to get inspired by her look!
- Acting like someone else is always fun, but remember to be yourself! Mix Cat's style with your clothes and hairstyles. Don't wear clothing you don't like.