Having big and plump lips is a very common desire. If you want to know what to do to enlarge them and how to highlight them using different techniques, read on. By using makeup and some home remedies you will be able to have the sexy mouth you have always dreamed of.
Method 1 of 2: Using Makeup
Step 1. Exfoliate your lips before applying makeup
Normal face scrubs can also be used on the mouth. They are very useful for purifying pores and removing dead cells from the surface of the skin. Massage the scrub into your lips for a few minutes to remove dry skin. When you are done they will look healthier and more plump.
You can prepare a home scrub for lips and face using olive oil and sugar (mixed in equal parts) or you can buy one ready-made at the perfumery. Alternatively, you can gently brush your lips with a dry toothbrush
Step 2. Moisturize your lips so they appear full and plump
If you don't want it to show that they are dry or cracked under your lipstick, you need to moisturize them regularly. There are dozens of different moisturizing products on the market, in the form of balm or lip balm, which can prevent lips from becoming too dry. You should use it daily, especially when the weather is cold, dry or windy.
- When it's time to put on your makeup, start by applying a moisturizer to your face and lip contour. Wait for your skin to absorb it before continuing. You can use a face conditioner or moisturizing serum on your mouth.
- It also moisturizes the lips from the inside. This means that you should drink at least eight glasses of water a day (for a total of about two liters). Drinking plenty of water is good for internal organ health and also helps keep your skin and lips properly hydrated.

Step 3. Choose the right color lipstick
You should go for lighter tones. Everyone knows that dark clothes tend to slim down, while with light ones you risk looking fatter. The same principle also applies to lipsticks. The dark tones make the lips appear smaller and moreover they highlight this particular because they attract attention.
Step 4. Outline the outline of the mouth with a lip liner
You can "cheat" a bit, applying it just outside the natural outline, then outlining the real outline with a very delicate stroke. This trick is to make the lipstick last longer and prevents the color from smearing on the face, which can sometimes happen, especially with darker tones.
Moderation is always the best choice. Think Kylie Jenner. Don't highlight the cupid's bow too much, otherwise you'll draw attention to the fact that the lip contour is "retouched" and, even worse, make them look smaller. Rather, follow their natural profile
Step 5. Apply lipstick to the center of the lips
Take the lipstick of your choice and apply it to the center of the lips, then use a brush to blend it towards the pencil line along the contour, making sure that the color gap is not visible. Then take a lipstick of a lighter shade and pat it again in the center of the lips, where they are fuller and where the light hits them naturally. Pick up the brush and blend the second color with the base color for a natural result.
If you wish, you can apply a veil of highlighter or white eyeshadow just above the upper lip, exactly in the center where the so-called "cupid's bow" is. If you use an eyeshadow, blend it carefully to prevent it from appearing as a white spot; the skin should be only slightly lighter and shinier. This trick makes your lips look fuller, but if not used well it can make them look unnatural
Step 6. Apply a veil of lip gloss
Use a clear one to simply reflect the light, creating the illusion that your lips are thicker and fuller. If the effect seems excessive, when choosing the second lipstick (the lighter one) opt for a slightly shiny or satin rather than matte and avoid lip gloss.
Apply the gloss on both lips, but only in the center avoiding the sides. It will automatically spread over the rest of your mouth when you press one lip against the other, but will remain focused in the center making your lips appear plumper
Step 7. Play with the "light and dark" effect
Take a clear highlighter in the formula of your choice, powder or liquid, and apply a veil over the top of the cupid's bow (natural) to make your mouth appear plumper. Then add a little bronzer on the curve under the lips and on the chin. This technique is used to give the impression that the lips have a greater volume.
Step 8. Try a lip plumper
Many women blindly believe in the power of these lip glosses that contain lip irritants that make them "swell" as the blood flow to that area of the face increases. Generally the irritating effect is confirmed by a slight burning. Laura Mercier, Smashbox and Dior offer good lip plumpers, but there are also cheaper ones as almost every cosmetic house offers at least one.
Lip plumpers have some flaws. The effect is only temporary and can dry out the lips considerably
Method 2 of 2: Using Home Remedies and Doing Focused Exercises
Step 1. Try applying a small amount of cayenne pepper
It is a beauty remedy used since ancient times. Mix a small amount of chili pepper with a few drops of water to form a fluid paste, then apply it to your lips and let it act for about ten minutes. At the end, rinse with water.
- Remember not to lick your lips during the exposure time.
- Basically this method works by irritating the skin, so sooner or later it ends up drying it out. Don't use it as a long-term solution.
Step 2. Try using essential oils
Those of cinnamon or peppermint are also used by cosmetic companies, in very small doses, to give volume to the lips. Again, the oils irritate the lips, forcing them to swell, to make them appear fuller and more pink. Applying cinnamon essential oil to the skin can cause severe irritation, so it's best to mix it with a lip balm.
- Remember that essential oils can be very pungent and irritating, so this is not a recommended technique.
- On the market you can find lip plumpers based on natural ingredients, such as vitamin E, cinnamon oil and olive oil. Reviews available on the internet will help you choose the best product for your skin type.
Step 3. Try whistling
When you whistle you put your lip muscles into action, so with a good number of repetitions you may be able to make them increase in volume. How much bigger your lips can get by whistling regularly is indefinable, but it is a free, simple, fun and natural remedy that has no side effects!
Go through the entire musical scale whistling, going from the highest to the lowest notes and vice versa, repeatedly. Continue until you feel the lip muscles get involved. You should feel some pain and tension as you train them
Step 4. Pout your lips
Giving kisses can be a solution to having thicker and more voluminous lips. Reach them forward as far as you can, as if you want to kiss someone. Stay in that position for 10-15 seconds; repeat the exercise 10 times 3 times a day. Better yet, find someone to practice with.
Step 5. Alternate a smiling expression with a frown
Just try smiling and then pursing your lips to train and tone the muscles in that area. Press one lip against the other and try to smile.
Some people worry about the wrinkles that may appear around the lips when smiling. To avoid this problem, pull the corners of the lips with your fingers, so that they do not form. Hold this position for 10-15 seconds and repeat the exercise 10 times 3 times a day
Step 6. Continue the lip workout
Did you enjoy the exercises? Here are others you can do to have a more sensual mouth:
- Put your lips together and move them together from side to side, first from left to right and then from right to left. Repeat the movement 4-5 times to make the lips fuller.
- Bring your lips together and twist them clockwise together. Repeat three times, then change the direction of rotation.