How to Grow Hollyhocks: 15 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Grow Hollyhocks: 15 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Grow Hollyhocks: 15 Steps (with Pictures)

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Hollyhocks are generally considered to be biennial. The first year the leaves grow while during the second the flowers, seeds are born and then it dies. However, depending on the growth and hardiness conditions of the plant, it often lives more than two years. In some climatic areas they are more than short-lived multiannual plants. If you start growing her indoors or live in an area where the growing season is long, you will have a better chance of having flowers in the first year.


Grow Hollyhocks Step 1
Grow Hollyhocks Step 1

Step 1. Buy seeds according to the variety and color you want

Hollyhocks have different varieties of white, yellow, pink, brown and red flowers that grow with stems up to 2.7m.

Hollyhocks re-inseminate for the following years. You can always collect the seeds from the plants during the autumn

Grow Hollyhocks Step 2
Grow Hollyhocks Step 2

Step 2. Increase your chances of flowering in the first year

Plant hollyhocks indoors in the fall. The seeds germinate in October or November, let them grow for a while and spend the winter. This could cause the flowers to bloom in the spring.

Grow Hollyhocks Step 3
Grow Hollyhocks Step 3

Step 3. Plant the seeds in trays with sandy soil

The seeds are large, have a high germination rate, and there are few of them in each package, so it's best to plant each individual seed individually. Place them between 0.5 and 1 cm below the ground.

  • Place the tubs near a window where they can receive sunlight.
  • Wet enough to keep the soil moist. The seeds typically germinate in one to two weeks.
Grow Hollyhocks Step 4
Grow Hollyhocks Step 4

Step 4. Transplant the seedlings into individual 10 to 15 cm pots if you started in the fall

Keep the pots in a place in the sun and let the hollyhocks grow indoors during autumn and winter.

Grow Hollyhocks Step 5
Grow Hollyhocks Step 5

Step 5. Plant them outside in spring, after all signs of frost have passed and the soil temperature is around 10 ° C

Alternatively, you can sow hollyhocks directly into the ground if you haven't started in the fall.

Grow Hollyhocks Step 6
Grow Hollyhocks Step 6

Step 6. Choose the right place

Although hollyhocks grow in different environments and types of climate, your plants will thrive if your garden is able to offer what they need most.

  • Find an area that is in full sunlight. Hollyhocks can tolerate partial shade if they can get at least 6 hours of light per day, but the flowers may be smaller and less brightly colored
  • Choose a sheltered spot. As they grow tall they overhang many other garden flowers and are more vulnerable to wind and precipitation. Plant them near a wall, in a corner of the fence, or in a garden with other flowers of similar height for best results.
Grow Hollyhocks Step 7
Grow Hollyhocks Step 7

Step 7. If necessary, enrich the soil with organic compost

Hollyhocks grow best in rich, moist soils.

Grow Hollyhocks Step 8
Grow Hollyhocks Step 8

Step 8. Space the plants 30 to 60 cm apart

Grow Hollyhocks Step 9
Grow Hollyhocks Step 9

Step 9. Cover the soil around the plants with a 5 to 8cm layer of organic matter

This mulch serves to keep the soil moist, acts as a barrier against weeds and creates a suitable environment to shelter seeds during the winter in view of germination in spring.

Grow Hollyhocks Step 10
Grow Hollyhocks Step 10

Step 10. Bathe regularly

Wet the plants every day until they are stabilizing, then wet them twice a week during the rest of the season or when necessary based on the lack of water.

Grow Hollyhocks Step 11
Grow Hollyhocks Step 11

Step 11. Tie the flowers to a stake or together if the top gets too heavy or they have trouble standing upright

Do not tie them tightly so as to let the air circulate.

Grow Hollyhocks Step 12
Grow Hollyhocks Step 12

Step 12. Continue wetting the plants even after flowering

The pods on the stems are still feeding and forming seeds for the next year's flowers.

Grow Hollyhocks Step 13
Grow Hollyhocks Step 13

Step 13. Collect the pods when they turn brown and are completely dry

Collect the pods and separate the seeds from the peel. Or leave the pods on the plant, they will dry out and split open, dropping the seeds to spread them out.

Grow Hollyhocks Step 14
Grow Hollyhocks Step 14

Step 14. Plant or store seeds

You have three options:

  • Plant the seeds in the same area of the garden if your hollyhocks have grown well there, or drop them off the pinata. The seeds that have fallen to the ground will pass the winter and sprout in the spring.
  • Sow them immediately in trays to grow them indoors if you want to start another cycle with the hope of making the hollyhocks bloom in spring.
  • You can keep the seeds in the freezer and plant them the following year.
Grow Hollyhocks Step 15
Grow Hollyhocks Step 15

Step 15. Cut the plants at ground level and cover them with mulch to protect them during the winter

Some growers prefer to leave several centimeters of the plant intact and cover the stump with charcoal ash which keeps moisture away and discourages snails and slugs.
