During home maintenance work, such as window repairs, it can happen many times that you have to cut thick glass. While you can hire a professional to do this, you can save money by doing it yourself. The most efficient technique, especially if you do not have a workshop at home, is to use a manual cutter with a carbide wheel to engrave the surface and then break the glass cleanly. If you prefer a more powerful method and want to avoid the cutter procedure, opt for a wet saw.
Method 1 of 3: Organize the Project

Step 1. Thoroughly clean the glass with a microfiber cloth
It is essential that the cutting area is perfectly clean before starting; even the smallest dust particles can interrupt the action of the blade and cause uncontrolled breakage. Scrub the surface with denatured alcohol or a high-quality glass cleaner. Opt for a microfiber cloth because it can remove even microscopic dirt particles.
- Avoid cotton or nylon rags, as they shed some fibers and don't collect all the dust.
- Use a clean, dry cloth to go over the surface one more time before starting the cutting procedures; you have to make sure that the glass is perfectly dry.

Step 2. Wear protective clothing
During the cutting work, the small glass splinters can spread through the air at very high speed; they could get into an eye or injure the skin. Safety glasses, sturdy work gloves and a long-sleeved shirt will protect you from these risks; check that they are of high quality materials and remember not to rub your face or eyes while you are cutting the glass.
- Do not wear open-toed footwear or sandals while working.
- Do not handle freshly cut glass without wearing thick gloves, as the edges can be extremely sharp.

Step 3. Prepare the work area
You have to cut thick glass on a hard, flat and perfectly debris-free surface; the worktop must be sturdy and, if possible, covered with felt or some other soft material. When you start cutting, a great deal of tension is generated and the padded surface allows the glass plate to resist.
- If you don't have a felt-lined work table, cover it with cardboard; secure it in place with duct tape.
- Keep a small broom and litter box close at hand. The cutting operations generate glass fragments that can compromise the accuracy of the engraving and damage the instruments; for this reason, you must periodically stop to sweep away the residues.
Method 2 of 3: Etch and Break Glass

Step 1. Use a ruler and a crayon to draw the cutting lines
A good clear break depends on precise measurements and carefully drawn guidelines. Use a ruler to define the area in which to cut the plate and a wax crayon or marker to draw the incision line; these segments provide a guide along which to slide the cutter wheel.
- You will need to use a glass cutter to "go over" the lines.
- Make sure they start on one edge of the plate and end on another.

Step 2. Choose a carbide wheel cutter to engrave the surface
This tool does not break the glass, but scratches it with a thin incision, weakening it. This interruption of continuity allows the material to be broken cleanly along its entire length. When engraving a thick sheet of glass, make sure the cutter has a carbide wheel.
- Steel ones are more fragile and need to be lubricated.
- You can buy glass cutters at any hardware store.

Step 3. Score the cutting line with a smooth, steady motion
Firmly grasp the handle of the tool with your hand and hold it vertically, so that the wheel rests at the beginning of the line. Move the line closer to the segment for more support; applying light pressure, slide the cutter across the glass, near the straight edge. Make sure to exert constant force from the beginning to the end of the score line and proceed in a smooth, continuous motion.
You should feel a steady tick as you engrave the material; if you don't feel it, press harder

Step 4. Apply pressure to break the glass along the incisions
Lay the plate close to the edge of a hard surface, such as the countertop, making sure the incision is aligned with the edge. Quickly push down the part of the glass that protrudes from the table; it should snap easily and neatly in your hands. If the lines are curved, it is best to use a pair of glazier pliers.
Method 3 of 3: Use a Water Saw

Step 1. Rent or buy a water saw from a hardware store
It is a power tool with a diamond blade that is used to cut tiles, glass, porcelain and other delicate materials. During work, water is sprayed in front of the blade to cool and lubricate it. Water saws are able to penetrate thick glass with great ease and are the best choice if you plan to cut glass frequently or want to avoid using the method described above.
You must wear safety glasses and sturdy work gloves. Do not allow anyone to use the saw, unless you are using personal protective equipment

Step 2. Fill the machine tank with water
Using a power saw to cut glass without the help of water is very dangerous, as the material becomes hot and eventually explodes. Fill the compartment completely with water and inspect the pipes to make sure there is nothing blocking its flow; there must be a constant supply of liquid during cutting.

Step 3. Match the blade to the first cutting line
It is essential to have accurate measurements and accurate tracing, no matter which technique you use. After detecting the distances and drawing the reference lines with a ruler and a felt-tip pen, carefully bring the blade to the first mark. Make sure your hands and clothes are clear of the cutting disc before starting the machine.

Step 4. Start the saw and cut the glass
By applying light pressure, bring the plate towards the blade and not vice versa, otherwise you will get an inaccurate and jagged cut. Lightly push the material in a slow and continuous motion; proceed in this way until the blade has cut along the entire reference line you drew on the surface.
- Move to the next line and repeat the procedure.
- Turn off the water saw when you have finished the job and empty the tank of residual liquid.