3 Ways to Draw a Polygon

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3 Ways to Draw a Polygon
3 Ways to Draw a Polygon

Do you want to draw a polygon with many sides? Polygons are flat figures delimited by closed broken lines. There are several types of polygon, but they all have edges (or sides) and vertices (or corners).


Draw a Polygon Step 1
Draw a Polygon Step 1

Step 1. Get an idea of the polygon you want to draw

There are several types. They are usually classified by the number of sides that compose them. For example, a pentagon has five sides, a hexagon six, and an octagon eight. When the number of sides is not determined, the polygon is said to have "n" sides. There is no limit to the number of sides a polygon can have, which can be simple, when its sides do not intersect, or complex (like the starry one), when they intersect.

Draw a Polygon Step 2
Draw a Polygon Step 2

Step 2. Decide if you want or need to construct a regular polygon

A regular polygon has all corners of the same width and all sides of the same length. While many people's idea of it is limited to this, not all polygons are regular. Regular polygons are the most challenging to draw.

Method 1 of 3: Easily Draw an Elementary Polygon

Draw a Polygon Step 3
Draw a Polygon Step 3

Step 1. Make your work easier if you want

To be such, a polygon does not necessarily have to be regular. If you want to simplify the drawing process, use a ruler and a pencil, and draw several segments that meet to form a closed figure. In itself, this is already a polygon!

Although many people think of regular polygons when they hear the words "hexagon", "octagon", etc., those terms do not actually always mean that the polygon is regular. A "hex" only needs to have six sides; a "regular hex" must have six sides of the same length, with angles of the same width

Draw a Polygon Step 4
Draw a Polygon Step 4

Step 2. Always close the figure

Whether you decide to make a simple polygon or a starry one, the segments must form a complete path, meaning there must be no opening on either side. Make it closed and draw all the straight lines, and you are good to go!

Draw a Polygon Step 5
Draw a Polygon Step 5

Step 3. Have fun with the calculations if you like

If you want to know more about your polygon, you can go one step further: calculate its permimeter or area.

Method 2 of 3: Draw a Regular Polygon

Draw a Polygon Step 6
Draw a Polygon Step 6

Step 1. Understand what makes a polygon "regular"

In a regular polygon all sides and angles are equal. The easiest regular polygons to identify are perhaps the equilateral triangles (with three sides of the same length and internal angles of 60 degrees each) and the square (with four sides of the same length and internal angles of 90 degrees each). However, you can make regular polygons much more complicated than these!

Draw a Polygon Step 7
Draw a Polygon Step 7

Step 2. Decide what kind of regular polygon you want to draw

In drawing a regular polygon (or one of any kind, for that matter), you are presented with many choices. For instance:

  • You can draw a regular polygon using a circle.
  • You can draw a square.
  • You can draw a regular pentagon, with five sides and equal angles.
  • You can draw a regular hexagon, with six sides and equal angles.
  • You can draw a regular octagon, with six sides and equal angles.
  • You can draw a polygon with as many sides and angles as you like!

Method 3 of 3: Draw a Polygon (Regular) Using a Protractor

Draw a Polygon Step 8
Draw a Polygon Step 8

Step 1. Draw a circle on the paper following the protractor

If you have a protractor consisting of a semicircle, you need to start by superimposing it on a line and marking the middle and each end with points. Then trace the outline of the protractor to form a semicircle, then rotate it (making the points in the center and ends on the other side coincide) and trace the outline again.

Draw a Polygon Step 9
Draw a Polygon Step 9

Step 2. Determine how many angles and sides you want

Draw a Polygon Step 10
Draw a Polygon Step 10

Step 3. Calculate the central angle formed by the lines that depart from the center towards the vertices of the polygon

The amplitude of the angles contained in a circle is 360 degrees overall; so all you have to do is divide 360 by the number of sides, which corresponds to the number of vertices. This value will be the measure of the angle between each line drawn from the center of the circumference to each corner of the polygon.

For example, if you are drawing a hexagon, this value will be 60 degrees

Draw a Polygon Step 11
Draw a Polygon Step 11

Step 4. Use a protractor to draw points on the circumference, measuring each of these angles

In other words, you should pick a starting point and then continue along the circumference, plotting a point for each subsequent degree measurement.

For example, if you are trying to draw a hexagon, you will choose where to draw the first point; then you will draw the next point after 60 degrees, and so on, until you have drawn all six of them

Draw a Polygon Step 12
Draw a Polygon Step 12

Step 5. Join each point with a straight line

For this you will need a ruler, and make sure the lines don't overlap. A good idea is to draw them lightly, so that you can erase any mistakes or overlaps.

Draw a Polygon Step 13
Draw a Polygon Step 13

Step 6. Erase the circle and the lines starting from the center

And you are done! If you want to make sure your polygon is regular, check again that all broken lines are the same length.
