The dental appliance will help you have straight teeth and a bright smile; however it is very expensive and some parents feel it is just a waste of money. How to convince your parents that it would be a great investment? Read on to find out!

Step 1. Think about the reasons why you think you need the device
Do you suffer from mandibular retrusion, dental crowding, toothache, gap between the front teeth? Are you afraid of being targeted by bullies because of your teeth or does the appearance of them make you feel uncomfortable? Do you smile with your mouth closed because of your teeth? You don't have to lie, because your parents may be checking to see if you are telling the truth.

Step 2. Think about what you will tell your parents before you go and talk to them
Ask yourself: "What should I say?". Emphasize that you have done well recently. Be prepared to answer any questions and even a few small discussions.

Step 3. Go talk to them and show yourself confident
Once you are completely sure that you have everything you need to convince your parents to let you put the device on, go talk to them. Try to get the right moment to do it, don't open the subject while they are on the phone, working or eating. Do your best to look mature and respectful.

Step 4. Accept their decision
They are your parents, after all.
If they say no, don't cry and don't sulk. Just simply say, "Yes sir" or "Yes ma'am". Don't keep asking him repeatedly; this would only reduce the likelihood of them changing their minds.
Persuade Your Parents to Let You Get Braces Step 4Bullet1 -
If they say yes, thank them. Be loving. When you have the device, take care of it!
Persuade Your Parents to Let You Get Braces Step 4Bullet2

Step 5. Don't give up hope
You can still be able to convince your parents, even if they said no. The next time they take you to the dentist, ask for his opinion. If he believes that you need the device, he will send you to a dentist. If he were to tell you that you don't need it, you should simply put your soul in peace.

Step 6. Try to understand that you may be too young to wear the device if you are not yet in middle school
If your teeth are not in the right phase of their development, the dentist may feel that it is not advisable to put braces on you.

Step 7. Give them good reasons to get you to buy the device
Tell them that the appliance may be covered by insurance and that, within two years, you will have amazing teeth! Then, ask them if they had the appliance as a child. You could argue on this point for a long time. Try to argue that if they had braces when they were young, you should have one too.
- Ask the dentist if you need it. The dentist will try to convince your parents if you ask them.
- Stay calm when you ask him.
- Do not lie.
- Don't be angry if they say no.
- If you have an older brother or sister who wears the device, ask for their help.