How To Get Pink Gums (with Pictures)

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How To Get Pink Gums (with Pictures)
How To Get Pink Gums (with Pictures)

Having pink gums means having healthy gums. If you want to get healthy pink gums, you need to care for them like you do for your hair or skin. This article will show you how to do this with a regular dental hygiene routine.


Part 1 of 4: Brushing the Teeth

Get Pink Gums Step 1
Get Pink Gums Step 1

Step 1. Choose the right toothpaste

You may be tempted to underestimate the importance of toothpaste, but if you want to improve gum health, you need to choose a specific toothpaste for this purpose. Spend a little more and purchase a toothpaste specially formulated for gum health.

Get Pink Gums Step 2
Get Pink Gums Step 2

Step 2. Use a quality toothbrush

Always choose a toothbrush that has the logo of approval by the Italian Dentists Association on the package. The market offers a wide selection of toothbrushes. Do you want one with soft or hard bristles? A manual or electric model?

  • Choose one that is adequate in size and that is not too difficult to move around in your mouth.
  • Avoid hard bristle models, as they can damage your gums. Those with medium or soft bristles are definitely to be preferred.
  • Look for a toothbrush with rounded tips.
  • Studies have found that the only electric toothbrush better than a standard manual one is the "oscillating-rotating" one, because the bristles move in a circular direction and at the same time oscillate "back and forth".
Get Pink Gums Step 6
Get Pink Gums Step 6

Step 3. Brush your teeth properly

You may tend to think that it is enough to simply brush all of your teeth, but in fact there is the right way to do it.

  • Keep the toothbrush at a 45 ° angle to the gum;
  • The brush should cover roughly the length of each tooth;
  • Make circular movements to clean the outer surface of the molars;
  • Brush gently, but firmly;
  • Clean the inner surfaces of the teeth in a vertical motion;
  • Remember to brush the surface of the tongue as well.
Get Pink Gums Step 3
Get Pink Gums Step 3

Step 4. Brush your teeth before meals, at least twice a day

Although custom dictates that you need to brush your teeth after meals to remove food particles, dentists suggest brushing them first, as their main purpose is to remove plaque, not to remove food. Brushing them before meals actually avoids distributing the acids generated by the food on the teeth and gums which could then be damaged.

  • Even if you get used to brushing your teeth before meals, doing it before bed is still essential.
  • Even though twice is the bare minimum, for optimal oral health it would be even better to be able to wash them three times a day.
Get Pink Gums Step 4
Get Pink Gums Step 4

Step 5. Brush your teeth for at least two minutes

Most people don't wash them long enough to protect them and ensure proper oral hygiene. Divide the mouth into four quadrants: top left, top right, bottom left, and bottom right. Brush each section for at least 30 seconds to make sure you clean them thoroughly enough; treats all four areas.

Make sure you brush the surface of each tooth at least ten times

Get Pink Gums Step 5
Get Pink Gums Step 5

Step 6. Don't brush them too often or too vigorously

Brushing your teeth regularly more than three times a day or applying too much pressure when brushing them can really damage your gums and teeth. Dentists call it "brushing abrasion" and it can cause both gum retraction and enamel deterioration, resulting in tooth sensitivity.

  • The main cause is rapidly brushing back and forth by pressing too hard.
  • If you are using an electric toothbrush, let it do all the work. Do not add additional pressure.
Get Pink Gums Step 7
Get Pink Gums Step 7

Step 7. Replace your toothbrush regularly

The bristles wear out and become less effective over time. In addition, the toothbrush tends to accumulate all types of bacteria present in the mouth, so it is necessary to replace it from time to time. Dentists recommend changing it every 3-4 months or when the bristles begin to spread out.

Part 2 of 4: Using the Dental Floss

Get Pink Gums Step 8
Get Pink Gums Step 8

Step 1. Use any type of dental floss

You can find a wide range of models in the oral hygiene department of the supermarket or pharmacy, from nylon ones to mono-filament ones, from tasteless ones to mint flavored threads. There is no substantial difference between the different types, you can use whichever one you find best with. The most important thing, which goes far beyond the model of thread you choose, is to use it regularly.

Get Pink Gums Step 9
Get Pink Gums Step 9

Step 2. Use it at least once a day

Flossing your teeth can be uncomfortable and sometimes a little disgusting, but dentists recommend it for an important reason. Some say it's even more important than a toothbrush to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

  • Although brushing your teeth too much can be harmful to your gums, flossing too much does not cause any harm.
  • Flossing also prevents stains from forming between your teeth. Removing them is also difficult for the dentist.
  • It doesn't matter when you use it, day or night, before or after meals. The important thing is to make sure you use it at least once a day.
Get Pink Gums Step 10
Get Pink Gums Step 10

Step 3. Use the correct technique

Again, it is important to use the thread in the right way for best results.

  • Take about 45 cm of thread and attach it to your fingers by wrapping it around the middle finger of each hand.
  • Make sure it doesn't block blood circulation in your fingers. Untie it and rewind it, if necessary, throughout the cleaning process.
  • Grab the thread between your thumb and forefinger to hold it tight.
  • Follow a cutting motion to slide it between the teeth, all the way down to the gum.
  • Don't snap it too roughly against your gums, it could be painful and cause damage over time.
  • Fold the wire into a "C" shape along the side of the tooth.
  • Gently and slowly move it in a vertical motion along the length of the tooth.
  • Run the floss between every single interdental space, even the hard-to-reach ones at the back of the mouth.
  • Slide it on both sides of each tooth.
Get Pink Gums Step 11
Get Pink Gums Step 11

Step 4. Use the floss even if you see some bleeding

If you don't use it regularly, it is very likely that you will notice some blood on the thread when you start cleaning. Don't take it as an excuse to stop using it though! Your gums bleed precisely because you don't use it constantly! By continuing this thorough cleansing every day, you will see that over time the bleeding will stop and your gum health will improve without pain.

Part 3 of 4: Using the Mouthwash

Get Pink Gums Step 12
Get Pink Gums Step 12

Step 1. Buy the right one

Mouthwash is an important product because it strengthens the work done by the toothbrush and dental floss and is effective where they do not reach. The mouthwash works in the rest of the mouth: cheeks, tongue and other exposed surfaces that require just as much cleaning to ensure oral health. As with toothpaste, choose a product that has on the label that is approved by the Italian Dentists Association.

  • Mouthwash can be seen as an oral disinfectant that eliminates a large percentage of bacteria and plaque that cause tooth decay or any other dental problem.
  • Choose a medical mouthwash specially designed for gum health and not a purely commercial product whose sole purpose is to perfume the breath and whiten the teeth.
  • Avoid alcohol-based ones, which can dry out the mucous membranes and cause injury over time.
Get Pink Gums Step 13
Get Pink Gums Step 13

Step 2. Create your own mouthwash

Some studies have found that turmeric is just as effective for treating gum disease, such as gingivitis, than the mouthwashes you can buy at the grocery store.

  • Dissolve 10 mg of turmeric extract in 100 ml of hot water.
  • Allow the water to cool to a suitable temperature.
  • Other natural alternatives to commercial chemical mouthwashes are cinnamon, fennel, ginger, lemon essential oil, tea tree oil, raw honey, and many others.
Get Pink Gums Step 14
Get Pink Gums Step 14

Step 3. Use the correct technique to rinse

Read the specific instructions on the package before proceeding, because a mouthwash with a special formula may indicate different ways to use it, it may take a certain amount of time to stay in the mouth, or it may or may not be diluted.

  • If the label says it needs to be diluted, follow the directions given for the correct proportions. Use hot water. If you feel a burning sensation or the taste is too strong, dilute it further.
  • Put the mouthwash in your mouth and rinse vigorously in all spaces for 30-60 seconds;
  • Also gargle the back of your throat for another 30-60 seconds;
  • Spit the mouthwash into the sink.
  • Rinse your mouth.
Get Pink Gums Step 15
Get Pink Gums Step 15

Step 4. Do not use it immediately after brushing your teeth

Mushing can negate some of the benefits of brushing. For best results, use it before brushing your teeth or at least half an hour after.

Part 4 of 4: Contact a Dentist

Get Pink Gums Step 16
Get Pink Gums Step 16

Step 1. Visit your dentist regularly for checkups

Even if you are taking great care of your oral hygiene at home, there are some things, such as removing plaque buildup, that you can't fix with home treatments. In this case, you must contact a dentist who has the professional tools suitable for this type of problem and can guarantee you perfect dental health.

  • How many times you go to the doctor depends on your specific needs, but the ideal would be to have your teeth and gums checked at least once a year.
  • At each appointment, your doctor will tell you when you need to return for a later check-up.
Get Pink Gums Step 17
Get Pink Gums Step 17

Step 2. See your dentist immediately if the situation is serious

There are many problems that may require medical intervention, but the main symptoms of gum disease are:

  • Swollen or red gums
  • Bleeding other than normal that occurs the first few times you floss
  • Loosening of the teeth
  • Gingival recession;
  • Chronic bad breath or a bad taste sensation in the mouth.
Get Pink Gums Step 18
Get Pink Gums Step 18

Step 3. Find a good dentist

The National Association of Italian Dentists offers a search tool to find associated dentists in your area. You should also follow the tips below to find a reputable dentist near your home:

  • Ask friends, family and colleagues to refer you to a good professional.
  • Ask your family doctor if he knows a good dentist.
  • If you're relocating, ask your current dentist (or his associates) to help you find an esteemed colleague in your new city.
  • If you have special needs, such as with gum disease, you may need to see a specialist, such as a periodontist.
Get Pink Gums Step 19
Get Pink Gums Step 19

Step 4. Keep in mind that dental care is covered by health care

Although it is very common to go to a private dentist, know that national health care provides the possibility of accessing dental care (but there is no coverage for cosmetic interventions). Ask your doctor to write you a referral with which you can schedule a check-up visit at a public facility where you can be adequately followed by paying only the ticket for minor interventions, or accessible figures for more demanding jobs.

Get Pink Gums Step 20
Get Pink Gums Step 20

Step 5. Find a cheap dentist in your area

If you don't have health insurance to cover these types of expenses and don't want to go to public facilities, do some research to find really cheap dentists. The safest and most reliable option is to find dentists affiliated with public health facilities, where you can spend less. These centers sometimes provide free services for children of pediatric age and others at the cost of the health ticket only.

Do an online search to find the best centers near your home


  • Some people have dark gums due to excessive melanin pigmentation in the gum area. This mostly occurs in people of African descent or other descendants of dark-skinned people, but it can happen to anyone. In this case it doesn't mean there is a problem, just stick to the normal procedures to keep your mouth healthy.
  • Follow the advice given in this tutorial. If you "forget a few steps" every now and then it is not serious, but do not interrupt oral hygiene. You can make good progress, but if you then stop taking care of your mouth, it will return to what it was before.
  • If you think dark gums are caused by melanin, see a periodontist. Some of these specialists perform a procedure called "gum depigmentation", more often known as "gum whitening", which uses a laser to permanently ablate the melanin, resulting in pink gums.


  • Don't brush too hard, you could irritate the gums and redden them, causing pain and, in some cases, even bleeding. If you brush with horizontal movements you cannot clean the interdental areas and cause damage to teeth and gums. Small vertical movements with proper brushing are the best imitation of the chewing movement, and you will see that Mother Nature will reward you with healthy pink gums!
  • Don't share your toothbrush with other people. You could do this occasionally if you really need it, but don't make it a habit.
