How to Induce the Movement of the Child for an Ultrasound

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How to Induce the Movement of the Child for an Ultrasound
How to Induce the Movement of the Child for an Ultrasound

If you are pregnant and you want to know the sex of the baby, you may want to know how to make him move in order to be able to do the ultrasound. Ultrasound is a non-invasive test that uses sound waves to create images of the baby, the uterus and the placenta; if performed between the 16th and 22nd week it can determine the sex of the child. This test, however, in addition to determining the sex, allows you to identify any physical abnormalities of the baby, check the position of the placenta, and measure the growth of the baby. To be able to get a clear picture of your baby, you may need to follow some tips to get the baby to move inside the uterus.


Get a Baby to Move for an Ultrasound Step 1
Get a Baby to Move for an Ultrasound Step 1

Step 1. Drink some apple or orange juice about 30 minutes before your doctor's visit

Fruit juices are typically absorbed fairly quickly into the bloodstream. The sugar in the juices tends to wake the baby up in the womb. In addition, some doctors claim that the cold liquid when it enters the body and approaches the womb is sufficient to wake the baby.

If you haven't given up on caffeine after finding out you are pregnant, you can opt for a cup of coffee or a can of soda. Caffeine flows in the blood and could stimulate the baby to move

Get a Baby to Move for an Ultrasound Step 2
Get a Baby to Move for an Ultrasound Step 2

Step 2. Walk a little before the ultrasound appointment

This could help, if you feel the baby is not moving and may be asleep. Although a walk usually tends to calm and lull a baby and invite him to sleep from a waking state, it could also wake him from his nap in the womb.

Get a Baby to Move for an Ultrasound Step 3
Get a Baby to Move for an Ultrasound Step 3

Step 3. Cough or laugh during the exam

Coughing and laughter can shake the awake baby a little, and increase the likelihood that he will change position.

Get a Baby to Move for an Ultrasound Step 4
Get a Baby to Move for an Ultrasound Step 4

Step 4. Start a conversation during the exam

Wait for the technician who is carrying out the ultrasound to allow you to chat for this reason. Talking while the doctor is trying to study the baby's anatomy can be distracting. If the technician says the baby is already in an ideal position to be observed and shouldn't move, your voice may prompt him to move and change positions.

Get a Baby to Move for an Ultrasound Step 5
Get a Baby to Move for an Ultrasound Step 5

Step 5. Tease the baby softly

The technician can use the probe to gently shake the baby and try to put him in a better position. You can also try using your hands to swing it or hit it gently.


  • Even if you want the sex of the baby to remain a surprise, some doctors will ask you to drink a certain amount of water before the visit and not to go to the bathroom. The amount of water can vary between 0, 25 lt to 1 lt. The full bladder pushes the uterus forward and provides a better view of the baby, which can help the doctor make his own considerations and appropriate measurements.
  • Even following all these tips, the child may still not cooperate. He may be stubborn, have his legs crossed, or not be in an optimal position. If the technician can get the baby's measurements, your visit is considered successful. Most hospitals do not reschedule the appointment just because the gender could not be determined.
  • Most medical studies never state for sure whether it is a boy or a girl. He can perhaps give you a percentage, for example, he can state that there is an 80% chance that it is a male.
