Having a baby doesn't mean you have to neglect other people or avoid group parties. If you've been invited to a birthday party, consider bringing the baby with you! Start with step one to maximize your chances of having fun.
Part 1 of 4: Prepare for the Party

Step 1. Find out about the party
Ask for details about the party, and make sure it will be a suitable event for a child to attend. Make a decision about going to the party based on this information. Some things to consider:
- Will the party be indoors or outdoors? If it's outdoors, what will the weather be like? You may decide that your baby is not yet ready to attend an outdoor party in extreme temperatures or very windy weather.
- How many people will there be? If the party is going to be very loud and crowded, you may want to avoid it. Children tend to get distressed in large crowds.
- Will there be a lot of smoke? If many of the guests are smokers, you should skip the event or find a babysitter. You don't want to expose your baby to smoke.
- Will there be other babies or children? You may not be comfortable being the only person with a baby with you.

Step 2. Talk to other parents
More experienced parents may advise you on taking the baby with you to a party. If these people are going to be at the same event, that's even better!
Part 2 of 4: Prepare the Bag for the Baby

Step 1. Bring lots of diapers, wipes, blankets, and towels
You will need to prepare a bag for the baby. When you do, put in more diapers than you think you will need - you never know when your baby will decide to make your life difficult. Make sure you also have some damp wipes, and a towel or blanket to use as a surface to change it.
Towels and blankets can double function as blankets if the child decides to fall asleep at the party

Step 2. Prepare the food items
If you are breastfeeding only, bring a blanket with you to help you breastfeed your baby discreetly. If your baby drinks more milk, take it with you - along with the bottle.

Step 3. Consider a baby sling
Swaddling swaddling can be great because they leave your hands free even with the baby next to you. If your baby is comfortable in the sling, take it with you!

Step 4. Bring a stroller
If the party is outdoors (or in a place with a lot of space), bring your stroller. Your baby can sleep in it if he gets tired, and it serves as a good familiar place to keep the baby within the little-known party environment.

Step 5. Bring spare clothes for you and the baby
Be prepared for diaper accidents, regurgitation, and other miscellaneous baby messes. Bring some spare clothes for you and the little one.
If this is the first time that many people will see your baby, you may want to choose special clothes for the occasion, but don't choose something too particular or difficult, as it will make the changes unnecessarily complicated
Part 3 of 4: Enjoying the Party

Step 1. Take care of your baby's basic needs before you go
Feed the baby and change him to a clean diaper before going out. This will maximize your baby's chances of being in a pleasant (or sleepy) mood for the birthday party.

Step 2. Keep your distance from large crowds
Avoid placing the child in the center of a large, busy and noisy gathering. Too much chattering and noise can overwhelm a baby's nerves, who may fidget and calm down to sleep later.

Step 3. Avoid letting anyone hold the baby
If your baby is very young, it is important to avoid unnecessary germs. Babies in particular have notoriously dirty hands; try not to let them touch or hold the baby.
If you have to, you can find excuses. If there are people you would rather not touch the baby, you can tell them that the baby is nervous or sleepy, or just say that you are trying to minimize the risk of the baby getting sick

Step 4. Get help
If your spouse or partner is with you, take turns holding the baby so that the other can relax and enjoy the birthday party. Otherwise, a friend or relative can do you this favor.

Step 5. Feed the baby in a quiet corner
It is best to isolate yourself in a quiet place at the party when it is time to breastfeed the baby. Otherwise, the baby may be too distracted or overexcited to eat well.

Step 6. Find a good place for your baby to sleep
Babies tend to sleep a lot, so if you're at a party for more than an hour or two, you'll probably need to find a place to let your baby sleep. Possibilities include:
- Sleeping in the sling. This has the advantage of keeping the baby with you and works well as long as the party noises don't wake the little one up.
- Sleeping in the stroller. If you've brought the stroller, that's fine too.
- Sleeping in a quiet room. If the party is indoors, you can ask the host if you can leave the baby to sleep in an unused room. Assuming the baby is not crawling yet, you can let him sit on a towel in the center of a large bed, wearing a blanket. Check how your baby is doing often.

Step 7. Know when to quit the dance
If your baby gets too upset, it's better for everyone - you, your baby, and other party guests - if you come home. Even if the baby seems calm, you shouldn't stay long past the time you usually put him to sleep, as it will greatly upset his sleep.
Part 4 of 4: Relax After the Party

Step 1. Give your baby a warm bath
Birthday parties are full of new faces and sounds, so your baby may be over-excited and moody. When you get home, give your baby a warm bath, and put some lotion on him.
Lavender-scented baby lotions are especially relaxing and may help your baby sleep

Step 2. Feed the baby in peace and quiet
You can be silent, or speak to the child in a low, reassuring voice; alternatively, you can sing a slow and quiet lullaby.

Step 3. Prepare for a tough night
Even if you follow these steps, your baby may not sleep peacefully after an experience like a birthday party. He may wake up frequently during the night.
- Don't take your baby to a party if he doesn't seem to be feeling well. He will likely be in a bad mood and out of phase, which would probably keep you from enjoying the party anyway.
- Adjust your expectations. You won't be able to hold onto a birthday party as long as you could before having a baby, and you may have to spend a lot of time feeding and caring for your baby.