Almost everyone has had a crush on someone in our life, and some have been lucky enough to be reciprocated! However, sometimes it is not easy to tell if the person you like reciprocates your feelings or not, especially if this person gives you unclear signals. What if there was also another person involved? Do not worry! This article will help you understand if the person you are interested in likes you.

Step 1. Always keep your eyes peeled
You never know what you might discover by keeping an eye on the person you like. Pay attention to how he behaves towards you and those of that other person. Who is it that looks most often, you or the other? Have you noticed if she is more nervous than normal in your presence? Can't he ever find the right words when he is talking to you or to the other? Try to take a good look at his eyes. From a person's eyes you can understand practically everything about him! Does his eyes dilate when he looks at you? Can you tell if he has feelings for you by peering into his eyes?
- Eye contact is one of the most important things when it comes to making a connection with someone. Find out if your crush is trying to establish one with you. When you realize that she is staring at you and you look at her too, what does she do? Does he keep looking at you for a few seconds or does he immediately look away? If the latter were to be your case, remember that it could only do so as a matter of shyness!
- Try to notice if the feet and hands of the person you like are facing you when they sit next to you. If so, it would indicate that he wishes to approach you to seek physical contact.
- Talking to them is also a great way to walk unexplored paths. Look out for any signs that indicate nervousness, try to notice if he can't find the words or stammers, etc. People often bring up the most absurd arguments in order to have an excuse to talk to someone they like.

Step 2. Flirt
If you start flirting with your crush, she may change her mind about the other person vying for her heart, and choose you in her place. However, try to do this moderately. If you overdo it and flirt with the person you like without any restraint, you could make them even more nervous and you could scare them, or they may think that you are weird. A deep look or touching her hand or leg will be enough to achieve the goal. Flirt with your crush while you talk to him, but without being vulgar. Also, give her some little hints about your feelings.

Step 3. Stay calm
You will never be able to make things work between you if you lose your mind frequently. Often, in our heads we exaggerate the facts, and we make a mess when in reality it is our imagination that gets the better of us. If you think your loved one prefers your rival to you, that's okay! Do your best to win the one you love, but don't overdo it.

Step 4. Keep your mouth shut about your crush
The last thing you want is gossip spreading throughout the school about the matter! Trust only your closest friends whom you trust blindly, or even better: keep it to yourself.
Telling your best friend or a couple of best friends might come in handy, especially if your friend has great advice for you and is willing to help you win the person you like. However, try to make sure they don't go and tell them! Not only will you not be able to keep the secret, but your loved one may get scared and stop talking to you

Step 5. Investigate thoroughly
Make friends with your rival. If you manage to forge a bond with the other contender, you may be able to make him confess that he likes your loved one. However, don't stop being friends with him as soon as you get this information. Instead, use it against him by trying to convince him, without letting him know, to let go of the person you have a crush on too. If you are skilled enough in using this tactic, you should be able to get rid of the competition without too much trouble.
Remain his friend even after you complete your mission. If you decide to serve him well, not only will you have to add an enemy to your list, but you will also compromise the opinion that the person you like has of you

Step 6. Try to have courage
Ask your crush out after you've gotten to know each other well. If you are still not bold enough to take this step, still try to reveal your feelings to this person. You will never know if she likes your feelings back or not if you don't ask her! Here are some tips that will help you achieve this:
- Write her a note and don't forget to sign it! Give it to her personally - don't ask a friend to do it for you - or put it in her locker. However, make sure this note doesn't fall into the wrong hands.
- Cut out a cute paper heart - you could try making a heart-shaped origami if you want to do things right - and give it to the person you like. To avoid confusion, you should write "I like you" on it so that the message is more than clear.
- Or, if you'd rather avoid complicating your life, just take your crush aside and tell her. However, make sure you are alone, and that no one can hear what you are saying. If you try to reveal your feelings to her in front of everyone, she will feel intimidated. Also, avoid bringing friends. The best thing is that you are alone.
- Make sure you don't misinterpret his signals. Sometimes, we make films for ourselves using our imagination. However, delving into the matter never hurts!
- Be positive. If you think the worst, that's what will happen to you.
- Try to have a good friendly relationship with the person in question before revealing your feelings, otherwise you could really embarrass them.
- Remember that you risk ruining all the work you've done if you ask her out first to have declared yourself.
- Remember that rejection is a possibility that happens often.