How do you feel every time you leave the house? If it's a bright, bright day that comes your way, then get out there and enjoy the sun. But if you constantly complain about the weather, maybe you need to take a little journey inside yourself. What does time have to do with self-esteem? Well, nothing! But how we feel about our surroundings - including the weather - says a lot about us. It is said that the real world is nothing but the reflection of a state of mind. If you can change inside, your surroundings will also change. Here are 5 simple tips to bring some light inside you.

Step 1. Stop negative thoughts about yourself
People are often very hard on themselves. And this, most of the time, isn't really necessary. Whenever something happens and you feel like a loser as a result, stop and dismiss that thought. Failures won't make you feel bad about yourself when you realize they are opportunities for growth, not difficulties you create yourself.

Step 2. Remove the critic in you and discover a new person
After you become an expert at discovering the critic inside you (and after a few days of practice you will be sufficiently trained), move him away from you and bring in a new, more sensitive person. Even if you don't know how to do it, it doesn't matter. The important thing is that you understand that the word "critical" defines an aspect of your mind, used to making you feel like nothing on every occasion. Bringing yourself into a new person simply means starting to replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts about yourself. For example, if after a losing competition or a business deal gone bad, you start to feel like a loser, stop, get rid of that thought, refuse to believe it and replace it with something positive.

Step 3. Stop confronting yourself
Even if it is a trite phrase, it remains unquestionable that every single individual on this planet is unique. What matters is not that you are "as good" as someone else, it matters that you are authentic. People live different lives, in which they have successes and failures. And this alternation of negative and positive things affects everyone.

Step 4. Respect yourself a lot and love yourself more
If you don't respect yourself, how can you expect others to do it? Accept yourself for who you are, physically and mentally. Physically, some have been blessed with a better appearance than others. Some of us have sharper than average minds. It is just normal. Regardless of who you are, you will always have something that absolutely no one else has. All we all have to do is find this aspect and work on it to improve it.

Step 5. You are the person who can hurt you the most
If someone was going to spill the contents of the garbage can on you, would you just be there to get it in your head? Or would you move to let it pass? The decision is in your hands. You can't stop people from saying negative things to you, but you can choose not to accept them. Be selective and demanding when it comes to advice, including this one. Ask yourself if they make sense and if they help you, if the answer is positive accept them, otherwise refuse them. Surround yourself with positive, genuine people who help you feel good about yourself and your surroundings. Open the door now and let the sunlight in. You will do it right!

Step 6. Keep a journal
Write something good about yourself every day. Whenever you are feeling low and self-esteem is low, open your journal to encourage yourself. Twice a day, as soon as you wake up and before bed, look in the mirror and say three good things about yourself. If you can't think of anything to say, just say you were born a winner because every person is.
- Choose a pastime that you are good at and improve further. Pride helps build self-esteem. Do something as simple as gardening, or as complex as restoring furniture. It's hard to feel down when you create something physically and you can then look at it and say "look at this wonderful thing, I did it".
- Walk surrounded by nature. The great diversity of the natural world often helps us understand much more than reading a book.
- Do something good for someone without expecting anything in return. This can be anything from feeding an abandoned dog to helping a lost stranger. The feeling of being helpful to someone can be very uplifting.
- Whenever you're not comfortable with yourself, think about three positive things. If they don't come to mind, look in the mirror reminding yourself that you are a beautiful human being. You can also write down the positive things on a piece of paper that you put in an envelope, so you can always remember why you are a perfect creature.