Cats are wonderful pets and companions, but when they have the freedom to move around the neighborhood they can start fights, kill birds and mark the territory with unpleasant smells. Whether the cats invading your yard belong to your neighbors or are among the tens of millions of stray cats roaming alleys and parking lots, these safe and humane methods will help keep them away from your property.
Method 1 of 3: Eliminate Food Sources

Step 1. Do not feed cats
It's trivial, but feeding cats, even once or twice, will keep them coming back. Make sure no family members secretly feed cats, and remove your pets' food from areas that cats can access.
- Make sure your trash can is always closed with a tight lid so cats can't access the food inside. Empty it often, as the smell may attract them.
- Your garden could provide cats with another natural food source: mice. Make sure the rodent population on your property is under control if you don't want cats to frequent it.

Step 2. Talk to your neighbors
Your golden-hearted neighbor may be feeding the neighborhood cats, bringing them closer to your property. If you suspect this may be happening, ask him to stop feeding cats or do it in a location away from your yard.
- Ask your neighbors to keep their garbage in closed bins. Trash coming out of the bins is a surefire way to attract cats.
- Restaurant bins are another source of food for stray cats. Talk to local restaurant owners to make sure their bins are always covered, and that they are emptied regularly.
Method 2 of 3: Eliminate Possible Havens

Step 1. Deal with potential cat burrows
Cats don't like harsh climates, and will seek out any warm, dry place to stay out of the rain. If there is a tool shed or other structure on your property, make sure it is tightly closed and cats cannot enter it.
- Look for other areas that can accommodate cats in the neighborhood. Do cats live in an abandoned shed, or under your neighbor's old garage? Finding where they live can give you ideas on how to prevent them from entering your garden.
- If you see a cat on your property that looks like it has nowhere to go, find out if it belongs to a neighbor. If not, consider taking him to a retreat.

Step 2. Fences the arcades and raised platforms
Cats love to spend time on the porches and platforms, which provide a comfortable retreat. Set up a fence under your porch so cats can't enter it. Make sure there are no holes or cracks large enough for a cat to enter.

Step 3. Place large rocks above the ground where cats can dig
Cats look for soft soil to dig in when they do their business, often in a corner of a garden or under a bush. Pay attention to where the cats urge them, then cover the area with rocks when they are done. Cats will not dig into the rocky ground, and will have to find another garden to use.
Method 3 of 3: Use Natural Repellents

Step 1. Test running water
Cats don't like water, so a sprinkler system can be an effective way to keep them away. The water will not hurt cats, but if it scares them enough times, it may discourage them from returning.
- You can purchase a sprinkler with motion sensors that sprays water when someone approaches. An infrared sensor will activate the sprinkler when a cat approaches.
- If you are out in the open and have a water pump when a cat enters your yard, you can lightly spray it with water to drive it off.

Step 2. Spray some scented repellent in the garden
Repellents made from fox urine and other cat predator odors can keep them away if sprayed around the perimeter of your garden or in a specific location.
- You will need to repeat the repellent application often, as the water will wash it away. Spray it again after heavy rains or after watering the garden.
- Cat repellents can be purchased at pet supply stores.

Step 3. Use herbs with flavorings that keep cats away
Lavender, Limoncello Thyme, and Coleus Canina are known for their strong scents that keep cats away. Plant them in your garden, around the house or on the perimeter of your property.
- You can also sprinkle some tea leaves on your garden soil. This natural remedy will not cause damage to the soil.
- Sprinkle cayenne pepper in the yard or area you want to keep cats away from. You can also try coffee beans or pipe tobacco.
If there is a general stray cat problem in your neighborhood, you can try the Trap-Neuter-Return system, recommended by the ASPCA as the most civilized way to control the cat population
Look for special mats that can be placed on the ground and that cats don't like to walk on. There are also battery-powered repellents that work by detecting the movements of cats
- Never hurt and never kill a cat. It is an immoral and illegal action.
- Some people find mothballs to be a great product to keep cats away, but this substance is very dangerous and can harm these animals.