Some pupils have difficulty respecting silence when they are in the classroom. If you are a talkative and sociable child with this type of problem, fear not. There are many simple strategies you can use to stay calm and out of trouble. By changing your habits - for example by sitting next to a friend with a more calm temperament - and asking for help, you will be able to stop talking in class.
Part 1 of 2: Changing Your Habits

Step 1. Change seat
If the teacher allows you to choose the desk, sit next to a guy you don't know. With a friend, however, you will have a harder time concentrating and staying silent. Also, you should opt for a desk near the teacher's desk. This way, you will be less likely to chat because the professor will not hesitate to call you back for your behavior.
You might even sit next to a taciturn companion. He definitely won't try to talk to you in the middle of class like your best friend would

Step 2. Follow the example of a quiet child
Pay attention to your teammates. You will certainly notice someone reserved and not very talkative during the lesson. Think of him as a guide and imitate his behavior in the classroom. If he is sitting with his book open while listening to the teacher, try doing the same.

Step 3. Think before you speak
Before he opens his mouth, he thinks, "Should I wait my turn?" or "If I interrupt the professor, will I disturb him?". Many students talk in class because they forget to filter what they think before they say it. If you do not implement this mechanism, there is a risk that any thought impulsively comes out of the mouth and that all the companions hear it. So, take the time to think seriously about what you want to say and make sure it is relevant to the lesson. If it's something that might annoy you, like "How boring! When does it end?", Don't say it out loud.
- A great strategy is to raise your hand whenever you have something to say. While you wait for the teacher to give you permission, think about whether your intervention is relevant to the explanation. If it has nothing to do with it, lower your hand and be silent.
- Always raise your hand when you have a question about the explanation. Not speaking in the classroom does not mean that your questions related to a topic are not worth answering.

Step 4. Write
If you find that you cannot remain silent because you have a lot to say, write them down. Many students have a hard time staying calm when they think they have a funny joke or boredom remedy to share with their peers. Writing down everything that comes into your mind is an excellent alternative to interrupting the lesson by making jokes. It is also useful when you are constantly thinking about the questions you would like to ask a partner.
Take a sheet of paper and write down any lines you have thought and any questions you intend to ask a partner instead of talking to them. For example, if you remembered that your mother gave you permission to invite a friend to sleep over the weekend, instead of turning around to tell him during class, take your notebook and write: "Remember to tell Roberto that I was allowed to invite him to sleep at home this weekend."

Step 5. Put your cell phone aside
Even if you don't speak out loud, it's never a good idea to text to communicate what you want to say. You should never have your phone handy when you are in class, otherwise you will get distracted from the lesson and disturb your classmates, forcing the teacher to stop and ask you to put it away. Put it in a safe place, such as in your pocket or backpack.

Step 6. Avoid answering classmates
Sometimes you can't shut up because you can't help but respond to more talkative peers. So, try to warn them politely before entering the class by saying that you cannot chat until the lesson is over. Then ignore their comments in the classroom. They will soon realize that you are not going to talk while the professor is explaining and they will stop engaging you.
- When you are in the hallway before class, take the chattering classmates aside and say, "I won't talk in class anymore. Can we do that during recess?".
- It's not easy to ignore peer comments, especially if someone says something that annoys you. In these cases, instead of responding in anger and interrupting the lesson, write a note to use later when you have the opportunity to inform the person concerned that his words have made you nervous.
Part 2 of 2: Asking for Help

Step 1. Ask friends to help you
If you want to stop talking, you don't have to be ashamed to get help. Try asking a classmate to give you a signal every time you start talking in class. For example, he may cough or touch your shoulder. Whichever gesture you choose, make sure you don't involve him in your speeches or frustrate his help.

Step 2. Talk to a teacher
You will probably think that a professor is only capable of screaming to make you stop talking. However, his intervention can be invaluable if you ask him. Tell him that you have a hard time not chatting during the lesson and see if he has any suggestions for you.
Once the lesson is over, tell him, "I would like to stop talking in class, but I still have some problems. Could you help me?". He will surely be happy to give you some tips for staying silent

Step 3. Use a visual aid
Put a post-it note on the counter with a sentence written on it that you remember not to speak. Whenever you want to open your mouth, read the note.
Try writing: "I can speak when the lesson is over" or "Silence is golden"

Step 4. Don't be discouraged
Just keep silent during the lesson. It's sure to take some time to learn these new techniques, but don't give up!
Set realistic goals. You probably won't be able to stop talking out of the blue. In order not to be discouraged, try not to open your mouth at the beginning until halfway through the lesson. Once you get used to it, try not to shut up for the entire hour

Step 5. Give yourself a reward
When you reach your goals, reward yourself with some candy or play an extra 10 minutes after school. Positive reinforcement will help you continue in the right direction.
- Don't be an idiot and don't be rude when friends talk to you. Always be kind and ask them not to bother you.
- Always answer when you are called.
- If you think it's best to shout "shh!" instead of speaking, you are wrong.